In all seriousness is this possible?


May 2, 2012
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Had a discussion with a fellow Packer fan and we started discussing what is shaping up to be an interesting off-season...yes very early...perhaps too early, but for what it's worth this was the discussion:

-Boykin, if he continues to mature and grow and show he's more than capable to serve as our #3 guy, James Jones (beloved as a fan myself) will not be wearing a G next season and will save us money.

-The play of Jolly and hopefully continued progress of Wilson and an outside chance that Pickett signs a team friendly contract to stay in a familiar place to play out career...Raji could be the odd man out, based solely for business reasons. I love the guy, but is he truly worth the amount of money he's going to garner?

-Bahk at LT and the increasingly above average play out of Barclay is fixing to potentially shake things up after this year....Bulaga and Sherrod (Bulaga especially) have to re-enter the OL next year....Is it possible one or both end up as backups.

-OLB/ILB....the play of replacements especially Lattimore has us excited about the future....we didn't state anyone is going to lose their job, but DC may have more ability to rotate packages in and out more.

-TE...this one intrigued my friend more than me. He is not a Finley fan, but never wished what happened on him...but he said this could be the best thing that could have ever happened in the long run for Finley and the Packers. This undoubtedly will lower his asking price, incentive laced contract would be best (all if healthy obviously)...Packers save money and Finley will seek to overcome the doubts that will undoubtedly exist. The dude was having a great year and now will have time to rest, recover and hopefully come back driven. Meanwhile my buddy has "Q" pegged as our next rising star outside of Boykin...he swears Quarless is going to be an awesome all around TE and will not be going anywhere I like the Stoneburner kid's potential, but won't say he'll be starting anytime soon in the future.

-RB....many forget and for good reasons we even have D. Harris albeit inactive due to injury....If healthy and can come back I am betting either him or Franklin will be dealt to another team for a 4th-7th round pick depending on market and demand, but TT loves picks and Starks is the perfect role backup (helps his health) and Lacy is locked at need for both Harris and Franklin.

-CB.....Tramon Williams is gone, to me the writing is on the wall. Shields, House, Hyde, Heyward once healthy all seem to be better or younger/cheaper options that can perform then what Tramon costs....I seriously doubt he's wearing a G next season unless we can't seem to get Shields locked in long term and TT thinks there is a chance we lose him.

All around I am just as frustrated with the injuries as the next Packer fan, but when analyzing what is happening I'm encouraged. As guys like Perry, Matthews, Heyward, Cobb and others get healthy we will by then have seriously experienced back ups ready when called for spells during hopefully a push at the end of the year for the division and then right through the playoffs....then on into the offseason we may just have given TT and company the luxury of knowing more about our future then they would have had everyone stayed healthy; making it possible for TT to pull the plug on some guys then rather than signing and regretting later.


Oct 22, 2013
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I'll bite:

1 Boykin looks pretty good, could see this happening.
2 Love Pickett, but he is getting ooooold. Wilson is just a guy. I think Raji comes back for less than most think.
3 Bahk looks good, Sherrod is a huge unknown... The whale? I truly don't think he can stay healthy, sucks.
4 Lattimore coming on strong, will definitely push Jones. Looking good there.
5 This one gets me. "Q"? I'm sorry, I just don't see what your friend sees at all, he seems average at best.
6 Have to see more of Franklin, but, he's a TT pick, he stays.
7 Tramon will join the rest of the Packer undead in Minnesota, for a boatload of money no less!! :laugh:

If this team can get healthy, and McCarthy can improve his playcalling and gameplanning.... Could be dangerous.


