The 5 Love Directions


May 23, 2010
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For a man that speaks in such definitive terms when it fits your narrative you sure speak in a bunch of provisional type statements as well "if Lazard wasn't on the field" and such.
Do you disagree? He was awful.


May 2, 2012
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The Colts were very high on Jordan Love - I truly think this is the leading candidate IF I'm calling someone about a trade.


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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Disclaimer: The move to trade up and draft Jordan Love was definitively a bad one. Please understand I'm not saying otherwise.

However, what often gets missed and/or forgotten in the discussion is the performance of Rodgers leading up to that move. I think most fans, understandably, look at that move through the lens of Rodgers' back to back MVP seasons that came on its heels.

But prior to that draft selection, Rodgers had gone through a five year span in which he simply was not performing at the elite level that we had all become accustomed to in his earlier days. 2015-2019, here are his rate and QBR:

-2015: 92.7/60
-2016: 104.2/72.4
-2017: 97.2/66
-2018: 97.6/58
-2019: 95.4/52.5

Now those aren't bad results, but if your QB is eating ~20% of the salary cap, you can't win championships with that level of production. Much of the problem, rightly, was attributed to McCarthy's terrible offense and Rodgers' bad habits. But then they made the change in 2019 to LaFleur and while the record improved, Rodgers' production really didn't.

And so in the 2020 draft, you're looking at a 36 year old QB who will require elite money to keep but isn't providing elite play, and who hasn't improved under a new coach/system. So a QB you really like falls within reach, and you go get him so that you're prepared in case Rodgers is essentially finished.

Critics will say that you could clearly see on tape that Rodgers' skills were not diminished, and I agree with that. But his skills were never the issue-- the issue was his willingness to play within structure and execute an offense instead of constantly going off-script and playing hero ball. The latter had become his consistent bad habit, and it was killing his overall production.

But then of course we know that he got better adjusted to the offense and began executing it and the rest is history. His numbers jumped to:

-2020: 121.5/79.9
-2021: 111.9/69.1

And he looked like the last guy in the entire league that anyone would want to replace. Good for him, and good for the Packers.

So you can reasonably criticize the move to get Love, but you can't do it in the light of Rodgers' success in 2020-21-- that's intellectually dishonest.


Dec 15, 2021
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I've said it elsewhere but I wouldn't be surprised if one of the QB-needy teams out there talked themselves into making a move for Love.

Not saying I totally agree, but look at it like this: Love is more or less the same age as all the top QB prospects in this year's draft. He's been able to learn under Rodgers for the past two years and already has two years of NFL "experience" under his belt. And I suspect if Love was in this year's draft he would likely grade out around the same or perhaps even ahead of most of this year's prospects. So if you're considering spending a 1st round pick on Pickett, Willis, Corral, whoever...I'd wonder if trading a second (or, say, two thirds) for Love would start to look pretty appealing. You can address another need with your 1st round pick and still wind up with a QB prospect who's arguably on the same level as the guys you would've potentially spent that pick on. Looking at it that way, it doesn't seem so bad. And, of course, he's dirt cheap for the next couple of years.

I have to think too that if I'm Jordan Love (and/or his agent) I'd probably be wanting to look for a move at this point too. Odds are that he'll receive very, very limited action while Rodgers is here and I can't see us spending ~20m to pick up his fifth-year option OR signing him to a new contract when we've hardly seen him play at all in 4-5 years.

Of course if we only get offered something like a single 3rd round pick or lower I'd say just keep him, but I don't know, I have a feeling someone will make a decent offer pre-draft and he'll end up moving. I know the Colts were high on him before we took him and they have a big need now. And of course teams like the Saints, Steelers, Seahawks, etc...


May 2, 2012
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Honestly, I could see the Colts willing to swing a similar deal for Love, MUCH cheaper than Wentz (dude was over 20M hit) and conditionally do a 3rd to a 2nd....still low risk and if he doesn't play well in 2022 you don't pick up his fifth year and he serves as backup in 2023. I just don't know if Gute will do the smart thing (IMO) and take the deal for two Day 2s for Love - who he was very high on.

Phil Young

May 23, 2021
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Pelton Fell
The 5 Love Languages Directions

When Love was drafted I think it is a safe assumption that nearly the entire Green Bay fan base paused for a moment before reacting...some were shocked that it actually happened, some were pissed, some were just speechless; needless to say it was one of the biggest "moments" in Gute's reign in GB. Speaking of Gute, for a man who has honestly excelled at so many personnel moves in his time, for some none of it matters because he drafted Love. That however is a discussion for another thread.

