It’s now OFFICIAL!!! Rodgers has been traded to the Jets.

Team Ronny

Nov 29, 2020
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How does Brooks figure into this? You have to compare LVN to whomever they would have taken with their own 1st rounder. Musgrave was all bonus. Compare Brooks with who they would have drafted earlier with their 5th rounder. The 2nd rounder next year will be all bonus. I do not disagree on it being a nice haul , I just think you are overstating it. I apologize in advance if I misrepresented what I believed the trade led to.
They didn't have a 6th rd pick..that was traded to them

Team Ronny

Nov 29, 2020
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Got him and wooden confused..they didn't have a 6th round pick..was traded to them. Even wooden is contributing.


Staff member
Aug 13, 2013
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This feels like a punch to the gut. I really wanted him to do well as hes still my QB. I really hope he doesnt hang it up I already seen Favre get knocked out on a cold concrete surface that is the Gophers stadium. Seeing Rodgers last game having an achilles blown out in 4 plays would break my heart.


Apr 6, 2012
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So sorry to hear about Aaron's injury and that he will not play in 2023. I may have disagreed with his attitude sometimes but to have prepared for this season and have it ripped away before it starts is just sad.


Mar 11, 2014
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I am obviously not happy that Rodgers got injured for multiple reasons.

1) He's a human being and I wouldn't root for him to get injured.

2) He can't lock in a 1st rounder for the Packers now.

3) It would have been very interesting to see what he looked like in New York.

So this is not me saying "he deserved it" or I'm glad or anything like that, but I find it really interesting that he got hurt while holding the ball on a three step drop with a blindside cut block where the pass is supposed to come out right away. There are already reports that he didn't like those plays being in the offense. My guess is that they were Hackett's way of trying to cover up for weak tackles. But as I've said for literally years now, Rodgers can still be great when he is willing to play within the logic of a system, but he refuses to do so because he thinks it's still 2011 and he can go play hero ball. He has become his own worst enemy and I am so glad it's not LaFleur's problem anymore.
OK that’s well said. I still keep coming back to (IMO) he held tha Packers hostage and intentionally caused them embarrassment and hurt the organization. His HISTORY of being a prima donna, throwing teamates under the bus, shirking responsability etc, makes me not feel sorry for him a bit. Most likely he’s done until his induction to Canton when all his drama foibles and shortcomings will be long forgotten. At least he won’t be going in head to head with Brady LOL


Jun 11, 2012
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It doesn't speak highly of people who wish ill on someone else, especially someone who plays a sport, simply because they feel he didn't treat the team the fan follows, fairly.

I hope Rodgers can recover and continue his career. It has nothing to do with being a Rodgers fan, because I never was a fan of him, the person. It has to do with being a human being who respects other humans.

I don't put athletes on pedestals as "heroes," so I can take the time later to tear them down and vilify them as if they were scum, later. That should be below all of us.
And I hope when it is time for him to hang it up that he knows it IS time to do it. Bart Starr had to make a decision in 1971 just before the season when injuries had worn on him down. And he went out with class.


Dec 20, 2015
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I believe he tries. Now, will he be able to? His ability to move in the pocket was diminishing and this isn't going to help. For the Jets sake, hope he makes a decision sooner than later otherwise their fans are going to get a taste of what the last few offseasons have been like for us. He might not know if he can adequately play until probably June (thought I saw it's a 9 month window to recover at a minimum). That means they might be twisting for the entire offseason with 'will he/won't he' If Rodgers is even thinking of coming back, then they almost have to take an offensive lineman in the 1st round. He doesn't, then you are thinking QB (Wilson isn't it)

How huge is that 13-15 swap in the 1st which effectively caused the Jets to miss out on the last OL on the board in that part of the draft (Jones who went 14th)


Mar 8, 2021
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Got him and wooden confused..they didn't have a 6th round pick..was traded to them. Even wooden is contributing.
The point is they gave up a 5th rounder to get the 6th rounder. IMO that is a negative result. Now we will never know if the player they would have drafted in the 5th round will be better than the player they drafted with the Jets 6th rounder.


Nov 29, 2014
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I am obviously not happy that Rodgers got injured for multiple reasons.

