Raider Pride
Here is the question?
It is all about winning the Super Bowl I am sure you will agree.
Which fans are hurting worse right now?
Patriot Fans or Packer Fans?
The Patriot fans expected a Super Bowl shot. The Patriots were favorites going into the season, they won three of the last four Super Bowls, and every fan wanted them to win THREE in a row which would have given them something special. The loss of Charlie to Notre Dame, and injuries have the Patriot fans suffering.
Then there are the Packer Fans. 1 and 7 is so ugly especially with Brett as the QB, the injuries to a very good WR and RB set up going into this season before injuries. The Packer fans are suffering as well.
For Pat fans 4 and 4 with the Colts at 8 and 0, may be as bad for a Patriot fan becuase of the expectations they had as 1 and 7 is for a Packer fan with the expectations they had?
I have no idea what the anwer is... Depends on the individual fan and the fan group as a whole?
The question is.... which fan base is suffering more THIS YEAR?
The Packers? or the Pats?
I do know this though.... Both fan bases have suffered for the last 8 weeks. The Pats chances of turning it around and making a run at the Super Bowl is FAR greater than the Packers chances.
Heretofre as far as FUTURE happiness probability is concerned the Pat's fans should want to win every game for the rest of the season.
The Packer fans should say ok I will take another 8 weeks of misery to get one of the top two picks IN EVERY ROUND OF THIS DRAFT that we have picks.
It is kind of like chosing to end your season and go under the knife for surgery so you can come back stronger next year or to try to play the season out with the injury and hope it works out.
Pat fans should hope their team play's the season out with the injury.
Packer fans should chose to give it up this year and go under the knife and look toward the future.
It is all about winning the Super Bowl I am sure you will agree.
Which fans are hurting worse right now?
Patriot Fans or Packer Fans?
The Patriot fans expected a Super Bowl shot. The Patriots were favorites going into the season, they won three of the last four Super Bowls, and every fan wanted them to win THREE in a row which would have given them something special. The loss of Charlie to Notre Dame, and injuries have the Patriot fans suffering.
Then there are the Packer Fans. 1 and 7 is so ugly especially with Brett as the QB, the injuries to a very good WR and RB set up going into this season before injuries. The Packer fans are suffering as well.
For Pat fans 4 and 4 with the Colts at 8 and 0, may be as bad for a Patriot fan becuase of the expectations they had as 1 and 7 is for a Packer fan with the expectations they had?
I have no idea what the anwer is... Depends on the individual fan and the fan group as a whole?
The question is.... which fan base is suffering more THIS YEAR?
The Packers? or the Pats?
I do know this though.... Both fan bases have suffered for the last 8 weeks. The Pats chances of turning it around and making a run at the Super Bowl is FAR greater than the Packers chances.
Heretofre as far as FUTURE happiness probability is concerned the Pat's fans should want to win every game for the rest of the season.
The Packer fans should say ok I will take another 8 weeks of misery to get one of the top two picks IN EVERY ROUND OF THIS DRAFT that we have picks.
It is kind of like chosing to end your season and go under the knife for surgery so you can come back stronger next year or to try to play the season out with the injury and hope it works out.
Pat fans should hope their team play's the season out with the injury.
Packer fans should chose to give it up this year and go under the knife and look toward the future.