Packers Defense


Nov 25, 2014
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yeah they completely shut down that team playing for the first pick in the NFL draft. ;)

So if TB and TEN both lose TB still gets first pick right?

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
Two sub-par offenses...they did what a playoff team should do against those offenses. I don't give them extra credit but just credit for doing what a playoff team should do at this time of year.


Dec 15, 2014
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Last 7 games the Packers have given up a out 3.6 yards per carry

Seattle in same time frame 3.8 yards per carry
Defense has played very well. No complaints here. The offense, minus Lacy, could use a swift kick in the ****...and then we should be just fine. :)
Aug 16, 2014
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If our Defense plays even remotely close to what they're capable of playing.. and I believe they will.. The really good teams right now.. Detroit, Seattle, Cowboys..etc.. will have to hold GB to roughly 17 points and it will be a chore and a half as long as Aaron Rodgers is breathing on Linsleys back..and I can comfortably say that after we've played pretty inconsistent on the O side (which won't last). If as a layman, I can see we need to work on red-zone and goal line effectiveness, I'm guessing McCarthy is doing that essentially as we speak.
The exciting part with Detroit is.. they have a great D.. this week is going to be forecast of the NFC playoffs, even if it IS a home game
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Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Packers haven given up 1228 yards rushing in 1st 8 games---153 yards per game

They improved the rushing defense by leaps and bounds

Packers have given up 580 yards in the next 7 games----or 82 yards per game --that would be good enough for 3rd in the NFL

Compare to Seattle in same time frame----given up in last 7 games, 598 yards rushing or 85 yards per game...-

So on paper our rushing def is better

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
Of course, we didn't play the same teams so while your stats are well-taken and valid, they aren't the entire story. The best backs that we faced were Forte and McCoy, but our offense took their running games out of the equation in the first quarters. The Seahawks shut down Frank Gore twice and Jamal Charles. I'd say despite giving up a few more yards they've probably played better against the run than Green Bay. That said, I'm mostly happy with the way we've limited opponents' rushing attack recently and hope that we can continue to do so against balanced teams in the playoffs.


Oct 26, 2011
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A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Yeah, it's interesting how the Packer defense has been flying under the radar in the 2nd half of the season with everyone focusing on overall stats and how they played in the 1st half. GB has quietly moved ahead of NE in total defense, and everybody has been saying how great NE's defense is this year!

The game against the Lions will say a lot. The Lions are going to go all out. This is their biggest game in years. If the defense can hold them, then this could be the best playoff team the Packers have fielded in years.


Sep 18, 2012
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Of course, we didn't play the same teams so while your stats are well-taken and valid, they aren't the entire story. The best backs that we faced were Forte and McCoy, but our offense took their running games out of the equation in the first quarters. The Seahawks shut down Frank Gore twice and Jamal Charles. I'd say despite giving up a few more yards they've probably played better against the run than Green Bay. That said, I'm mostly happy with the way we've limited opponents' rushing attack recently and hope that we can continue to do so against balanced teams in the playoffs.

They shut down Jamal Charles? Try 20 carries for 159 yards at 8 yards a pop. If that happened to us people would be saying were "Soft" and "Fire Capers".

It just amazes me that when our defense gets ran up on everyone comes out the wood work and it's just the worse thing ever but when another teams gets pushed all over the field especially the Seahawks it seems everybody is so ready to give them a pass or make up excuses for them.

Not us though. Everyone comes out firing away at Capers that we suck and TT can't draft and our defense is a disaster.
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Sep 18, 2012
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Yeah, it's interesting how the Packer defense has been flying under the radar in the 2nd half of the season with everyone focusing on overall stats and how they played in the 1st half. GB has quietly moved ahead of NE in total defense, and everybody has been saying how great NE's defense is this year!

The game against the Lions will say a lot. The Lions are going to go all out. This is their biggest game in years. If the defense can hold them, then this could be the best playoff team the Packers have fielded in years.