1) He's a human being and I wouldn't root for him to get injured.

2) He can't lock in a 1st rounder for the Packers now.

3) It would have been very interesting to see what he looked like in New York.

So this is not me saying "he deserved it" or I'm glad or anything like that, but I find it really interesting that he got hurt while holding the ball on a three step drop with a blindside cut block where the pass is supposed to come out right away. There are already reports that he didn't like those plays being in the offense. My guess is that they were Hackett's way of trying to cover up for weak tackles. But as I've said for literally years now, Rodgers can still be great when he is willing to play within the logic of a system, but he refuses to do so because he thinks it's still 2011 and he can go play hero ball. He has become his own worst enemy and I am so glad it's not LaFleur's problem anymore.
Pretty much my exact sentiments. It felt like Rodgers was being Rodgers and holding the ball too long on that play.

It looks like the Packers offense is more coherent now that LaFleur is in control.
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2014
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There's no way AR goes out like this. He will be back in 2024.
Didn't Dan Marino have a Achilles injury? I remember Marino being ineffective and very immobile after that.

Rodgers can come back but why would he at 41 years old.


Nov 29, 2014
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That's what the replay looked like. If he ruptured it, he's done. I just can't see him putting the work in to get it back in football shape for next year. I imagine he would retire after the season and hobble off into the sunset.
It was just a kind pedestrian sack and he gets hurt. He had time to get out of there. A younger QB would have taken off. Even when he escaped on the first throw he looked super slow.
If you think he looked slow before, wait to see what he looks like if he comes back.
This is why it’s generally not good to keep a soon to be 40 yr old. We both know things strain a little easier and heal a lot slower.
I’m going to stick with 2-4 weeks and he’s back to work.
My wife and I said Achilles right away after seeing the slow mo replay. If you looked closely it was the only tendon on his ankle being stretched and snapped like a broken rubber band.
I just want the man to be able to play ball again. He’s not my favorite guy off the field but I’ve already prayed for him and I’ll continue to do so until I see him playing football. He’s too great a player to gamble with you on this type thing. I’m out on that do it with someone else I’m not impressed
I wish him the best, as well. I was looking forward to watching him this year. Bummer.
if Achilles, probably done for good. I just can't seem him putting in the work to have a real shot at coming back from that at his age. A lot of younger guys don't come back from that.
Probably right.
Yeah, well Aaron wore me slick last season, but I've never been able to make myself almost gleeful about an injury to any competitor...nor wish an injury to any competitor. These guys are just doing their jobs...and I'm almost sick inside. The guy literally gave us his best years - felt the same way with Favre as the Saints mauled him.

I'm praying for a severe sprain since it HAS to be SOMETHING.
Having suffered orthopedic injuries myself, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Rodgers could be a dick but didn't deserve that injury.
He held the Packers hostage, put himself above the team. I I.D.’d him as a me first prima donna before he started his first game. Karma has had his number for years. I’d like to see him take enough snaps to get us a first rounder but a season/career ending injury would be a great plan B.
Plan B. I think the Packers came out fine on the trade deal. We moved up a couple of spots and got LVN, who showed some promise on Sunday, and a couple of second round picks. Rodgers is old for the NFL. There is a reason the Jets put in the 1st round stipulation.
I figure a reasonable draft position for the Jets WITH Rodgers was maybe 25. Without 45. So we dropped 20 spots. That’s the impact I’m concerned about. It will be nice to not have to watch the drama for the entire season.
We'll see. The Jets defense looked great. The Jets may find a better QB, as well. Still, we will get a 2nd rounder somewhere between 45 and 60.
That's such a bummer. The Jets will be a lot less interesting with Zach Wilson, and I was looking forward to seeing if Rodgers still had the fire/chip on his shoulder -- also, we'll now (presumably) never see the Rodgers-vs-Mahomes matchup. Not to mention losing the possibility of the Jets' first round pick. A drag on every level.
Bummer is right. I live in NE and was hoping to see Rodgers slice and dice the PATS.
I've gotta agree with Backtiari. If the owners are not putting down the best type of turf for the players because of being able to save some money; then they are culpable and have their priorities all messed up. I hope they can figure out how much of this injury was caused by the turf.
I wonder if Rodgers is missing the friendly turf of good old Lambeau.
Really it's two picks in the top 60. We merely swapped our first for their first, we didn't pick up an extra first at no cost.
Not a bad deal considering Rodgers' age. Worked out worse for the Jets than it did for the Packers. Rodgers could be done and the Jets only got 4 snaps out of him.


