What the h*ll is going on around here?

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Dec 20, 2014
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Purely out of interest here, what do you expect from the moderators ?. I`m just curious.
I'm just surprised the public protest didn't get smacked down :) Truth be told, I don't have a problem with this site's moderation. I don't understand some thread closings, but at this point it hasn't seemed excessive, at least not to me.

For me it's simple, keep spam out, obvious trolls need a smacking. If they're creative, they can hang around a while. When things to degrade basically to you're an idiot, no you're an idiot, time outs or lock.

But if a moderator wants to mix it up, then everyone should be able to mix it up within reason. I was on one forum where this woman was drunk with power and basically anyone with a differing view point was edited and just erased. Long story short, she was copying posts from a friend of mine, who is a phD animal behaviorist, and posting them on the board she was a moderator on claiming they were her own :) I linked the copied text and was banned for linking to another "forum"

I'm glad i'm not a moderator BTW :)

I asked LT to delete my acct

I'm just surprised the public protest didn't get smacked down :) Truth be told, I don't have a problem with this site's moderation. I don't understand some thread closings, but at this point it hasn't seemed excessive, at least not to me.

For me it's simple, keep spam out, obvious trolls need a smacking. If they're creative, they can hang around a while. When things to degrade basically to you're an idiot, no you're an idiot, time outs or lock.

But if a moderator wants to mix it up, then everyone should be able to mix it up within reason. I was on one forum where this woman was drunk with power and basically anyone with a differing view point was edited and just erased. Long story short, she was copying posts from a friend of mine, who is a phD animal behaviorist, and posting them on the board she was a moderator on claiming they were her own :) I linked the copied text and was banned for linking to another "forum"

I'm glad i'm not a moderator BTW :)

I think that's a fair reply. I think on the whole we do try to let things run but there are more than one occasion when members seem to start threads on a subject when there are already one or two on the same subject running JMHO of course. I think its fair to say though that sometimes there are clashes of personalities on here where one would say black if the other one says white, just to rattle their chains ?? That's when we recommend P.M. in the beginning, or the ignore feature if it can`t be resolved.
From a personal point I`ve spoken to a few members here who have been great with me personally, but put them together and its like a powder keg that is just going to blow.


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Purely out of interest here, what do you expect from the moderators ?. I`m just curious.
Permission to speak freely, sir?! (just kidding)

Honestly? To resist the urge to micromanage everyone's discussions. Step in when some kind of legitimate threat to a poster's IRL personal safety would arise. Make sure nobody's personal information is given out by a third party. Keep an eye open for stalking behaviors. Ensure the language filter is working and that content is PG-13 for our minors who lurk and post and lie about their age when registering. Participate in discussions with us common folk and just be one of the guys/gals. Don't use your powers to discourage or intimidate posters whose opinions you don't agree with, no matter how passionately they express them.

Aside from that, let crazy Packer fanatics be crazy Packer fanatics. Let posters who are equally convinced of their opposing views on an issue resolve their disagreement/argument/debate to the satisfaction of the participants. Sometimes epiphanies don't happen until the flames die down a bit. If no resolution is forthcoming, it will die on its own soon enough. This is where the ability to allow users to completely hide topics they are not interested in would come into play. A Celtics forum I posted on about 8 years ago had that functionality and it was great.

If someone is using multiple accounts or has an inappropriate avatar or whatever, that's one thing. But nobody should be banned for their speech unless they are making an actual threat against someone's safety.

That about sums it up for me. Can you tell I'm a libertarian?


Aug 7, 2013
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1. Intervene when the exchange gets nasty.

2. See 1. above.

3. There is no 3.

How do you define "nasty?" That's too subjective, isn't it? One person's "nasty" might be another person's "spirited."


How do you define "nasty?" That's too subjective, isn't it? One person's "nasty" might be another person's "spirited."
Of course it is subjective. How could that be avoided? I would suggest that name calling is a necessary if not sufficient condition for shutting down a thread.