I'm officially all in with this defense and posted all over the place back in September they would get better. There was a 2-3 week span there were I got a little frustrated but the adjustments made and young guys now playing at a different level I believe the D has arrived. Our secondary is the deepest in the NFL. Even a Seahawk fan came up to me last Sunday and told me he was a little jealous of our secondary.

Gotta give a shout out to Morgan Burnett and I apologize for ever doubting you cause he has flat out balled.

Moving Clay to middle when needed and Barrington in there the D has gotten faster and improved up in there. Peppers was a huge signing as it turned out and the Bears ended up with Jarred Allen. lol. Mike Neal and Nick Perry provide length and athleticism on outside. Guion started slow but has held down the nose. Everyone knows Daniels brings it every play. Boyd has been solid and if Jones can make a jump here in the playoff run watch out!
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Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Of course, we didn't play the same teams so while your stats are well-taken and valid, they aren't the entire story. The best backs that we faced were Forte and McCoy, but our offense took their running games out of the equation in the first quarters. The Seahawks shut down Frank Gore twice and Jamal Charles. I'd say despite giving up a few more yards they've probably played better against the run than Green Bay. That said, I'm mostly happy with the way we've limited opponents' rushing attack recently and hope that we can continue to do so against balanced teams in the playoffs.

Rushing atts for Seattle's games 9-15

17 for 54 yards Giants game---they are ranked in bottom 3rd of rushing

30 for 190 yards ( shut down Charles? 20 carries for 159 yards is shutting him down?)

20 for 64 yards--- Arizona is ranked 30th in rushing

18 for 64 yards---Niners

22 for 57 yards Philly game 2.5 yards per

32 for 140 yards Niners

15 for 25 yards Arizona---ranked 30th

154 rushing atts for those 7 games

Packers in last 7 games 169 rushing atts on the defense

So your argument is Seattle went up against better rushing teams?

3 out of 7 games the team is ranked in bottom 11

Vs the Niners which is ranked 6th in rushing...For both games, Seattle allowed a combined 4 yards per carry...

They KC game----they didnt shut down Charles or the team at all....Total 190 yards on 30 atts 6.3 yards per carry
Btw, Seattle lost this game

The only common opp was Philly and they did a great job...1 yard less per carry then the Packers did
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Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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. I'd say despite giving up a few more yards they've probably played better against the run than Green Bay.

Cant fault GB for the teams they played..But to make such a dramatic turn around is nothing but extraordinary

Seattle 3.88 yards per carry

GB 3.43 yards per carry

If I researched this properly...

For the Season
Seattle rush def, 8 tds
GB rush def, 11 tds

Seattle in their last 7 games, 3 rushing tds given up

GB has given up only 2 rushing TDS since the bye...The 8 games prior they gave up 9 tds

My main point to show was that Seattle's def gets all this praise, yet our run defense is better

Sky King

Sep 27, 2012
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Out of the clear blue western skies...
Personally, I prefer not to overthink this. The Packer offense is strong and balanced. They can give any team a tough time. The defense has gotten markedly better as the season wore on. To be the best you must beat the best. Victory tastes sweeter when you do. Bring 'em on.


Jul 29, 2013
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Two sub-par offenses...they did what a playoff team should do against those offenses. I don't give them extra credit but just credit for doing what a playoff team should do at this time of year.

Man, this is a tough crowd. People call for Capers head because the defense is doing poorly but when they do well it's "well they should!"

Also, I don't care what team you're playing, holding another team to 109 TOTAL yards is a great job on defense. I think we'd all agree that the Lions have a pretty good defense and the Bucs managed to put up 230 yards against them.


Sep 27, 2010
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Man, this is a tough crowd. People call for Capers head because the defense is doing poorly but when they do well it's "well they should!"

Also, I don't care what team you're playing, holding another team to 109 TOTAL yards is a great job on defense. I think we'd all agree that the Lions have a pretty good defense and the Bucs managed to put up 230 yards against them.
Not a pendulum for me. I am off the Capers band wagon for a few years now, and I won't be getting on any time soon. Recent success does not explain the 2.5 years of significantly under-performing defenses; strange defensive game plan; game plans that don't change during the game despite other teams' offensive game plans; and defensive players frequently out of position. Couple that with a history of early success and then tapering off defensively, and I still believe the Packers should have gone in a different direction 2 years ago, and now - despite recent defensive improvements.


