Who can beat Seattle in Seattle?

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Jul 29, 2013
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Judging from your comments you my friend have not watched many Packer games. Every single game is it's own animal and regardless of past results one must look at the teams involved and what they bring to the table to determine whether or not a specific team has a decent chance of winning. The Pack has the MVP at QB, a bruising RB plus a quality #2 back, Pro Bowl wideouts and an OL that is gelling and playing with a lot of confidence. The D has steadily improved and finished the year near the top third in scoring D and have been among the best in the league in run defense since the Bears game. Also, the Packers finished the season with a league leading +14 TO margin and we all know how important TO's are come playoff time. Am I saying with certainty that the Pack will beat the Hawks if they match up? No but what I am saying is that if there is a team that can do it Green Bay would have to be considered by level headed observers as a favorite to do so. Seattle is playing some damn good ball right now but might I point out that the G and G is as well. That first game of the season the Packers played tentatively and it cost them. I have full confidence that if they meet again McCarthy will be more aggressive and do a better job trying to dictate the pace rather than playing into their hands. I think most of America is hoping for these two teams to meet up with a trip to Glendale at stake and I am one of those people. I am a big believer in attacking foes/problems/uncomfortable situations and I can't think of a better way of punching your Super Bowl ticket than a win on the road against the defending champs! Needless to say I disagree with your assertion and have full confidence that our boys (maybe not yours but I speak for the majority of posters here in saying our...) will rise to the occasion and take care of bidness.

I would actually put the Cowboys as the most likely to beat the Seahawks. Cowboys' oline is capable of dominating anyone and they can control the clock against Seattle with their run game. Also, Dez is REALLY freaking good.

As for your assertion that most feel better than 50/50 over Packers beating Seattle, I'm sure most are hopeful that they win, I doubt most rationale posters would actually be extremely confident. I think MM is a great coach Monday-Saturday but I don't have a ton of confidence in the guy that lost us the Bills game and then said our run/pass balance was perfectly okay after the game. I just feel like MM gets caught up in proving his passing game can win anything and, after taking so much flack for avoiding Sherman in the first game, his pride and Rodgers' may lead them to forcing things in the passing game they probably shouldn't.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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I would actually put the Cowboys as the most likely to beat the Seahawks. Cowboys' oline is capable of dominating anyone and they can control the clock against Seattle with their run game. Also, Dez is REALLY freaking good.

As for your assertion that most feel better than 50/50 over Packers beating Seattle, I'm sure most are hopeful that they win, I doubt most rationale posters would actually be extremely confident. I think MM is a great coach Monday-Saturday but I don't have a ton of confidence in the guy that lost us the Bills game and then said our run/pass balance was perfectly okay after the game. I just feel like MM gets caught up in proving his passing game can win anything and, after taking so much flack for avoiding Sherman in the first game, his pride and Rodgers' may lead them to forcing things in the passing game they probably shouldn't.
Interesting stuff and the points are valid.

I don't think the Koolaid drinkers will appreciate it but it's worth considering.


Feb 5, 2014
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I love your enthusiasm, but if the Pack has to go to SEA, I don't see them winning that one...not saying it isn't possible, just not likely...if that game were played in GB I'd give the Pack the edge, but GB blew that opportunity when they lost to BUF...
Eh, Greenbay was an infant version of what we are today. Last time we played Seattle... The Buffalo game was what made it clear. Lacy blew them up on every touch. And we lost the game? The MVP of the league throws 2 picks, and Jordy drops a bomb, right in his hands?!?! It was such an obvious reason we lost, that the loss finally made the point very clear... We are now balanced. for real balanced. The Lions game was the test, and we demolished the recipe to beat the packers.....Drop 7, rush 4. The great D-lines can do it and disrupt us enough to win. But when Lacy is getting 10 yards a carry through a quarter and a half, they have to play normal. Then Rodgers kills them! We had over 100 yds in the 1st quarter I believe. And the Lions average like 68 yds a game run defense... If I remember right. We demolished them. Hayward was on Bush, like stink on Bear. To be honest... If they had run it down our throat, they would have done better...
Seattle is a beast. But we are wrecking teams right now. And we have the recipe that nullifies the seahawks recipe. And I dont think they will believe it themselves, until they see it happen, in front of the entire 12th. Lynch will have a big day... Lynch hasnt seen the 4 LBs we have now though...Peppers, Barrington, Mathews, Perry/Neal. Like Lions on the hunt.
I cant wait.