The point being, my modest proposal sharply narrows the excuses...err...pretexts...err...reasons for shutting down a thread.
Aug 16, 2014
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let me start by saying that I don't necessarily agree with all you guys and that goes for moderators too. I learned many moons ago to give people the benefit of the doubt, so with that said, Poppa can do whatever he wants. I don't pretend to know all the crazy stuff written in here that's leads to dismissal of topic of discussion (I have a hard enough time watching my own tongue) He earned the right to make those decisions and he has the authority to do so and I support it.
It's a privilege to be allowed to a member here.. Not a right


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Permission to speak freely, sir?! (just kidding)

Honestly? To resist the urge to micromanage everyone's discussions. Step in when some kind of legitimate threat to a poster's IRL personal safety would arise. Make sure nobody's personal information is given out by a third party. Keep an eye open for stalking behaviors. Ensure the language filter is working and that content is PG-13 for our minors who lurk and post and lie about their age when registering. Participate in discussions with us common folk and just be one of the guys/gals. Don't use your powers to discourage or intimidate posters whose opinions you don't agree with, no matter how passionately they express them.

Aside from that, let crazy Packer fanatics be crazy Packer fanatics. Let posters who are equally convinced of their opposing views on an issue resolve their disagreement/argument/debate to the satisfaction of the participants. Sometimes epiphanies don't happen until the flames die down a bit. If no resolution is forthcoming, it will die on its own soon enough. This is where the ability to allow users to completely hide topics they are not interested in would come into play. A Celtics forum I posted on about 8 years ago had that functionality and it was great.

If someone is using multiple accounts or has an inappropriate avatar or whatever, that's one thing. But nobody should be banned for their speech unless they are making an actual threat against someone's safety.

That about sums it up for me. Can you tell I'm a libertarian?

Multiple accounts is an interesting comment- is it not?


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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This is where the ability to allow users to completely hide topics they are not interested in would come into play. A Celtics forum I posted on about 8 years ago had that functionality and it was great.

How many times has a mod told you, or others, to put someone on ignore?

Isn't what your talking about the same thing as us telling you to ignore a poster? How is "ignoring a thread" any real different than ignoring a single poster?

How many times have we said we are not baby sitters?

We dont like to settle issues, as no one wins. But if we get complaints, we have to figure something out

What I dont get is why a poster has to have something in place to avoid a certain person or topic. You are an adult, and have the option not to read a post that doesnt interest you, or not read a post from some on you dont like


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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There are rules and agreements everyone accepted to be a poster here.

Part of it says mods can alter a thread or post as we see fit.

When a poster has a post/thread moved, locked, edited, merged or what ever, posters can have real issues with that. It is almost as if a mod has no right to do that.

We all have personalities and that means we may view things way different than you. So if a mod edits or moves or locks a thread, it could be that your personalities dont see eye to eye on same subject...Why is is that posters tend to forget that and view it as an insult and get pissed at the mod?

We also can ban when we think it is warranted.

Contrary to popular belief, I, Kitten or Rob dont ban because we "feel like it"

It is discussed a lot with ALL MODS- before anything happens..Unless it is an obvious troll or something that has been in the works for weeks or months..

While posters may feel something is okay, us mods may not. And vice versa, we may think something is okay, and someone may feel offended or it.

We can NEVER make everyone happy all the time.


Aug 7, 2013
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How many times has a mod told you, or others, to put someone on ignore?

That would be great. Unfortunately, sometimes it's a mod that needs to be put on ignore for a while because of attitude and we're not allowed to do that!


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Good thing you deleted that one comment..
That would be great. Unfortunately, sometimes it's a mod that needs to be put on ignore for a while because of attitude and we're not allowed to do that!

Not sure why its okay for posters to get pissy at mods, but when a mod ****** back, its an issue


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
Good thing you deleted that one comment..

Not sure why its okay for posters to get pissy at mods, but when a mod ****** back, its an issue
Not that I've experienced it on this forum, but I have on others. I normally don't have any issue, I think some good back and forth is, well, good for a forum :) I don't mind adults acting like children for a brief moment, but I like it left on a forum because it lets me know what type of poster i'm dealing with. If all their antics get wiped clean then I have nothing to draw from.