Jan 30, 2010
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I was shocked and disappointed when this occurred. I wanted to see AR8 perform like he did in the playoffs for the green and gold the last 3 years. This is hard to swallow though. I need to find a loophole to blame the English somehow. Did Bill really have a AR8 voodoo doll? Reminds me of Mr. Hand on the Mr. Bill show from the SNL 70s.


Feb 8, 2017
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I don't really feel bad for Rodgers, he's got money, he's getting paid, he'll be fine. I feel bad for the Jets fans, they were so excited this offseason, all for this.

I wonder if they'll expect Rodgers to be on the sideline, giving Zach Wilson advice. How do these things usually work?


Dec 16, 2021
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Well hope he will heal and rehab. As so many high hopes here for the Jets. Hopefully they will not go down the drain.


Nov 29, 2014
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I don't really feel bad for Rodgers, he's got money, he's getting paid, he'll be fine.
All the money in the world isn't worth severe injuries. Human suffering is not something I find ok.


Nov 29, 2014
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I wonder if they'll expect Rodgers to be on the sideline, giving Zach Wilson advice. How do these things usually work?
Rodgers probably won't be around until after his surgery and he starts feeling better. I would think the Jets would expect Rodgers to be at the facility once he is on the mend. I'm sure they would like his input at meetings etc.


Oct 28, 2015
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Absolutely. You can still get a pretty good player in that top 50 or better area. Some of our best players both present and past came out of Rd 2. Some in here (not you) act like a #25 overall vs a #45 overall is going to make or break our franchise. I also want the best draft value order, but just not at the expense of a players career.
I agree… however… the biggest difference I see is that 2nd round pick comes with no 5th year option. Not the end of the world, but it‘s certainly relevant.


Mar 14, 2014
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I’ll bet the farm that he comes back wins comeback player of the year and Probly the Super Bowl next year lol


Feb 8, 2017
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All the money in the world isn't worth severe injuries. Human suffering is not something I find ok.
I don't know, is this really a big human suffering issue? He can't play football, which is his livelihood, so that's tragic, but that aside it's not a life threatening disability. There are certainly worse things that can happen to you. I've had times when I was recovering from surgery or other injuries, it's not the end of the world. I didn't sit around feeling sorry for myself, it's all about keeping a good attitude.


Nov 29, 2014
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Who said it's the end of the world? It's called empathy. I know Rodgers will be fine, but will go through a difficult process just like anyone else that injured ligaments or joints and has it surgically repaired. Also, major injuries have a way of becoming a problem later in life.


Jun 11, 2012
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If you think he looked slow before, wait to see what he looks like if he comes back.

My wife and I said Achilles right away after seeing the slow mo replay. If you looked closely it was the only tendon on his ankle being stretched and snapped like a broken rubber band.

I wish him the best, as well. I was looking forward to watching him this year. Bummer.

Probably right.

Having suffered orthopedic injuries myself, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Rodgers could be a dick but didn't deserve that injury.

Plan B. I think the Packers came out fine on the trade deal. We moved up a couple of spots and got LVN, who showed some promise on Sunday, and a couple of second round picks. Rodgers is old for the NFL. There is a reason the Jets put in the 1st round stipulation.

We'll see. The Jets defense looked great. The Jets may find a better QB, as well. Still, we will get a 2nd rounder somewhere between 45 and 60.

Bummer is right. I live in NE and was hoping to see Rodgers slice and dice the PATS.

I wonder if Rodgers is missing the friendly turf of good old Lambeau.

Not a bad deal considering Rodgers' age. Worked out worse for the Jets than it did for the Packers. Rodgers could be done and the Jets only got 4 snaps out of him.
Lambeau has a good turf to play on. Even in January. It is not what it was at the time of the Ice Bowl. I still cringe that Walter Payton had to play on that concrete at Soldier Field way back when.

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