Dec 6, 2009
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New York
I would actually put the Cowboys as the most likely to beat the Seahawks. Cowboys' oline is capable of dominating anyone and they can control the clock against Seattle with their run game. Also, Dez is REALLY freaking good.

As for your assertion that most feel better than 50/50 over Packers beating Seattle, I'm sure most are hopeful that they win, I doubt most rationale posters would actually be extremely confident. I think MM is a great coach Monday-Saturday but I don't have a ton of confidence in the guy that lost us the Bills game and then said our run/pass balance was perfectly okay after the game. I just feel like MM gets caught up in proving his passing game can win anything and, after taking so much flack for avoiding Sherman in the first game, his pride and Rodgers' may lead them to forcing things in the passing game they probably shouldn't.

I agree with you that the Cowboys have the best chance. However, the only way Dallas would play Seattle is if Dallas beat us in Lambeau, which I certainly hope doesn't happen, and then goes on to face Seattle in the NFC Chanpionship game.


Jul 29, 2013
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I agree with you that the Cowboys have the best chance. However, the only way Dallas would play Seattle is if Dallas beat us in Lambeau, which I certainly hope doesn't happen, and then goes on to face Seattle in the NFC Chanpionship game.

Yeah, I was just talking in theory...in reality I don't think the Cowboys really have any chance since I don't think they'll win at Lambeau.


Nov 8, 2012
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I would actually put the Cowboys as the most likely to beat the Seahawks. Cowboys' oline is capable of dominating anyone and they can control the clock against Seattle with their run game. Also, Dez is REALLY freaking good.

As for your assertion that most feel better than 50/50 over Packers beating Seattle, I'm sure most are hopeful that they win, I doubt most rationale posters would actually be extremely confident. I think MM is a great coach Monday-Saturday but I don't have a ton of confidence in the guy that lost us the Bills game and then said our run/pass balance was perfectly okay after the game. I just feel like MM gets caught up in proving his passing game can win anything and, after taking so much flack for avoiding Sherman in the first game, his pride and Rodgers' may lead them to forcing things in the passing game they probably shouldn't.

I wouldn't put our chances of winning in Seattle at better than 30%. I'd certainly feel much better at Lambeau, but I simply haven't seen anything on the road against great defensive teams that can give me any more confidence than that.

I'd sure love to get the opportunity though and if our season ends with an NFC Championship loss in Seattle I still feel like we'll be able to look back in a couple months and realize we've come a long ways this year and have a lot of reason to be excited about our chances to win more championships soon in the Rodgers era.


Oct 5, 2014
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And neither is the first game of the season. This is a much better Packer team now, just starting to peak.

We can definitely beat the Seahawks in their house. It won't be easy, but we have the scariest offense in the NFL. Now that our defense is rolling, if wecan play solid and avoid stupid mistakes, Seattle will have their hands full.

Scary because we are so good or scary because we don't know if our kickers will get the ball off or our receivers will catch the ball or not or if our coach will will go for 4th and 1 with an empty backfield telegraphing our play.

I suspect you meant he former but the latter has to be considered.


Sep 18, 2012
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Eh, Greenbay was an infant version of what we are today. Last time we played Seattle... The Buffalo game was what made it clear. Lacy blew them up on every touch. And we lost the game? The MVP of the league throws 2 picks, and Jordy drops a bomb, right in his hands?!?! It was such an obvious reason we lost, that the loss finally made the point very clear... We are now balanced. for real balanced. The Lions game was the test, and we demolished the recipe to beat the packers.....Drop 7, rush 4. The great D-lines can do it and disrupt us enough to win. But when Lacy is getting 10 yards a carry through a quarter and a half, they have to play normal. Then Rodgers kills them! We had over 100 yds in the 1st quarter I believe. And the Lions average like 68 yds a game run defense... If I remember right. We demolished them. Hayward was on Bush, like stink on Bear. To be honest... If they had run it down our throat, they would have done better...
Seattle is a beast. But we are wrecking teams right now. And we have the recipe that nullifies the seahawks recipe. And I dont think they will believe it themselves, until they see it happen, in front of the entire 12th. Lynch will have a big day... Lynch hasnt seen the 4 LBs we have now though...Peppers, Barrington, Mathews, Perry/Neal. Like Lions on the hunt.
I cant wait.

