Packers hire Titans' OC Matt LaFleur as their HC

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Mar 13, 2017
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Matt LeFleur hasn't won a single game since he was rumored to be hired as the head coach. Not one!

I want him fired now!!!! Assuming he's actually hired first.


Jun 18, 2012
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Canton, Ohio
Please don't take shots every day at this new coach.. It may not look good right away but please don't be biased

It’s not that serious dude. i really could care less. We will be talking about the draft in a few weeks. Murphy wanted a puppet, so that’s who they hired.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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It’s not that serious dude. i really could care less. We will be talking about the draft in a few weeks. Murphy wanted a puppet, so that’s who they hired.
you already started doing it
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Sep 30, 2013
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It’s not that serious dude. i really could care less. We will be talking about the draft in a few weeks. Murphy wanted a puppet, so that’s who they hired.

Either way rodell, your sources obviously do not have clearance to the 1265 administrative wing.

"It's McDaniels job to lose" has been debunked


Nov 4, 2018
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This guy will be another tool mark
My words! I pray we start off saddles blazing! Because if we don’t this guy might not last the entire year and things will get ugly! You can tell in his interviews and how he was with the Titans he’s basically the same personality as Gute. I’m not excited about this at all

Don't take this wrong, I'm pretty new here. What exactly are your credentials that make you so sure of how the hiring went down? Again, I'm not calling you out, just asking. Part of me wanted McDaniels, but how can he be trusted after reneging on a deal he made last year? Who's to say he wouldn't have done the same to the Pack and then where would they be? Any other candidate would know he wasn't their first choice. I like the energy these young coaches are bringing to the league. I'll be on coach LaFleur's side until he proves unworthy. I'm ready for 2019!
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Jun 18, 2012
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Canton, Ohio
We’ve got our on Jerry Jones / Jason Garrett situation upcoming :whistling::D oh well haha. I’m not saying anything else bad about the guy after tonight. I’ve said exactly how I feel already. Let’s get this roster right and for the Love odnGod and actually contend .


Staff member
Dec 21, 2018
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Not a bad hire at all. I was surprised to hear that he was hired and not McDaniels. I thought for sure he was the one going to be hired on.


May 12, 2017
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up the road from jerrahworld
with Pettine staying this hire should have both sides of the ball hitting the ground running. no real disruption or learning curve. it's all about the draft and free agency now.


Mar 10, 2014
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Most important thing is to get rid of every single person on medical and conditioning. I beleive the Packers lead the league in injuries almost every year the last 10 years. Also Kyle Shanahan was the guy I wanted 2 years ago. I wanted Lafleur last year. Not a fan of the dead last offense on the Titans but still worth the chance. McDaniels is so nasty. I would of been good with Todd Monken. Be cool if he became our offensive cordinator.

Doesn't really matter what the Packers organization does though. Just because Brady is playing at 41 does not mean every HoF QB now can play into thier 40s. If everythign can go right Packers have a shot at 1 more super bowl with Rodgers. Rodgers is kinda ******* and has no leadership skills period. I loved him at first even before Favre was gone. But watching his career play out I was wrong and Rodgers is no Favre. Favre was way more fun to watch. Favre is a legend and Rodgers is a HoF QB but I consider Rodgers a Steve Young and Favre a Joe Montana. I consider Rodgers really good but not a winner. I don't even think winning is that important to Rodgers. I just don't get the winning feeling from Rodgers. I think Rodgers is happy when he is considered the most talented QB. He rather be considered the most talented QB in the NFL then the most winningest. I don't think Rodgers even cares about super bowls. I never thought Rodgers would even play past 36. I seen him on TV on game shows. He is as smart as they come. He is probaly 3x smarter then Favre. I would of thought Rodgers would of been smart enough to not drag out a NFL career and put his future and health in danger. You don't want to be struggling to get out of bed at age 45 or not remember your kids name. Maybe with how soft the NFL has become and blowing air on QBs now gets a flag Rodgers feels he can play longer and still live a healthy life after.

The Packers organization is unpar with the Browns. They did very little with two HoF QB's. TT is the biggest joke in Packers history. Only a complete fool would think you can win super bowls only using the draft. 2010 super bowl was a fluke. We faced nobody good. Vick had a winning drive and probably could of ran all over the Packers but has a tiny cat brain and threw the ball instead and we got bailed out with getting a pick. Packers almost lost to the nasty Bears with a 3rd string QB. The only good win was in the super bowl against the Steelers. I guess that easy road to a super bowl is like the Pats get every season in a weak AFC.

If Rodgers was so great you could of got any coach GM in the world to come here besides BB. The fact they stood by TT and MM for so long just shows nobody cared about super bowl. Packers have been perfectly happy just going 10-6 and squeezing into the playoffs riding thier QB. Thinking if we get into the playoffs every year we are bound to have things bounce our way again like 2010 and win another super bowl. It almost happend again with that Seahawk champsionship game. If we didnt have so many scrubs starting and a terrible HC there wouldnt of been anyway to lose that game.

