Where was Clay Matthews?

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Sep 29, 2013
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First the question wasn't yours to answer. But as long as your complicit in the response I asked for a yes or no. In you not doing so I got my answer.
I think if you look in the mirror, you're hurt because your team lost and your one of many who are using Clay in the "blame game". I can give you 50 examples of why people thought we lost this game for evidence. Half from this forum alone.
But the point is Clay was asked and his response was clear and concise.
Any further questioning about his lack of perserrverence of lack of quality of play or lack of leadership or whatever you wanna call it is purely speculative.
How many years he has played ferociously on this team and still we question his devotion? Please
Listen. You're entitled to think he's a slacker if you want. your correct in that You have every right ridicule him. But remember this my friend. I don't care if it's. 999 to 1, my opinion is clear, Im a big fan of Clay and I'm honored to be able to watch him If we didn't have Clay Mathews we would be in deep do do

Um I can't answer a question on a public forum board? One that can only be answered in a fashion you choose? When did I blame clay for the loss? Please point that out to me? You have tried to turn this thread into something it is not. No one blames Clay at all. Anyway your point is clear indeed and that is fine I have no reason to not believe you when you say you find absolutely nothing odd about this.


Nov 8, 2012
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Clay wouldn't be an issue if we'd have scored touchdowns on just half of the drives that ended in field goals.

Could be said about any mistake in the final minutes of the game -- the Burnett slide, the missed onside kick, the Kearse TD. Again, not really relevant to whether or not Matthews could have/should have played as a leader.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
Could be said about any mistake in the final minutes of the game -- the Burnett slide, the missed onside kick, the Kearse TD. Again, not really relevant to whether or not Matthews could have/should have played as a leader.
I think it's extremely relevant, as it shows the lack of leadership and aggressive play that was endemic throughout the team and the game. Clay wasn't the only one who failed to nut up.


Dec 20, 2014
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I don't think leadership nor aggressiveness was lacking or endemic throughout the game. I think for most of it, they kicked their ***. It was lacking for about 4 minutes and that was all it took to lose.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
Mondio I disagree. For me the chance was there several times to deliver "the dagger" and the Packers failed to do so. Am I the only one who cringed when the ball was on the one foot line and we lined up for a field goal? Not exactly the behavior of an aggressive team with its foot on the throat of its enemy and a Super Bowl berth at stake. And your point about the last four minutes, well, there obviously was more to it than Clay so you just made my point about the total team fail. Does anyone here not feel MM takes his foot off the gas in the fourth quarter? At least at times? How can we not say this attitude doesn't start with the coach? Can we really hold Clay solely accountable for coasting when the whole team was in coast mode? For me I just thought it started earlier. I felt a disturbance in the force on that first field goal from the one foot line. Was I the only one bothered by that?

Deleted member 6794

Mondio I disagree. For me the chance was there several times to deliver "the dagger" and the Packers failed to do so. Am I the only one who cringed when the ball was on the one foot line and we lined up for a field goal? Not exactly the behavior of an aggressive team with its foot on the throat of its enemy and a Super Bowl berth at stake. And your point about the last four minutes, well, there obviously was more to it than Clay so you just made my point about the total team fail. Does anyone here not feel MM takes his foot off the gas in the fourth quarter? At least at times? How can we not say this attitude doesn't start with the coach? Can we really hold Clay solely accountable for coasting when the whole team was in coast mode? For me I just thought it started earlier. I felt a disturbance in the force on that first field goal from the one foot line. Was I the only one bothered by that?

There´s no denying a lot of factors contributed to the Packers losing the NFCCG, but Matthews not being on the field for the last three defensive series of regulation because of some minor ailments and him being exhausted is unacceptable of your highest paid defensive player. Especially as he was able to participate in a meaningless Pro Bowl practice only three days later and play in the game as well.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
I agree Clay should have been out there. I'm just not sold that it was entirely his fault. I doubt we'll ever know the full truth since I don't expect either Clay or MM to throw the other under the bus. Maybe MM thought the game was won and was holding Clay out to save him for the Super Bowl. We'll never know. It's all speculation at this point so I'm not ready to lynch Clay. There's a pun for you.

Deleted member 6794

I agree Clay should have been out there. I'm just not sold that it was entirely his fault. I doubt we'll ever know the full truth since I don't expect either Clay or MM to throw the other under the bus. Maybe MM thought the game was won and was holding Clay out to save him for the Super Bowl. We'll never know. It's all speculation at this point so I'm not ready to lynch Clay. There's a pun for you.

Once again, it´s possible Clay was held out of the two defensive series the Packers started leading 19-7. There´s absolutely no way the coaching staff would have kept him on the bench after the Seahawks recovered the onside kick being down only one score.

Deleted member 6794

You know that for a fact? That's not speculation on your part?

I don´t know it for a fact but that´s what common sense tells me. If the coaching staff was responsible for holding Matthews out during the Seahawks last series in regulation Thompson should have fired the entire staff.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
I agree it's illogical, but common sense obviously wasn't prevalent on the Packer sideline that day. And for more than the Clay issue. We'll never know.