This thread however is to discuss the future of Love...what do you feel is the most likely scenario of the 5 options we now have before us as an organization that just inked Rodgers (or will be inking) to a new deal "rumored to be four years" but most likely will mean at minimum 3 more seasons with good health that Rodgers is in GB. How does that impact Love?

Love's contract for those perhaps not aware runs through the end of the 2023 season/year. The Packers after 2022, could exercise the fifth year option on him being a first round pick - BUT that would cost per some estimations of around $20M. It's tough to imagine the Packers doing that as that would be the third year of Rodgers new deal and even conservatively would mean around $45-$60M would be hitting cap just in the QB room.

So the first question I pose is the easiest one to answer IMO - do we franchise tag him?

I say emphatically no, and it isn't for any other reason than it would be fiscally ignorant to do so. None of us know (the organization would be only ones that truly might know) what Love really is...his rookie year was essentially a redshirt oddity with Covid, this last season was more "normal" but he still hasn't seen a true gameplan installed and know he was going to play for the entire week up to a game. He has struggled for sure, shown bright spots in camp and in some preseason games - but nothing to place the tag.

That leads us to what I believe are the five directions for Love and GB that are left....(in no specific order of my personal opinion)

Love goes nowhere till his contract is up with no 5th year exercised. Agree/Disagree it doesn't matter, GB and staff have a young QB they believe in as their backup, which for 2022 and 2023 is rather affordable (hits of 3.37M & 3.94M). After the 2023 season anyone's guess is as good as another in this scenario....means we could get nothing in return other than backup service for years out of Love, or could end up that plus whatever compensatory pick he may bring signing elsewhere.

Love is traded this year before trade deadline. Arguably this is the weakest QB class draftwise that we have had some are saying for over ten years....and get this....Love doesn't turn 24 till November - Pickett is actually older than Love turning 24 in June. Willis will turn 23 in May, Ridder 23 in August and Howell 22 in September. Love has two years, albeit not normal years, of NFL exposure and experience in an excellent system with an awesome QB coach and behind a first ballot HOFer...there is a lot to like about that vs a weaker class of college QBs to choose from. A bonus to the team trading for Love in this scenario is IF he lights it up, the team could choose to exercise his 5th year option...just to keep him in house for two additional years, with that next (4th) year still at a low figure and discussions can happen before that 5th year hits in guaranteed money (if I understand that part of things right). Either way having that option is the one bonus attractiveness here as well if you are a suitor looking at Love.

Love is traded at the completion of this year/into next year. This scenario the suitor most likely will NOT exercise the 5th year and is purely looking at rolling the dice on a young QB, with unknown promise still that perhaps showed something to them in the previous (2022) season to catch their attention. Low cost/risk here and could in season or after a successful one then discuss a deal extension or new contract with Love should it work out.

Green Bay keeps Love, exercises the 5th year option. I put it down, because it is an option and direction which exists...however outside of Rodgers waffling again or a catastrophic injury (knock on wood) in the 2022 season - it is a scenario with the new Rodgers deal coming that just makes very little sense. I know I said I wouldn't place personal opinion on these but I feel this direction has less than a 1% chance of occurring if placing percent likelihoods next to these.

Love is the starter in GB for the 2023 season after Rodgers retires. This similar to #4 could happen, but I just don't see happening unless Rodgers rides off into the sunset after a SB win in 2022.

As for my personal bet, I'm struggling to figure out which camp I fall in between #2 & #3. There is sound fiscal logic behind #1, and doing #2 & #3 is in a way admitting a faulty pick - or some would argue it is. However, if I'm Gute I see it as you never expected Rodgers still in many ways had his best years ahead of him and/or that you would be able to retain him this it is wise now to move Love and draft or sign a different back up. In the end, I think I'd be calling a lot of GMs this year given the draft class is so know even a team that is supposedly looking hard at Trubisky, he isn't going to cost a ton - bring in Love at a cheap value as well, and see how rises in the competition...or a team that truly doesn't expect to be in the hunt and with QB "need" like the Lions or similar team, Love for a year to see what you can get out of him is arguably attractive in a way. I think realistically the best GB could hope for in return for Love (which could be a thread in and of itself) is a conditional 2nd rounder + a 7th or so. I mean even Josh Rosen got a 2nd in return...which that is the most similar recent comparable trade we can point to. So you get a team that will give you a 7th and then a 4th that could conditionally escalate as high as a 2nd I believe personally you have to do it.