Your right. There not gonna believe it. I'm gonna be there and take a video. I'll post it for you guys.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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I sent one of my jr. high teachers a love letter cuz I had a crush on her and she corrected it...
And you will remember that for the rest of your life. Hopefully with a wistful smile. ;)


Jun 8, 2014
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Sure, the Seahawks would be favored , and rightfully so. But there's a big difference between regular season and playoffs, and even bigger from week one to seventeen.


Nov 8, 2012
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Sure, the Seahawks would be favored , and rightfully so. But there's a big difference between regular season and playoffs, and even bigger from week one to seventeen.

Absolutely. We're a better team than we were Week 1. But, so are the Seahawks.

And Week 15 showed that we are still very susceptible to offensive struggles when on the road vs. an elite defense. Trust me, I'll be rooting hard if this game happens and will have hope, but they've yet to prove they can win this type of game.

Would be, obviously, extremely satisfying to see it happen.

The Drew

The Drew Cave
Dec 24, 2009
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Military Installations
Detroit bc their rushing D will limit Lynch. Suh might stomp Wilson. But Stafford will give the game away to the Seattle D.

Im not counting my chickens before they hatch, but I want Seattle. I want to watch Rodgers silence the 12th man. I only wish tate was still there.

I have the exact same feelings bro!!!
Aug 16, 2014
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I love your enthusiasm, but if the Pack has to go to SEA, I don't see them winning that one...not saying it isn't possible, just not likely...if that game were played in GB I'd give the Pack the edge, but GB blew that opportunity when they lost to BUF...
For me it's not just about the record.
Yes, one could pick out a few poor performance games. But in each of those games we played D+ C- to our ability at that point against very solid defenses. If our play had been just C+ B- range itbwouldve made a major impact on momentum swings
The difference now is our Defense has improved substantially since week 1 of a defensive "Pilot" program. We went from bottom 3rd D ranking to top 3rd D in the ensuing games.. we just pounded 150 yards against Arguably the #1 rushing D albeit at our home, but we had Suh frustrated big time.
In a mock scenario.. I'm gonna go against the grain here and say GB trails Seattle by 1-4 points mid 4th. thats hardly enough to shutter and tremble over here.
Especially if GB produces a turnover on D late in the game.
Listen. Do we wanna go to Seattle? Of course not. But IF we do business and get there... We will be in this game end of the 4th qtr GB 26 Seattle 24
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Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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I'm gonna go against the grain here and say GB trails Seattle by 1-4 points mid 4th. thats hardly enough to shutter and tremble over here.
I just have no idea how people come up with these highly detailed point predictions. It's ridiculous.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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I just don't see how the Packers can get off the field against Wilson. He wii scramble for a first down any time he needs to in order to keep drives alive. 3rd and ten and he will scramble for 11. Wilson is a bigger problem than even Lynch. On offense Seattle will double Cobb and Nelson and make Adams, Boykin, Quarless, Rr and Lacy beat them. While Lacy would pick up some yds on the ground, it's very doubtful Seattles run defense would allow the Packers run offense to sustain enough drives to win the game. Even last week against the Lions the run game was great on the first drive but only averaged 3 yds per carry the rest of the game. If that happens against Seattle the Packers will be limited to a shotgun offense dumping the ball off to guys other than Cobb and Nelson

Deleted member 6794

I just don't see how the Packers can get off the field against Wilson. He wii scramble for a first down any time he needs to in order to keep drives alive. 3rd and ten and he will scramble for 11. Wilson is a bigger problem than even Lynch. On offense Seattle will double Cobb and Nelson and make Adams, Boykin, Quarless, Rr and Lacy beat them. While Lacy would pick up some yds on the ground, it's very doubtful Seattles run defense would allow the Packers run offense to sustain enough drives to win the game. Even last week against the Lions the run game was great on the first drive but only averaged 3 yds per carry the rest of the game. If that happens against Seattle the Packers will be limited to a shotgun offense dumping the ball off to guys other than Cobb and Nelson

The most important thing vs. the Seahawks is to stop Lynch running between the tackles without having to put an extra guy into the box. That is a very difficult task but not impossible to do.