Dec 20, 2014
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I never jumped off the wagon. I think Caper's ability to coach is higher than most. I think he had a case of being too smart for his own good and had the bad situation of trying to make it work with players not mentally able to grasp the defense.

Nobody operates with perfection. Not Capers, not McCarthy, Not Vince Lombardi, or Aaron Rodgers. I think poor defensive showings have been the result of a lot of things that make things look worse they they actually were. We've had personel issues, when you don't have the horses to run with, something breaks down and it did. When we had the horses, they were hurt and things broke down. Put our defense on any of the teams in the playoffs last year and I doubt they would have performed as well as they did. almost every linebacker out, starting DB's out, DL out, DL playing linebacker, guys on one leg playing DT. It was ridiculous.

I also think Capers is intelligent enough to continue to grow and learn. I think he has learned from past mistakes, and I think we finally have a compliment of defenders we can play defense with.


Jan 5, 2012
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Also let's not overlook the fact that our team as a whole has the best +/- turnover differential in the league, and I believe our defense still (would have to double check) leads the league in turnovers. Turnovers create scoring opportunities, and all that is needed to win in this game is an opportunistic defense which we certainly have. When our pass rush is on it's game our secondary also seems to sparkle.


Jul 29, 2013
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Not a pendulum for me. I am off the Capers band wagon for a few years now, and I won't be getting on any time soon. Recent success does not explain the 2.5 years of significantly under-performing defenses; strange defensive game plan; game plans that don't change during the game despite other teams' offensive game plans; and defensive players frequently out of position. Couple that with a history of early success and then tapering off defensively, and I still believe the Packers should have gone in a different direction 2 years ago, and now - despite recent defensive improvements.

I'm still a believer that players are WAY more important than coaches and our defense hasn't had many players for years. Is it really a coincidence that Capers gets Peppers, a decent NT and another decent safety and suddenly the defense is better?

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
Yup, I take responsibility for mistyping in my post. My intention was to say that they played two top backs in Gore and Charles while shutting down Gore twice.

I've never wavered in my support of Capers. I think that he's done a good job at times and not so good at times. I would be disappointed if we changed DCs just hoping to find somebody better. The fact is the defense is what it is...pretty good at times and pretty bad at times. Let's hope they are pretty good from here on out.

As for LTF, yes Seattle went up against better rushing teams in my opinion. The only two good backs that we faced were non-factors because our offense took them out of the game plan early. It's not a knock on our defense but a knock on the comparative stats. Statistics without context can be misleading.


Nov 6, 2013
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Madison, Wisconsin
I'm officially all in with this defense and posted all over the place back in September they would get better. There was a 2-3 week span there were I got a little frustrated but the adjustments made and young guys now playing at a different level I believe the D has arrived. Our secondary is the deepest in the NFL. Even a Seahawk fan came up to me last Sunday and told me he was a little jealous of our secondary.

Gotta give a shout out to Morgan Burnett and I apologize for ever doubting you cause he has flat out balled.

Moving Clay to middle when needed and Barrington in there the D has gotten faster and improved up in there. Peppers was a huge signing as it turned out and the Bears ended up with Jarred Allen. lol. Mike Neal and Nick Perry provide length and athleticism on outside. Guion started slow but has held down the nose. Everyone knows Daniels brings it every play. Boyd has been solid and if Jones can make a jump here in the playoff run watch out!

Burnett was all over the field Sunday in run support. He was very good.

In pass coverage, since McCown only had 143 or 93 net yards including the sacks, it's safe to assume he was solid as well.


Dec 20, 2014
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I'd say last years playoff game proves he is still learning and adapting. I'd say, his obvious constant evaluation of players and playing with different personal packages and the evolution of the defense from the start of the year till now kind of shows, that while not perfect in every instance, he is still capable of thought and growth and adapting the defense to get to the next level.