Dec 20, 2014
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of course, they just lucked themselves into that position for 56 minutes. No aggression, no inspired play, nothing. Wilson had nowhere to throw and no where to run, mostly because GB just sat and watched him run around wondering why he was acting so crazy. I mean they weren't even trying. :)

and yes the team had a monumental collapse. One of the biggest choke jobs in the history of sports, what more do you want to say about it? That the team and coaches that took the "best" team in the NFC to the woodshed for 56 minutes in their house with the "12th man" were just lucky to be in that position? They had no input, no bearing, no influence on the game up to that point?

They did let up, they did choke, they lost for it. what else is left to say? we should have run from the 1, it would have made all the difference. Yeah it would have. GB gets stuffed again, no points and all of a sudden Lynch busts thru the line for a 40 yard run and GB is playing catchup from the first quarter on. I've seen that story play out. No thanks. Everyone thinks we should have just lined up and ran it in. kind of like when we lined up to run and lost 4 yards on 3 plays. Great call guys :)

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
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Need to take that post to wherever they're discussing the state of Campen and OL. :)


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
of course, they just lucked themselves into that position for 56 minutes. No aggression, no inspired play, nothing. Wilson had nowhere to throw and no where to run, mostly because GB just sat and watched him run around wondering why he was acting so crazy. I mean they weren't even trying. :)

and yes the team had a monumental collapse. One of the biggest choke jobs in the history of sports, what more do you want to say about it? That the team and coaches that took the "best" team in the NFC to the woodshed for 56 minutes in their house with the "12th man" were just lucky to be in that position? They had no input, no bearing, no influence on the game up to that point?

They did let up, they did choke, they lost for it. what else is left to say? we should have run from the 1, it would have made all the difference. Yeah it would have. GB gets stuffed again, no points and all of a sudden Lynch busts thru the line for a 40 yard run and GB is playing catchup from the first quarter on. I've seen that story play out. No thanks. Everyone thinks we should have just lined up and ran it in. kind of like when we lined up to run and lost 4 yards on 3 plays. Great call guys :)
I guess if you can't agree with me it's best to change the point I was making. I never said anything about running it in four straight times. And glad you lack the cahones to take risks, because I play by the philosophy of "go big or go home" and with the way the defense was playing at that point I'd have taken the chance on getting Wilson and co. under the shadow of their own goalpost. We don't agree, and that's fine. I won't lose any sleep over it but the fact remains there were signs of Mike McCarthy (who doesn't coach the defense, which, as you rightly pointed out, was the most aggressive of the units until the last four minutes) not having that killer instinct. He's been called out on it before on this very forum and not just by me. My point was, and still remains despite your protests, that it started at the top. The buck stops with the head coach so calling out just our defensive star is naïve and unfair to the other guilty parties involved.


Dec 20, 2014
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the way the defense was playing up to that point? you mean like one drive, an entire 3 plays worth and you just knew how the defense was playing huh? your revisionist memory isn't good, that or you're lying. where we ran twice from the 1 and didn't make it?

or how about 4 seattle offensive plays later when we were 4th and goal from inside the 1 again, this time passing couldn't get it in either.

After 4 plays of offense you just knew our defense was going to keep Wilson and Lynch pinned in the shadow of their own goalposts :) sure you did.

I'm not changing any point.

oh, and show me any point in time where I said this loss falls on Clay Matthews. This thread, or others


Dec 20, 2014
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I don't care, you misquoted what I had said, then tried to make another implication that I lacked balls, and tried to make it seem like you knew the defense was playing on fire and would surely have stuffed the Seahawks despite having only 4 plays of defense to judge them from. In a place where points were always at a premium in the past and we had tried running and passing near the 5 or inside multiple times and failed every time, but hey, 4th down would have gotten it :)

if you don't want to bicker or the little things, then make sure the big picture you're portraying is correct.

I asked LT to delete my acct

What other points? The points that have nothing to do with Clay seemingly quitting on this team? Okay for the record the Patriots have been in the Superbowl 6 times with 4 wins with the best quarterback in the league during that timespan. The Packers have been in 1 with 1 victory while finding continually ridiculous and unbelievable ways to lose when it matters most.

Now that is out of the way would you like to explain why the guy with the "nonstop" motor was stopped for the most important 3 minutes of the Packers season? Why he was hurt so badly he could not play then but could a few minutes later and not miss any flag football practices? What was this horrible injury? Was it a torn labrum? Was it torn ligaments in the elbow? Oh wait those guys where able to finish that game, beat the Packers and play in the Superbowl.

So what exactly was your point? We should go easy on the guy who quit on his team? Sorry but I think the guy owes a better explanation other than I needed a few minutes. If there is a point I missed please let me know and I will address that as well.

I believe he was being polite to you.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
Wow Mondio, let it go. Take your meds. You have managed to twist a lot of things around to suit your version of events, and obviously missed my points, except that you did correctly surmise I did say you didn't have any balls.
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