mattresell said:
If anyone should be upset about the conference it is those of us who stayed up all night or woke up early this morning to join the chat room. Yet all of the people who participated are more than understanding. It's the people on this forum who slept in and will wake up at noon to find out he said nothing that will probably complain. Pretty ironic, huh.
And I'm sure the sports radio guys will have their bones to pick too. Afterall, they have to fill 3 hours of airtime with something. Maybe they can lure Chmura to the studio to start some more unsubstantiated lynching.
I'm sorry to say this but why should anyone be upset? Brett has this same press conference every year. No one said he was making a decision, his spokes person chose words to ellude to that, yes. But it was never said 'BRETT WILL MAKE HIS DECISION DURING THE PRESS CONF TODAY' if it was said, I'd like to see the quote and article.
Don't bother looking. It doesn't exsist. I've read his spokespersons comments and she said comments that would spark interest to get people to watch the press conf.
It was the MEDIA who claimed a decision was to be made. Not Brett, not TT, not MM, no one of importance to the matter.
And lets all be honest with ourselves. Did anyone really believe that a man who has grown up with football in his blood feel he would retire during a golf tourney press conf? No way.
If anyone is to be upset, it should be towards themselves for letting the media do this. Not at Brett, not at TT, not at MM.
Someone said my presence in the chat meant I was stressing over it. I was in the chat room because I have been wrong before (*SHOCK*) and sometimes the logical answer isn't always right and I sure as hell didn't wanna miss out if he announced his retirement.
Brett will play this year.