FTR, as I've harped and harped on...I liked Love as a prospect a LOT. He was my QB 2 in that draft, BUT I would have never traded up for him or picked him as I just felt it wasn't a need I perceived (clearly organization felt differently...who knows maybe justified and a ton has changed since). Jordan Love is a HIGH character young man, from my connections to the team he is loved by his teammates and the kid has ability for sure - love to see him get a chance at a shot somewhere else.

What do you predict happens?
Well thought out options

Phil Young

May 23, 2021
Reaction score
Pelton Fell
Nah man. If this team had any confidence in Love they would have moved on. Favre was a first ballot HOF coming off an MVP caliber season as well but they believed in Rodgers. That would have been a career ending move for TT if he wasnt sure Rodgers was going to be the guy moving forward. This move showed this team has no confidence in Love. They could have gotten good compensation to retool with and resetting their cap in essentially a year.

Credit to Gutey for realizing he was a moron drafting Love though. It takes a lot for someone to realize theyre an idiot.
Favre retired so we had little choice in moving forward with Rodgers. Favre then did a Uturn & I remember fans wanting him back & Rodgers demoted. Rodgers hasn't retired so this argument in , in my opinion, invalid.
Aug 16, 2014
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In many cases I value a backup QB more than the average guy. I know we all caught an early glimpse and it looked messy at times, but I’m also wise enough to remain patient. I’m 90% confident Love is still maturing as a QB. I believe he has the physical gifts and I’ll take his previous college HC word that he’s a confident kid with incredible ability. Yes he needs to be refined, harness his talent and adapt to the speed of the NFL, but also yes he can make throws that only a handful of QB’s can make at this level.
All that said. Coach Tom Clements is a gift from God for this scenario. In his 11 years in GB we finished top 10 in scoring 9X. He went on to develop Kyler Murray who was the only QB in Cardinals history to make the Probowl inside 2 seasons. Arizona went from 27th in giveaways to 9th in 1 season under Tom. He is an expert at reducing the #1 most critical mistake a QB makes.. INT. What’s Loves weakness? INT. Clements brings 30 years of Coaching experience. I would be highly surprised if Clements doesn’t dramatically improve Jordan Love inside his Rookie contract.. to an actual point of surprise for us fans.

I wouldn’t consider giving up on Jordan Love, we really don’t stand to gain anything substantial. The Trade idea has also gripped me. However, After further contemplation, I’m staying Pat on my Jordan Love hand, what’s in motion stays in motion.
We need a reliable backup QB for an aging QB who has a history of injury. I’d feel comfortable that Jordan Love gradually advances as the season transpires. I like having a viable option 3 years in system for $3.4mil or whatever. Especially when it’s a humble guy who works hard and doesn’t cause friction. I believe our staff decides he’s our #2 for at least 1 more season. It’s a 2-fold strategy behind hiring Clements imo as his track record speaks of a young QB whisperer
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May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Favre retired so we had little choice in moving forward with Rodgers. Favre then did a Uturn & I remember fans wanting him back & Rodgers demoted. Rodgers hasn't retired so this argument in , in my opinion, invalid.
If the team didnt believe in Rodgers they would have welcomed Favre back when he unretired. If the team had any belief that Love was the guy they would have traded Rodgers and gotten themselves out of the cap mess theyve gotten us into.

I not comparing the circumstances of Favres departure or the possibility of Rodgers. Im referring to the way the team believed in their successor. It very clear their opinion on Love.


May 2, 2012
Reaction score
All that said. Coach Tom Clements is a gift from God for this scenario. In his 11 years in GB we finished top 10 in scoring 9X. He went on to develop Kyler Murray who was the only QB in Cardinals history to make the Probowl inside 2 seasons. Arizona went from 27th in giveaways to 9th in 1 season under Tom. He is an expert at reducing the #1 most critical mistake a QB makes.. INT. What’s Loves weakness? INT.

Clements has not only led his own team to a National Championship as a player, but also brought that experience into his 30 years of Coaching. I would be highly surprised if Clements doesn’t dramatically improve Jordan Love inside his Rookie contract.. to an actual point of surprise for us fans.

