Rodgers on The Pat MacAfee Show

Aug 1, 2017
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I been tuning into Pat MacAfee Show on Tuesdays to listen to A-Rod talk.

I come to the conclusion those questions they ask Rodgers are "prescreened."
This Tuesday Rodgers talked about pulling a Britt Farve and talking about never quitting even with his cracked ribs
and broken thumb.

Well Mr. Rodgers I got a question for you.
What about you playing at 60-70% and the other team players are playing at 100%.
Just seems he's just playing a hero at the expense of the team.

Put JLo in there at least for this upcoming Bears game, getting a bye, then seeing if he can at least get back to close to 90%.

Your Thoughts

Todd Princl

Apr 19, 2021
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Something tells me that this might be a farewell tour for him. Who knows with Aaron. With next years cap situation he will have to see if it is worth coming back or not. They definitely are going to have to trim some fat. Taking on Savage’s 5th year option is looking pretty horrible now.
But I think we can right the ship on defense with a new coordinator.
The problem is I want our two first picks to be an offensive tackle and tight end.
On defense we might have to replace Smith, Lowery, and Amos.

Todd Princl

Apr 19, 2021
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Yeah, that certainly is odd. It really is going to be a strange off-season with a lot of drama. Love looked pretty good in his few series. With Philly up 2 touchdowns they were playing off a little bit. But man Love looked very crisp when n his delivery. His footwork has improved greatly.
I believe Rodgers wants to retire a Packer. But if say someone like the Colts come calling, that might entice him. They have pretty good receivers. I don’t see New England in the game, but San Fran if they could come up with a package of players and picks, I would go for it.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Yeah, that certainly is odd. It really is going to be a strange off-season with a lot of drama. Love looked pretty good in his few series. With Philly up 2 touchdowns they were playing off a little bit. But man Love looked very crisp when n his delivery. His footwork has improved greatly.
I believe Rodgers wants to retire a Packer. But if say someone like the Colts come calling, that might entice him. They have pretty good receivers. I don’t see New England in the game, but San Fran if they could come up with a package of players and picks, I would go for it.


Jan 30, 2010
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Rest Home
I am beyond tired of Mrs Rodgers. Fwiw Dave Whitehurst couldve played against phil prevent d. I dont know, but Lowry shouldve been gone already - along with Savage. If the GM has any Ron Wolf in him heads on this staff should roll heavily. OC, DC, LB and DB coaches. Keep MLF for one more year. anything less than 10 in the W column and he gets the gate as well going forward.


Dec 20, 2015
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The optimist in me says that Rodgers believes everything that he says. If he is healthy enough to play and the Packers are paying him all this money so, he is playing.

The pessimist in me says Rodgers wants to keep Love as Schrödinger's QB. That is, Love is simultaneously the future QB of the Packers and is not in their plans and it is only until Love plays extensively that they will have more of an answer and he wants nothing to do with providing that answer if he can avoid it.

I lean towards being a pessimist.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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The optimist in me says that Rodgers believes everything that he says. If he is healthy enough to play and the Packers are paying him all this money so, he is playing.

The pessimist in me says Rodgers wants to keep Love as Schrödinger's QB. That is, Love is simultaneously the future QB of the Packers and is not in their plans and it is only until Love plays extensively that they will have more of an answer and he wants nothing to do with providing that answer if he can avoid it.

I lean towards being a pessimist.
they share same agent I believe. Must be interesting situation for.that agent


May 2, 2012
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Something tells me that this might be a farewell tour for him. Who knows with Aaron. With next years cap situation he will have to see if it is worth coming back or not. They definitely are going to have to trim some fat. Taking on Savage’s 5th year option is looking pretty horrible now.
But I think we can right the ship on defense with a new coordinator.
The problem is I want our two first picks to be an offensive tackle and tight end.
On defense we might have to replace Smith, Lowery, and Amos.

Why would Smith be gone? He just signed an extension that is quite honestly a STEAL for GB structure wise for the entire thing really so long as Preston keeps being one of the stronger parts of the defense and plays starting level OLB which he is.


Feb 8, 2017
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It just would be refreshing to have a talented QB in Green Bay that is a people person, glad to be playing for The Packers
and not a drama queen draining the teams check book with his salary.
In the early years, Rodgers was the good guy and Favre was the drama queen. Funny how players progress as they become veterans and entitled.

Rodgers said that he wants to play until the Packers are mathematically eliminated, then he would consider "having a conversation" with the coaches about them looking at Love. That was in the post game conference, I think? But you want a quarterback who wants to play, so that's not necessarily bad.

Deleted member 6794


Also, I see Rodgers isn't practicing this week.
How does that work?
He sure can't be 100% even without his injury's

What??? You understand Rodgers wasn't practicing on Wednesday because of his injuries, don't you??? FYI he was a limited participant yesterday.