Anyway, the bigger issue concerning mods (again generally speaking, not particular to anyone on this forum) is, i've been on forums where they like to give digs, take jabs, light the fire, then edit, remove, ban, erase, etc anything or anyone they don't like afterwards. I definitely don't have a problem with mods giving some crap now and again, but it's a thin line to walk that's for sure. Like I said earlier, i'm glad i'm not a moderator


Aug 7, 2013
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Not sure why its okay for posters to get pissy at mods, but when a mod ****** back, its an issue

The difference is when someone else gets pissy, we can ignore them. When you get pissy, there is no ignore. BTW, how is it I just knew you would take this topic personally?


Aug 7, 2013
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You are an adult, and have the option not to read a post that doesnt interest you, or not read a post from some on you dont like

Thank you for making my point for me! And that applies to everyone.


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Mar 7, 2005
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Not that I've experienced it on this forum, but I have on others. I normally don't have any issue, I think some good back and forth is, well, good for a forum :) I don't mind adults acting like children for a brief moment, but I like it left on a forum because it lets me know what type of poster i'm dealing with. If all their antics get wiped clean then I have nothing to draw from.

Anyway, the bigger issue concerning mods (again generally speaking, not particular to anyone on this forum) is, i've been on forums where they like to give digs, take jabs, light the fire, then edit, remove, ban, erase, etc anything or anyone they don't like afterwards. I definitely don't have a problem with mods giving some crap now and again, but it's a thin line to walk that's for sure. Like I said earlier, i'm glad i'm not a moderator

For the most part us mods act as a team, there are a lot of things where we ask each other for advice on..There are things we all can do with out discussion with the other mods.

Main issue I see is how a poster disagrees with a mods "opinion" for locking, editing, or deleting threads or posts.

We are all different personalities


Poster A sees an issue with a post and is positive it should be handled..But a mod or mods dont see an issue. Or a mod sees an issue but a poster doesnt. Who is right or wrong? No one really--- just opinions.

People have to understand we are human just like you are and there is no real manual on how to handle every issue


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Thank you for making my point for me! And that applies to everyone.

This is where the ability to allow users to completely hide topics they are not interested in would come into play.

Your saying you agree with me that if an adult you shouldnt need a button to ignore something...But a few posts bak you wanted a button to ignore a thread..

Please shed some light on this


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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The difference is when someone else gets pissy, we can ignore them. When you get pissy, there is no ignore. BTW, how is it I just knew you would take this topic personally?

Maybe rob can add something to ignore ONE MOD

We all cant get along and to ignore all mods is not something that can be done for obvious reasons. But one mod you should be able to

And made it personal? You brought up
Don't use your powers to discourage or intimidate posters whose opinions you don't agree with, no matter how passionately they express them.

Others may not know it, but us mods know you were referring to me..

So dont twist the fact you referencing me and when I "**** back" you have issues..


October Outstanding
Jun 26, 2009
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Well Said Long Time Fan! Agree to disagree! Do it in a kind way though.


Aug 7, 2013
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Your saying you agree with me that if an adult you shouldnt need a button to ignore something...But a few posts bak you wanted a button to ignore a thread..

Please shed some light on this
Simple. There are some people who don't have the willpower to resist a topic that they might want to bow out of and would do better if they had the ignore feature. I personally never used that feature on the old Celtics forum but I know many did.


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Maybe rob can add something to ignore ONE MOD

We all cant get along and to ignore all mods is not something that can be done for obvious reasons. But one mod you should be able to

Agreed. I seem to remember Rob mentioning about possibly implementing that feature several months ago but nothing came of it.

Others may not know it, but us mods know you were referring to me.

Buggybill asked for opinions and I gave mine. Nothing more. Then you come charging in three days later all confrontational because I gave it. BTW, people don't usually have feelings that someone is referring to them unless there is some degree of merit to it. So since you would never do that, why on earth would you think that?

So dont twist the fact you referencing me and when I "**** back" you have issues..

Well, that's not a fact.
Last edited:

I asked LT to delete my acct

Simple. There are some people who don't have the willpower to resist a topic that they might want to bow out

I get this and have been guilty of it myself in the past, but if people can`t do that then you have to face the consequences if they do something silly (again, speaking from experience here).
There are rules in place. and if people can`t abide by the rules, maybe this isn`t the site for them ? Just saying. And I mean nothing personal by that.
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