Rodgers on The Pat MacAfee Show


Oct 10, 2021
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He’s got 60 million guaranteed reasons to play next year. He’s our leader and we stick with him as long as he wants to play. I personally think he’s done after next year.


Aug 2, 2021
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Who can be good at anything if you're hurting the team with your ego.

It's easier to say than doing. Imagine being a QB for 15 years plus. Way different ball game typing on a forum than playing. I don't mean to be rude; I just don't quite understand some of the criticism here. I understand respecting people's opinions. I definitely don't mean to come off as attacking. Look at it through his shoes I guess is what I mean.

Deleted member 6794

Yes and no, Yes, you never know how someone is going to react in a real game until they play in real games. That is as true as the sun rising and setting. But, whether he shows well or poorly, the long term projections are still going to be based on what they think they know about him from practice. Can he learn from mistakes, how quickly, does he accept coaching, how does he throw etc.

If comes out and balls out, does it mean it's all good? Maybe, maybe it just means defenses were playing learn the qb football and now have 5 games of tape for the rest of the league to study and he comes out next year and everything he went to in high stress situations, they take away. It happens year after year in this league. Can he adapt, handle the stress, accept the coaching, retain the knowledge? I think they have a good feel on that already. Games are higher pressure situations and you can't simulate that in practice. But then some guys learn to work thru that, and some guys don't. Very few are good with it to start with and takes time. Rodgers, Peyton, everyone. It's a rare duck that is a finished product and while 5 games might give you some insight, it might just muddy the waters too because it's enough time to stress the weakness, but not really enough time to finish the product either.

On the flip side, he could come out and suck. Throw the ball well, but turn it over a lot, mis some reads when the first one isn't there etc. He makes some plays, but we score very few points etc. Does it mean he's going to suck long term? Well that depends, can he accept the coaching, learn from mistakes, retain the information etc.

So i stand by my original comment, the fans "need" to see Love in these games more than the staff does. and in the end none of us will really know until he's the guy doing it week after week after week.

I agree that there wouldn't be a way to make a final evaluation of Love even if he ends up playing in several games this season for some of the reasons you stated.

On the other hand I'm quite sure the coaching staff would feel more comfortable in doing so by watching him perform against opposing defenses compared to practicing against the scout team for the majority of practice snaps. They most likely would even get a better idea of how well he responds to coaching after making mistakes in games.

I would especially be interested in how well he's able to read opposing defenses blitzing him (he struggled mightily against the Chiefs last year) as well as going through his progressions once his first read isn't as open as against the Eagles.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI


May 2, 2012
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I hope Kimmel decides to sue his clown ***. It will be interesting to see what ESPN, as well as McAffe does with this latest Rodgers shenanigans.

However, Kimmel's name appears in the Epstein documents numerous times. Now appearing is not the same as being....well involved I'll say.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI


Dec 26, 2021
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I do love Jimmy's response to Rodger's false allegations:

Kimmel is one of the biggest wastes of carbon on the face of the earth.
Can dish it out but can't take it.
Typical elitist with too much alcohol in his blood surrogate.

Rodgers is easily the most intelligent professional athlete I've heard and read. Kimmel should have kept his mouth shut about Rodgers and the pandemic because none of his crap aged well.
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Jun 11, 2012
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Kimmel is one of the biggest wastes of carbon on the face of the earth.
Can dish it out but can't take it.
Typical elitist with too much alcohol in his blood surrogate.

Rodgers is easily the most intelligent professional athlete I've heard and read. Kimmel should have kept his mouth shut about Rodgers and the pandemic because none of his crap aged well.
The only team he evoked some real humor was on the old MAN SHOW. But that was mainly due to Adam Carolla.


May 12, 2014
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Don't know if you recall LoveLine with Dr. DREW. He was on that for a while with those other two women to offset his smart *** remarks.
Really does not sound like something I would ever watch.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
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Oshkosh, WI
I hope Kimmel decides to sue his clown ***. It will be interesting to see what ESPN, as well as McAffe does with this latest Rodgers shenanigans.