May 2, 2012
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I'll bite:

1 Boykin looks pretty good, could see this happening.
2 Love Pickett, but he is getting ooooold. Wilson is just a guy. I think Raji comes back for less than most think.
3 Bahk looks good, Sherrod is a huge unknown... The whale? I truly don't think he can stay healthy, sucks.
4 Lattimore coming on strong, will definitely push Jones. Looking good there.
5 This one gets me. "Q"? I'm sorry, I just don't see what your friend sees at all, he seems average at best.
6 Have to see more of Franklin, but, he's a TT pick, he stays.
7 Tramon will join the rest of the Packer undead in Minnesota, for a boatload of money no less!! :laugh:

If this team can get healthy, and McCarthy can improve his playcalling and gameplanning.... Could be dangerous.

Me neither, like I said Stoneburner to me has a larger upside....shoot I could see Taylor sticking longer...but if proven wrong I'll be happy! :)


Jan 4, 2011
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Upstate NY
My bold predictions,

I'm thinking Bulaga will be moved back to RT, no way Barclay stays as starting RT he's a very good backup not a full time starter. LT will be bahks job to lose, Sherrod will need to show something to get it. Sitton and Lang do not switch back.

Williams is gone in favor of shields getting payed.

We are talking about our 3rd string RB I really don't care enough to look into it, either way is fine with me.

Pickett in favor of Raji is crazy. Raji won't demand a crazy amount on the market so his deal won't be much more then his rookie deal (remember he was signed as a 9th overall pick before the rookie salary cap). I wonder if jolly will factor in how good Green Bay has been for his recovery process and might give TT a team friendly deal.

I still think there is enough respect between jones and TT that a deal good for both ends will be reached. I don't want this deal to get in the way of Nelson's deal when it is up. Again there is enough respect something gets done in my mind.

Finley getting hurt (again you never wish it upon anyone and I hope he can return to the level of play he has shown us this year) will help TT salary cap wise. Q will come back and is definitely athletic and has good size but I don't see him being much more then he has shown this year. TE will be an early focus in this years draft.

I want to see Hyde becoming our starting FS next year.

In the draft unless someone drops back to us that TT loves I see TT trading out of the first round. Our biggest needs this year being depth at some positions.


May 2, 2012
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I rated your post optimistic because I hope it comes true...I mean to keep Raji affordable and Jones low enough to be able to keep Nelson in the future would be MASSIVE!

13 Times Champs

Jul 24, 2011
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I think it's a very good possibility that Bakht remains at left tackle next season. Barclay is a liability at right tackle and either Bulaga or Sherrod will be the starter there next season. Barclay will become a backup at guard where his skills are better suited. I'm hoping Sherrod gets a chance at RT this season.

"Q" based on what??? I haven't seen anything there to make me feel he is going to be our stud TE.
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Jan 4, 2011
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Upstate NY
I rated your post optimistic because I hope it comes true...I mean to keep Raji affordable and Jones low enough to be able to keep Nelson in the future would be MASSIVE!

My thinking with Jones is that he has seen the path of leaving for slightly more money (Jennings) and the path of staying despite getting less (Driver) and decides to take the Driver route. He would definitely be a beloved Packer for life if he did and I doubt TT would totally undermine a player and give them significantly less then they are worth. With all of that in mind I hope Jones picks the Driver route.

But I definitely see your point.


May 2, 2012
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Jordyruns....if he goes the Driver route I will be one happy Packer fan. Driver is/was my most beloved guy on offense...he left and Jones kinda took over that role. Other guys I like and feel have more value, but I just like Jones for whatever reasons I don't even know.

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
Bulaga now has an injury history. All things being relatively equal, I would prefer to see him move back to the right side where he's been the past few years so that he's easier to replace if another injury should strike. Replacing the RT is much easier than replacing the LT

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Yes, because anything is possible.
So don't be surprised if many of those predictions turn out to be the complete opposite!
Only TT, MM and the other experts who work for the Packers really know what is going on and what they are doing.
I've heard of Monday Morning Quarter Backs but Monday Morning Team General Managers is new to me.


Aug 19, 2011
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Manawa & Shawano, WI
There is not a player in recent memory I can think of that has as many differing views on how good he is from Packer fans than Andrew Quarless.

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