P@ck66 said:
I just thought this was a forum where the free exchange of ideas were encouraged...ALL IDEAS...not just the ones you personally like or agree with....just me..i guess....
Don't be hatin'...
The reason a lot of people are sick of your *ahem* ideas, is because they all seem to consist of the following three points:
1. Mike Sherman screwed the Packers.
2. Ted Tompson is currently ******** the Packers.
3. Ted Thompson has a secret agenda to force Brett Favre out of Green Bay.
In fact, I have not read a post yet where you did not make one, two or all of the above points the primary focus of not only the post, but the thread as well. You consistantly do this even in threads that have absolutely nothing to with Sherman, TT or Favre.
Now just for clarification purposes, here's what is abundantly clear to everyone who has ever read one of your posts:
1. We know you hate Mike Sherman and blame him for all the problems in Green Bay.
2. We know you hate Ted Thompson and blame him for all the problems in Green Bay.
3. We all know you think that TT is behind a grand conspiracy to try to run Favre out of Green Bay.
Now, is there still reason to repeat yourself over and over again
ad nauseum???
Robert C. Hedley