Packers vs Giants Game Thread: Monday Night Raw Football Edition


Nov 8, 2012
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I swear some of you blowhards that seem to only have **** to say when things hit rough patch, such emotional knee jerk reactions. Go be a Panthers fan, they fire coaches as fast as many of you desire - you’ll fit right in.
I mean I get that it's too far on MLF but I'm pretty sure 75% of Packer fans have wanted Joe Barry fired long before tonight. That's no 1 game reaction.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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Barry is the problem here. The Defenses that GB runs is the problem here. It's been a problem for the last two and a half decades outside of a couple of good years with Reggie White and Leroy Butter.

Barry is not a good Defensive Coordinator. Yes the team is young Offensively, Defensively tge need to step up when the Offense has an off day. No one here can say that you feel comfortable about the way this team plays Defense.

The Packers need to look at tge way the Jets or the 49ers play Defense. Damn'it get someone on here that runs and teaches a physical brand of football.
You can't say that. The Homer's will accuse you of getting emotional or having a low IQ just because you pointed out that we have watched a defensive collapse for the umpteenth time.

Cornelius Weems

Oct 22, 2017
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And last week love looked better than Mahomes….but we aren’t saying that also are we??
Definitely, but this keeps happening. At some point, something has to give. JB didn't ever look like a good DC (IMO) and should have been let go years ago. Can the defense look good most of the time, maybe, but when it counts and those defenses need to step up, we're let down, consistently.


May 2, 2012
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Let people say what they want. People have given this team praise when they played well, but a performance like this deserves all the bad mouthing that is being dished out. This was a pretty rotten performance.

Negative, most blowing **** are never even here to actually discuss Packers until their emotional fragility is felt too much in bad games.


Dec 20, 2015
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I care enough to be pissed off when I see my favorite team collapse with no guts on a final drive to Tommy Divito.

Be pissed off. Kick a puppy, steal a kids sucker. Go get drunk. Have fun being angry.

I don't need to have an end result of being angry to justify rooting for the Packers. I don't need my emotional meter in the red good or bad. That makes me less of a fan in your eyes because I'm not pounding the keyboard in anger. Oh well. So sorry.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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Barry shouldn’t have a ride home, but that has been the case for a LONG time. Before this year started.
If MLF doesn't can Joe Barry, isn't he the problem too? Firing Barry makes sense but at some point, he only has a job because MFL isn't doing his job. While calling for MFL's head may seem premature, he needs to be held accountable sooner than later.

melvin dangerr

In it to Win it All
Sep 9, 2012
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ST Croix VI
Be pissed off. Kick a puppy, steal a kids sucker. Go get drunk. Have fun being angry.

I don't need to have an end result of being angry to justify rooting for the Packers. I don't need my emotional meter in the red good or bad. That makes me less of a fan in your eyes because I'm not pounding the keyboard in anger. Oh well. So sorry.
I’ll talk to L about sending you a food plate


Dec 15, 2021
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If MLF doesn't can Joe Barry, isn't he the problem too? Firing Barry makes sense but at some point, he only has a job because MFL isn't doing his job. While calling for MFL's head may seem premature, he needs to be held accountable sooner than later.
I’m not one calling for LaFleur to be canned but I’ve said many times before that his insistence on repeatedly giving chance after chance after chance to failing players and/or staffers will eventually be his downfall as a coach if he doesn’t change course.

I don’t know how much direct sway he has in hirings/firings (never been able to get a clear answer on that), but even if he doesn’t have final say I’m pretty confident if he demanded a new DC, Gute and Murphy wouldn’t tell him “too bad” or whatever.


Mar 28, 2009
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I watch the Ravens play every week here in the Baltimore market. They draft and play a very physical brand of football defensively. They make Offensive teams know that they were in games by hitting tge hell out of them. If a QB runs the ball they stand to get hurt just like CJ Stroud did.

GB like to draft finesse defensive players to try and stop the pass. They aren't a physical defensive team and can't stop the run to basically make a team one dimensional. This fool QB Devito had 105 yds passing late in the 3rd Qtr. GB's Defense doesn't come after anyone with any type of exotic blitzes. Truth of the matter is that it doesn't make any difference because in the draft we'll draft small defensive backs that can't play the run and when they do they get hurt.

I'm simply tired of this - please model your Defense GB after teams that do well year in year out. Draft big physical players that want to take the will away form an offense.

We've had 2 HOF QBs and only 2 Super Bowls. Get it right because this is ridiculous.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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Definitely, but this keeps happening. At some point, something has to give. JB didn't ever look like a good DC (IMO) and should have been let go years ago. Can the defense look good most of the time, maybe, but when it counts and those defenses need to step up, we're let down, consistently.
Being let down consistently when it counts is called a gutless collapse. Soft, passive play when it counts.


Dec 20, 2015
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They would have to have repeats like tonight defensively for most of the rest of the season before I think there is even a chance for them to fire Joe Barry.
Aug 16, 2014
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They needed to run a few run plays in the redzone. I knew when they got that TD they left too much time left.
Ideally you don’t want anytime on that clock after you score or within reason. Call it <:30 sec
You can successfully operate while passing along <than :45 sec tops area after a score imo because of their Timeouts remaining factored. Had the Giants had zero Timeouts then maybe in that 1:15 area is ok.
Now some will argue you have to score and while that’s true, we were inside their 30 yard line with 2:45 sec left. We were also inside their 16 with 2:00 left and 3 tries to get 4 yards (2nd n 4). We’re not punting on 4th down here why are we afraid of 4 yards in 3 tries? Ideally you use at least :90 sec which means. Run run run run run run run run run run run run. There should’ve never been a pass unless Dillon went 0, 0

It was 2nd n 4 from the NY16 at the 2-minute stop. The next play must be a run. You have 3 run plays to get 4 yards and you ideally want to use at MINIMUM :60 sec We threw an incompletion and gave the Giants a bonus 4th Timeout. In 3rd n 4 we threw it and ran out of bounds. That’s now a 5th Timeout you gave NY. Why would you call a play to the sideline. It should’ve been 3 Running plays leaving around ::45-:60 sec. gameclock.
1st n 10 or 1st n Goal the NY9-11 area. There’s your 4 chances to score. Now there’s still a buffer in case you don’t score or get caught in bounds or they give you a penalty and free down or set of downs. You can even still run it 1-2 more times and the goal is under :30 sec before using 1 of our 2 Timeouts.