I heard Rodgers' vague, scattershot inference and Kimmel wouldn't do well in a defamation or libel suit. I can hear Rodgers' defensive response already. He didn't say Kimmel was on the list - he said Kimmel wouldn't like it when the names are released.

See ... I don't view Rodgers as "intelligent" and I don't view Kimmel as a comedian. I see Rodgers as a guy hellbent on creating a "brand" for himself and as such, latches on to kook-theories that will have him appear to be set apart and/or superior to others. The man WANTS to viewed as an intellect swimming against the current. Winning a celebrity Jeopardy show and latching on to fringe beliefs while having a microphone and a stage to spew away doesn't make one "intelligent". I believe Rodgers framed up his response to allow himself an exit strategy when another of his adopted theories was blown out of the water.

Kimmel is a social satirist/TV host who also has a microphone and a stage - mainly to sell advertising minutes. I've wondered if Rodgers didn't secretly want to needle Kimmel in the hopes that the relationship would then be viewed as the "cute" one Kimmel has with Matt Damon (which is fun back and forth) - let's face it, Kimmel's name recognition is a lot higher than Rodgers' ... so latch onto a star?

Make no mistake - #12 is/was an absolute all-time great NFL QB (albeit one who couldn't get out of his own way). Aaron Rodgers, the guy, is positioning himself as a highly paid crack-pot. Kimmel is a TV host who can theoretically influence people's thinking because they're watching TV when they should be getting sleep, sleep deprivation anyone?? that they wouldn't be so easily influenced by a TV personality.

Anyway ... EVERYONE seems to have a microphone and stage these days and the general public isn't sufficiently trained/educated to sift through the deluge of pure unadulterated crap that is thrown at us on an hourly basis. I can promise you one thing though -- a dystopian prophet is not capable of influencing my thinking. Although I'm sure Rodgers believes all the crap he's selling, he wouldn't lose a defamation/libel action - one of those "not guilty" versus "innocent" arguments.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I heard Rodgers' vague, scattershot inference and Kimmel wouldn't do well in a defamation or libel suit. I can hear Rodgers' defensive response already. He didn't say Kimmel was on the list - he said Kimmel wouldn't like it when the names are released.

See ... I don't view Rodgers as "intelligent" and I don't view Kimmel as a comedian. I see Rodgers as a guy hellbent on creating a "brand" for himself and as such, latches on to kook-theories that will have him appear to be set apart and/or superior to others. The man WANTS to viewed as an intellect swimming against the current. Winning a celebrity Jeopardy show and latching on to fringe beliefs while having a microphone and a stage to spew away doesn't make one "intelligent". I believe Rodgers framed up his response to allow himself an exit strategy when another of his adopted theories was blown out of the water.

Kimmel is a social satirist/TV host who also has a microphone and a stage - mainly to sell advertising minutes. I've wondered if Rodgers didn't secretly want to needle Kimmel in the hopes that the relationship would then be viewed as the "cute" one Kimmel has with Matt Damon (which is fun back and forth) - let's face it, Kimmel's name recognition is a lot higher than Rodgers' ... so latch onto a star?

Make no mistake - #12 is/was an absolute all-time great NFL QB (albeit one who couldn't get out of his own way). Aaron Rodgers, the guy, is positioning himself as a highly paid crack-pot. Kimmel is a TV host who can theoretically influence people's thinking because they're watching TV when they should be getting sleep, sleep deprivation anyone?? that they wouldn't be so easily influenced by a TV personality.

Anyway ... EVERYONE seems to have a microphone and stage these days and the general public isn't sufficiently trained/educated to sift through the deluge of pure unadulterated crap that is thrown at us on an hourly basis. I can promise you one thing though -- a dystopian prophet is not capable of influencing my thinking. Although I'm sure Rodgers believes all the crap he's selling, he wouldn't lose a defamation/libel action - one of those "not guilty" versus "innocent" arguments.
Well said and I agree with everything that you did say, including the fact that Kimmel would have a tough time winning a defamation suit. That said, threatening one, while calling out Rodgers for his remarks, wasn't a bad idea either.

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