If the Packers can do that I expect them to have a guy spy Wilson on every single snap (Burnett would be a good choice IMO) hoping to limit his runs.

I think the Packers cornerbacks can shut down their receivers with only Clinton-Dix providing help over the top.

On offense, it's essential to establish the run and get Lacy and one of the TEs involved in the passing game early to move Chancellor and maybe even Thomas closer to the LOS.


Feb 5, 2014
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I just don't see how the Packers can get off the field against Wilson. He wii scramble for a first down any time he needs to in order to keep drives alive. 3rd and ten and he will scramble for 11. Wilson is a bigger problem than even Lynch. On offense Seattle will double Cobb and Nelson and make Adams, Boykin, Quarless, Rr and Lacy beat them. While Lacy would pick up some yds on the ground, it's very doubtful Seattles run defense would allow the Packers run offense to sustain enough drives to win the game. Even last week against the Lions the run game was great on the first drive but only averaged 3 yds per carry the rest of the game. If that happens against Seattle the Packers will be limited to a shotgun offense dumping the ball off to guys other than Cobb and Nelson
Lynch is their key to victory. We have to keep our talent on the field, and right now our secondary is stacked, and the LBs are stacked. Our front can be run on with a good RB like Lynch... They have been know to do exactly what we plan to do with Lacy. Tear off 10 yards a carry. They feed the beast and we will be caught flat footed.... Thats what they do.
Thats what we are going to do too. Only better, :)


Mar 13, 2014
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Broken Arrow, OK (Milwaukee born)
I would actually put the Cowboys as the most likely to beat the Seahawks. Cowboys' oline is capable of dominating anyone and they can control the clock against Seattle with their run game. Also, Dez is REALLY freaking good.

As for your assertion that most feel better than 50/50 over Packers beating Seattle, I'm sure most are hopeful that they win, I doubt most rationale posters would actually be extremely confident. I think MM is a great coach Monday-Saturday but I don't have a ton of confidence in the guy that lost us the Bills game and then said our run/pass balance was perfectly okay after the game. I just feel like MM gets caught up in proving his passing game can win anything and, after taking so much flack for avoiding Sherman in the first game, his pride and Rodgers' may lead them to forcing things in the passing game they probably shouldn't.

So you don't have any confidence in Coach because as you say he lost us the Bills game? What about the Super Bowl victory? What about the beatdown (forget the final score, we handled them) of the Patriots? Belichick was soundly out-coached that game and I am pretty sure that was on a Sunday. What about the 4 straight Norris titles he has lead this team to? Look, I am not trying to start anything here but to bluntly state that our coach is basically a hack is something I just have to strongly disagree with. Yes, he does make some mistakes and some games he does get out-coached. On the other hand he has lead this squad to a bunch of wins and has a nice even temperament which is what I myself like in a leader. He was stubborn in Buffalo and as I mentioned he has his share of off days but I guarantee you that if he were let go tomorrow there would be 20-something teams finding a way to have him at the helm of their teams. He is very highly respected in the industry and his name is constantly mentioned when the "NFL Insiders" talk about the upper echelon of head coaches. I do respect your opinion but do not agree with it. Hope that's rationale enough for ya...

Onto the Dallas comment. I do think Dallas could give them a helluva game and that's somewhat of a silly statement considering they did just that a few months ago. I agree with your assertion about their O-Line and I think it's the best in the league right now. With that said you can't compare our O-Line at the start of the season (more specifically Seattle, week 1) to the current group. Linsley was completely wet behind the ears and Bulaga was playing in his first real game in over a year. I am not saying we are as good as the Cowboys line but we aren't that far off. We did a great job last week putting up 152 yards on a defensive unit that lead the league in rushing yards per game at 69.3 ypg all season. Seattle ranks 3rd in the league and I see no reason why we couldn't have similar success vs. them.

I guess it comes down to imagining both teams playing well and whether or not you believe the Packers can win in that scenario. I do, you don't. No biggie. G P G!!!


I'm a victim of coicumstances!
Nov 13, 2013
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Assuming the Cowboys beat the Lions, it looks like Carolina will be going to Seattle next weekend. Newton has a bad back and I don't foresee them beating the Seahawks.


Dec 20, 2014
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The coach didn't lose the Bills game. Almost 10 dropped passes, some very crucial ones that resulted in punts rather than 1st downs, missed TD's, and turnovers rather than moving the chains cost us the game. Toss in some questionable penalties on big plays and we get what we got, beat.