Instead we went clock conservation
Incompletion.. pass clock stop 1:55 ??? What??
Pass out of bounds clock stop at 1:50? Double What?! What were we doing? We gave the Giants an extra :60-:80 seconds!!

Why would you offer your opponent an extra FULL possession + 2 Free timeouts to erase your score?? Their FG is like a Wild card that trumps our TD which sounds crazy but at end of regulation is true.
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2017
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I care enough to be pissed off when I see my favorite team collapse with no guts on a final drive to Tommy Divito. Go root for the Vikings If you could care less.
Why do you always have an insatiable need to be an absolute prlck to everyone for no good reason at all?


Dec 20, 2015
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Why do you always have an insatiable need to be an absolute prlck to everyone for no good reason at all?

Eh.. it's all good for me at least. I'm sure he found my comments pr1ckly in nature, but I've just hit the point of my life that I find the usual over emotional comments comical in nature. Doesn't mean that there isn't truth buried in there, but gets lost if comments go the 'fire everyone, no one cares, they won't win another game' that follow a loss.

melvin dangerr

In it to Win it All
Sep 9, 2012
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ST Croix VI
Be pissed off. Kick a puppy, steal a kids sucker. Go get drunk. Have fun being angry.

I don't need to have an end result of being angry to justify rooting for the Packers. I don't need my emotional meter in the red good or bad. That makes me less of a fan in your eyes because I'm not pounding the keyboard in anger. Oh well. So sorry.
Nooo don’t kick someone’s puppy, and never steal a kids sucker(ever hear what they sound like after taking their pacifier), Now getting drunk, after losing to the Giants tequila shots all around…


Nov 8, 2012
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They would have to have repeats like tonight defensively for most of the rest of the season before I think there is even a chance for them to fire Joe Barry.
Literally the entire rest of the sports media world sees Joe Barry for the oft-failed, unimaginative vanilla dullard DC that he is, and Matt Lafleur somehow does not.


Mar 4, 2011
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Horrible collapse on the last drive. This team has no heart. They'll lose 4 out of their last 5 and go 7-10 and be in Last Place. The stupid hype after the LAST 2 games was a joke. This is the real Packer team.
The pendulum keeps swinging to far extremes this season. After the first few games, people were convinced Love was our 3rd straight HOF QB. Then after a few more games, he was a bust and we should be drafting his replacement next year. After some more games, he was a HOFer again and the Packers had put the league on notice. After tonight, the Packers are trash apparently.

Like MLF said after the Chiefs game, this is a .500 team - they are inconsistent and they showed it tonight. They probably finish 8-9 or 9-8 this season, with at least 5 losses by 4 points or less. With one more year of experience, they could win a few more of those close ones and be a legit contender for winning the division and making noise in the playoffs.


May 2, 2012
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. This team, especially the offensive side of things, is literally experiencing everything for the first time. Pressure of being hot, pressure of knowing now is their playoffs, pressure of being the clear favorite....all of these things are mountains they've not climbed before.

Those screaming illogically just in emotional frustration most likely are the guys that thought this was going to be the team EVERY week - and here we are 6-7 and still in the last WC spot.


Jun 8, 2014
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Yeah, last night was a terrible loss. Inexcusable to such a team and such a quarterback. But taking the emotion out of it the morning after, it's not surprising. This is what you get with young and experienced teams that are still learning how to win. Hot streaks and looking terrific, other times looking like they don't belong in the league. This makes five losses by a combined total of 14 points, all going right down to the wire. The mark of a young team. Next year, they'll be winning these kind of games.
As far as the playoffs this year they put themselves in the position now that they can't afford another loss. I love it if they get in, but I'm looking more towards growth and improvement. I'm going to enjoy the ride.


Jan 18, 2015
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. This team, especially the offensive side of things, is literally experiencing everything for the first time. Pressure of being hot, pressure of knowing now is their playoffs, pressure of being the clear favorite....all of these things are mountains they've not climbed before.

Those screaming illogically just in emotional frustration most likely are the guys that thought this was going to be the team EVERY week - and here we are 6-7 and still in the last WC spot.
You couldn’t have said it better. Yes, the defensive letdown once again at the end of a game is inexcusable, but overall, it seems like people’s expectations are way over the top based on a few games against weak opponents.

Love has never faced 16 of the opponents we face this season. We have zero receivers with 2+ years experience and, in fact, a very young team in general, so penalties and mistakes are naturally gonna happen. To expect a rookie QB to put up league high stats every week is completely unrealistic. It’s clear what he’s capable of, but the consistency just isn’t there… yet.


May 12, 2014
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I don't think they did anything wrong with clock management during the final TD drive. The Giants had two time outs. They still would have had plenty of time to do what they did. They did not even need their timeouts. We had to score a TD and it took a great catch to do that. And of course we needed to stop them going down the field. Seemed like a kind of prevent defense when all they needed was a field goal.

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