In general there are several players who end up playing on Sundays while not practicing all week around the league.
Wi. Mike now in Florida
Aug 1, 2017
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In general there are several players who end up playing on Sundays while not practicing all week around the league.
Yes, I understand that, but I aways question how effective are they with no or limited practice.
Like Rodgers playing at 60% with limited practice when they could start JLO at 100%.


Aug 26, 2008
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***** Gorda, FL
In the early years, Rodgers was the good guy and Favre was the drama queen. Funny how players progress as they become veterans and entitled.

Rodgers said that he wants to play until the Packers are mathematically eliminated, then he would consider "having a conversation" with the coaches about them looking at Love. That was in the post game conference, I think? But you want a quarterback who wants to play, so that's not necessarily bad.
Yes, it is odd how some fans think less of Rodgers because he wants to play be out there with his guys. He is the leader of the team to his peers. When they see him gutting it out knowing he isn't 100% by any stretch should instill his teammates will follow suit. He has said some really nice things about Love this week and told reporters he enjoyed watching him Sunday night. But for some Rodgers is the selfish narcissist. :rolleyes:


May 12, 2014
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If he has been hurting us because of his injury(s); then we should not be playing him. It bugs me that he seems to be able to dictate when he does and does not play.
Aug 16, 2014
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The optimist in me says that Rodgers believes everything that he says. If he is healthy enough to play and the Packers are paying him all this money so, he is playing.

The pessimist in me says Rodgers wants to keep Love as Schrödinger's QB. That is, Love is simultaneously the future QB of the Packers and is not in their plans and it is only until Love plays extensively that they will have more of an answer and he wants nothing to do with providing that answer if he can avoid it.

I lean towards being a pessimist.
I don’t think it’s being a pessimist telling the truth. Although society calls it that way to hide from it.

We’re all competitive with innate pride in trying to “measure up” Especially Pro athletes. Brett Favre didn’t want #12 playing anymore than Rodgers wants #10 playing. It’s almost like these guys perceive the mere threat of being replaced as an indictment on themselves. It’s really not because #12 is a great QB either way.

I think once they get outside their environment (play for another team or retire etc..) they realize the bigger picture and they let go that animosity for anyone who threatens them (perceived threat)
The same competitive nature that makes Rodgers great as a Pro athlete causes him to stumble some (we all do) in relationships (ego).

Who wants to be replaced at something they both heavily identify with and are good at? I don’t
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Dec 20, 2014
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He has said some really nice things about Love this week and told reporters he enjoyed watching him Sunday night. But for some Rodgers is the selfish narcissist. :rolleyes:
crazy isn't it?

When guys sign a check and don't play as hard, fans get mad. When guys sign checks and want to play, they're selfish and ego maniacs.

We all know the likelihood of making the playoffs is so close to zero, it may as well be. But it's not zero, and some of these guys want to play. If Rodgers is healthy enough, I'm putting him in as my starter every single time. The season is not over, this is what they're paid to do.

I don't think the staff needs to see Love as much as fans think they do, or want to see Love. Fans don't have a clue anyway. most can't see past a completion or incompletion. A sack or a positive play, a TD or no TD. They see the result, but nothing that goes into making the result. The next 5 games might make you as a fan feel better, but I don't think it has as much influence on the staff and what they think. They know how coachable he is, how well he retains things, how well he reacts to situations, etc.
Aug 16, 2014
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If Rodgers is healthy enough,
The lure of winning supersedes a players health. Do not forget that This is a big $ business.

I look at it this way. If this was my Son and I knew he was hurt bad enough to exit a game Sunday night to get X-rays. If I’m his Coach Would I play him the following Sunday while knowing all along I had a bye week following. Also knowing I had a capable backup QB that finished the last game well and had a legitimate chance to win?

No way in hell. Speaking of us ignorant fans. I would further that motion and say it’s us fans that propel these unnecessary moves out of OUR selfishness. You underestimate the power that an entire fan base has.

As a Coach you have the responsibility to do the right thing against all public, fan or player scrutiny no matter how temporarily disappointed they are. Lastly, you always side on a players health over winning. If he’s 100% ok. If he’s not put in your backup QB for the game and get through the bye week healthy. We have a backup QB for a reason and idk if It’s Brett Hundley
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Dec 20, 2014
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Hardly any of these players, play at 100% in an NFL season. if that were the criteria, we'd have 300 man rosters and even then they might not have enough for a team LOL.
I know regular Joes who were layed up in an ICU with temporary pacemakers shoved down their neck and unable to move for 3 days that get the wires yanked out of their neck and go home like nothing happened and back to life. Some guys on the football field don't walk off under their own power and come back in to play the 2nd half after xrays clear them.
I suspect the training staff and the QB will make the right decision. They aren't going to jeopardize their HOF QB just because. If they felt he was at high risk of further substantial injury, more so than what a QB faces in any game on any snap, he won't be playing.