Sep 27, 2010
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I sent one of my jr. high teachers a love letter cuz I had a crush on her and she corrected it...
End of story or is there more?

. . . We have been married now for 26 years.

. . . She said the grammar was so bad that a spanking was in order. She plucked my man flower that day after school .


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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End of story or is there more?

. . . We have been married now for 26 years.

. . . She said the grammar was so bad that a spanking was in order. She plucked my man flower that day after school .



Jan 17, 2011
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Glasgow, Scotland
I honestly think the Panthers are more of a threat to Seattle than the Lions or the Cowboys. They are hot right now and there defense has looked damn good over the past few weeks.. However, I still think it will be Packers - Seahawks for the NFC championship.

The other reason is the Cowboys have Romo at QB and I don't care how good he has played during the season, if the Lions stop the run and he has to carry the team I don't trust him to do it.


Jul 29, 2013
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So you don't have any confidence in Coach because as you say he lost us the Bills game? What about the Super Bowl victory? What about the beatdown (forget the final score, we handled them) of the Patriots? Belichick was soundly out-coached that game and I am pretty sure that was on a Sunday. What about the 4 straight Norris titles he has lead this team to? Look, I am not trying to start anything here but to bluntly state that our coach is basically a hack is something I just have to strongly disagree with. Yes, he does make some mistakes and some games he does get out-coached. On the other hand he has lead this squad to a bunch of wins and has a nice even temperament which is what I myself like in a leader. He was stubborn in Buffalo and as I mentioned he has his share of off days but I guarantee you that if he were let go tomorrow there would be 20-something teams finding a way to have him at the helm of their teams. He is very highly respected in the industry and his name is constantly mentioned when the "NFL Insiders" talk about the upper echelon of head coaches. I do respect your opinion but do not agree with it. Hope that's rationale enough for ya...

Onto the Dallas comment. I do think Dallas could give them a helluva game and that's somewhat of a silly statement considering they did just that a few months ago. I agree with your assertion about their O-Line and I think it's the best in the league right now. With that said you can't compare our O-Line at the start of the season (more specifically Seattle, week 1) to the current group. Linsley was completely wet behind the ears and Bulaga was playing in his first real game in over a year. I am not saying we are as good as the Cowboys line but we aren't that far off. We did a great job last week putting up 152 yards on a defensive unit that lead the league in rushing yards per game at 69.3 ypg all season. Seattle ranks 3rd in the league and I see no reason why we couldn't have similar success vs. them.

I guess it comes down to imagining both teams playing well and whether or not you believe the Packers can win in that scenario. I do, you don't. No biggie. G P G!!!

Hey, as I said, MM is a great Monday-Saturday coach and we have a terrific QB. Look around the league, there isn't an unbiased observer that would say MM is a good gameday coach. He's just not. He's one of the best at developing the players, getting the guys to play together and building a gameplan during the week. However, if his gameplan doesn't work like he wanted it to, he's NOT very good at adjusting on the fly. Luckily we have a VERY GOOD quarterback that means we rarely don't succeed with the initial gameplan.

Why can I not say a guy is a good coach but not a good gameday coach? The Bills game friggin proves my point for me!!! Maybe you could tell me how a "great" gameday coach can't adjust his pass-first gameplan when the team is averaging over 6 yards per carry and his QB is having a terrible day? In a game that, as it turns out, might be HUGELY important to whether or not the Packers make it to the Superbowl?

I also never said we couldn't run on Seattle, I actually implied that I think we SHOULD run on them since I don't want MM and Rodgers to try and prove something out there. I didn't try and compare our oline at the start of the season to Dallas', the Dallas oline is the best in the NFL, the Packers are top-10 but not close to the best. I also don't think the Packers' coaches will or want to run the ball as much as Dallas (which is totally weird to say considering Garrett's history).

He's a very good coach, at no point have I ever said he's a poor coach. He's one of the best in the NFL. That doesn't mean he's perfect. I also don't ever recall saying that the Packers can't win in Seattle but if it makes your argument stronger by making things up, so be it. I simply raised a concern that I would have going into that game. If you think MM will make every adjustment necessary and be perfect in the game, more power to you and I hope you're right.
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