Packers organization deserves to suffer. They took 2 HoF QB's for granted. Now Mark Murphy and the Packers are scrambling for a chance to win before Rodgers retires. I expect 10 or even 20 years of scrub QBs and no playoffs after Rodgers. I like Lafleur but he is risky and its possible the Packers never make the playoffs with Rodgers again. Noway would we ever get a 3rd HoF QB.

You always want what you don't have. I beleive the Packers never had a great defense. So I expect us to have a great defense in the future and no QB. Be ironic to get the defense we always dreamed of but then without a QB to take us anywhere.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
8 pages and counting....this is starting to remind me of when I read the Colts fan board after McDaniels was "hired". :whistling:

Do we know that LeFleur has actually signed the contract yet?


Mar 10, 2014
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49ers and Seahawks should of never been stomping Rodgers in his prime. The NFL has had weak QB's the last 10 years. I don't think thier is a HOF QB in the NFL since after Rodgers. We should of seen allot of Rodgers vs Brady match ups for SB's. Yet we got none.


Mar 10, 2014
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Just be happy it's not McDaniels. No thank you to any coach riding BB's coat tails.


Dec 29, 2009
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Personally I wouldn‘t be surprised if Roddell has no insider info at all, just wanted his 15mins of fame and was trolling the whole forum. Nothing he said was true, so why is everyone jumping on the statement that LaFleur was hired, because he was willing to keep Pettine?

Further, if Roddell would have been that close to McDaniels, he would have known that McDaniels would not be the coach right after they interviewed him, I guess things like the new DC was discussed in the interview. However, interestingly he just comes up with this Pettine-story after he learned that LaFleur will be the new HC.

Back to topic: I‘m convinced that‘s a good hire, I like LaFleur‘s body of work and I look forward to see the team under his lead.

Deleted member 6794

I like the Packers hiring of LaFleur as he's a younger coach who has had success as an offensive coach in most of his jobs. In my opinion it's absolutely mind-boggling how many posters around here already criticize the move without him having even given a press conference.

I advice you to stay calm and wait for him to finalize the coaching staff before overreacting to reports which assistants might be retained.

In addition it might be smart to wait at least a couple of regular season games to analyze his potential as a head coach in the NFL.

With him having been an offensive assistant at Saginaw Valley State back in the days it's all but guaranteed Jeff Janis will be brought back to Green Bay as well ;)

Ok so I’m hearing from my bro who’s close friends with Ben McDaniels Josh’s younger brother that Josh was the first choice NOT Lafleur!! The only reason they chose Laflaeur
Is because Josh wanted HIS OWN coaching staff including DC!! I told you guys the only way Josh wouldn’t get the job is if the Packers didn’t let him chose who he wanted to retain which is exactly what happened! Smh I hate Murphy even more now, Gute really is just a puppet on a string! I’m pissed! I hope they got this right, but it’s BS not to let the incoming HC chose he wants!! Everyone including the HC will be Murphy’s puppet! That’s why he kept McCarthy and TT so long! I hope this Lafleur Guy isn’t some tool and this works out.

Well, after reading that you guarantee Pettine will be retained it's all but guaranteed that LaFleur will hire his own defensive coordinator to replace him.

I get the feeling if this forum was around in the early 90s people would poo poo The Mike Holmgren hire too.

They would have done the same with Lombardi if this forum was around in the late 50s.


Mar 29, 2015
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So LaFleur was OC for the Rams in 2017 and left to become OC for the Titans? Why make a lateral move?

He did it to call plays. With the rams he wasn’t the play caller, so essentially was a promotion just with the same title. He prolly wanted to improve his chances at a HC gig and put play caller on his resume.


Now we move on to coordinators. Is Kubiak willing and able?

Curly Calhoun

Feb 23, 2015
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FWIW, former Badger and 11-year NFL starter Joe Thomas seems to like this hire:

“I remember being in Cleveland and having Kyle (Shanahan) talk about how smart (Matt) LaFleur was when they were together…in Washington,” Thomas said. “And how basically LaFleur was learning everything he knew under Kyle Shanahan.”

“He understood the details of the wide zone scheme,” Thomas said. “He understands how to get the most out of all of his players, and how it fits well with a quarterback that can move, that can threaten the edges, that can threaten the bootlegs. So I think the skillset Aaron (Rodgers) has would fit perfectly with the offense that Matt LaFleur runs.”

“I think Matt LaFleur can get the run game going in Green Bay like we haven’t seen in recent memory,” Thomas said, “because of how he teaches the wide zone and because of the things he learned from Kyle Shanahan and Sean McVay, who in my opinion are two of the guys everyone in the NFL respects from an offensive mind standpoint.”

Complete text:

That may not carry any weight with the recently self-anointed Matt LeFleur experts, but may be food for thought for the rest of us.

As always, time will tell.
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