Jul 29, 2013
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The lure of winning supersedes a players health. Do not forget that This is a big $ business.

I look at it this way. If this was my Son and I knew he was hurt bad enough to exit a game Sunday night to get X-rays. If I’m his Coach Would I play him the following Sunday while knowing all along I had a bye week following. Also knowing I had a capable backup QB that finished the last game well and had a legitimate chance to win?

No way in hell. Speaking of us ignorant fans. I would further that motion and say it’s us fans that propel these unnecessary moves out of OUR selfishness. You underestimate the power that an entire fan base has.

As a Coach you have the responsibility to do the right thing against all public, fan or player scrutiny no matter how temporarily disappointed they are. Lastly, you always side on a players health over winning. If he’s 100% ok. If he’s not put in your backup QB for the game and get through the bye week healthy. We have a backup QB for a reason and idk if It’s Brett Hundley

Coach’s job is to win. If the medical staff says that playing isn’t going to worsen the injury, what expertise does a freaking coach have to say, “Sorry medical professionals, but my extensive experience designing football plays allows me to better diagnose medical information than you.”

If the medical staff clears a guy to play, that’s all the input a coach should take into consideration. Now, as to how much worse the player is with the injury? That’s something a coach can understand and obviously MLF believes that the current Rodgers is better than the current Love. Fans can disagree but MLF sees a whole lot more of both players than us fans do.
Wi. Mike now in Florida
Aug 1, 2017
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That’s something a coach can understand and obviously MLF believes that the current Rodgers is better than the current Love. Fans can disagree but MLF sees a whole lot more of both players than us fans do.
I degree with you.
But damit, if his doing poorly, and as his coach, get his drama queen @ss out of the game like he did last Sunday.

Deleted member 6794

Yes, I understand that, but I aways question how effective are they with no or limited practice.
Like Rodgers playing at 60% with limited practice when they could start JLO at 100%.

The coaching staff needs to make the decision on whether to play a player who is hampered by injuries.

It's pretty obvious that the Packers believe Rodgers gives them a better chance of winning as long as he's cleared.

If he has been hurting us because of his injury(s); then we should not be playing him. It bugs me that he seems to be able to dictate when he does and does not play.

Rodgers isn't the one making the decision. It's obvious he wants to play as long as he's healthy enough though.

I don't think the staff needs to see Love as much as fans think they do, or want to see Love. Fans don't have a clue anyway. most can't see past a completion or incompletion. A sack or a positive play, a TD or no TD. They see the result, but nothing that goes into making the result. The next 5 games might make you as a fan feel better, but I don't think it has as much influence on the staff and what they think. They know how coachable he is, how well he retains things, how well he reacts to situations, etc.

I truly believe the coaching staff needs to figure out how Love can deal with blitzes and various alignments of opposing defenses. He was terrible in recognizing the Chiefs scheme last year. Unfortunately there's no way to figure it out in practice.

As a Coach you have the responsibility to do the right thing against all public, fan or player scrutiny no matter how temporarily disappointed they are. Lastly, you always side on a players health over winning.

If you truly believe that last sentence to be true you haven't followed professional sports close enough.


Dec 20, 2014
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I truly believe the coaching staff needs to figure out how Love can deal with blitzes and various alignments of opposing defenses. He was terrible in recognizing the Chiefs scheme last year. Unfortunately there's no way to figure it out in practice.
Yes and no, Yes, you never know how someone is going to react in a real game until they play in real games. That is as true as the sun rising and setting. But, whether he shows well or poorly, the long term projections are still going to be based on what they think they know about him from practice. Can he learn from mistakes, how quickly, does he accept coaching, how does he throw etc.

If comes out and balls out, does it mean it's all good? Maybe, maybe it just means defenses were playing learn the qb football and now have 5 games of tape for the rest of the league to study and he comes out next year and everything he went to in high stress situations, they take away. It happens year after year in this league. Can he adapt, handle the stress, accept the coaching, retain the knowledge? I think they have a good feel on that already. Games are higher pressure situations and you can't simulate that in practice. But then some guys learn to work thru that, and some guys don't. Very few are good with it to start with and takes time. Rodgers, Peyton, everyone. It's a rare duck that is a finished product and while 5 games might give you some insight, it might just muddy the waters too because it's enough time to stress the weakness, but not really enough time to finish the product either.

On the flip side, he could come out and suck. Throw the ball well, but turn it over a lot, mis some reads when the first one isn't there etc. He makes some plays, but we score very few points etc. Does it mean he's going to suck long term? Well that depends, can he accept the coaching, learn from mistakes, retain the information etc.

So i stand by my original comment, the fans "need" to see Love in these games more than the staff does. and in the end none of us will really know until he's the guy doing it week after week after week.

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