Honestly, this is a point I failed (mistakenly) to bring up in #3 vs waiting till after this season - GB would be allowing Clements time to learn and work on Love, by year's end he might be able to look at Gute and be like "we have something here" or "I just don't see it"...


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
The 5 Love Languages Directions

When Love was drafted I think it is a safe assumption that nearly the entire Green Bay fan base paused for a moment before reacting...some were shocked that it actually happened, some were pissed, some were just speechless; needless to say it was one of the biggest "moments" in Gute's reign in GB. Speaking of Gute, for a man who has honestly excelled at so many personnel moves in his time, for some none of it matters because he drafted Love. That however is a discussion for another thread.

This thread however is to discuss the future of Love...what do you feel is the most likely scenario of the 5 options we now have before us as an organization that just inked Rodgers (or will be inking) to a new deal "rumored to be four years" but most likely will mean at minimum 3 more seasons with good health that Rodgers is in GB. How does that impact Love?

Love's contract for those perhaps not aware runs through the end of the 2023 season/year. The Packers after 2022, could exercise the fifth year option on him being a first round pick - BUT that would cost per some estimations of around $20M. It's tough to imagine the Packers doing that as that would be the third year of Rodgers new deal and even conservatively would mean around $45-$60M would be hitting cap just in the QB room.

So the first question I pose is the easiest one to answer IMO - do we franchise tag him?

I say emphatically no, and it isn't for any other reason than it would be fiscally ignorant to do so. None of us know (the organization would be only ones that truly might know) what Love really is...his rookie year was essentially a redshirt oddity with Covid, this last season was more "normal" but he still hasn't seen a true gameplan installed and know he was going to play for the entire week up to a game. He has struggled for sure, shown bright spots in camp and in some preseason games - but nothing to place the tag.

That leads us to what I believe are the five directions for Love and GB that are left....(in no specific order of my personal opinion)

Love goes nowhere till his contract is up with no 5th year exercised. Agree/Disagree it doesn't matter, GB and staff have a young QB they believe in as their backup, which for 2022 and 2023 is rather affordable (hits of 3.37M & 3.94M). After the 2023 season anyone's guess is as good as another in this scenario....means we could get nothing in return other than backup service for years out of Love, or could end up that plus whatever compensatory pick he may bring signing elsewhere.

Love is traded this year before trade deadline. Arguably this is the weakest QB class draftwise that we have had some are saying for over ten years....and get this....Love doesn't turn 24 till November - Pickett is actually older than Love turning 24 in June. Willis will turn 23 in May, Ridder 23 in August and Howell 22 in September. Love has two years, albeit not normal years, of NFL exposure and experience in an excellent system with an awesome QB coach and behind a first ballot HOFer...there is a lot to like about that vs a weaker class of college QBs to choose from. A bonus to the team trading for Love in this scenario is IF he lights it up, the team could choose to exercise his 5th year option...just to keep him in house for two additional years, with that next (4th) year still at a low figure and discussions can happen before that 5th year hits in guaranteed money (if I understand that part of things right). Either way having that option is the one bonus attractiveness here as well if you are a suitor looking at Love.

Love is traded at the completion of this year/into next year. This scenario the suitor most likely will NOT exercise the 5th year and is purely looking at rolling the dice on a young QB, with unknown promise still that perhaps showed something to them in the previous (2022) season to catch their attention. Low cost/risk here and could in season or after a successful one then discuss a deal extension or new contract with Love should it work out.

Green Bay keeps Love, exercises the 5th year option. I put it down, because it is an option and direction which exists...however outside of Rodgers waffling again or a catastrophic injury (knock on wood) in the 2022 season - it is a scenario with the new Rodgers deal coming that just makes very little sense. I know I said I wouldn't place personal opinion on these but I feel this direction has less than a 1% chance of occurring if placing percent likelihoods next to these.

Love is the starter in GB for the 2023 season after Rodgers retires. This similar to #4 could happen, but I just don't see happening unless Rodgers rides off into the sunset after a SB win in 2022.

As for my personal bet, I'm struggling to figure out which camp I fall in between #2 & #3. There is sound fiscal logic behind #1, and doing #2 & #3 is in a way admitting a faulty pick - or some would argue it is. However, if I'm Gute I see it as you never expected Rodgers still in many ways had his best years ahead of him and/or that you would be able to retain him this it is wise now to move Love and draft or sign a different back up. In the end, I think I'd be calling a lot of GMs this year given the draft class is so know even a team that is supposedly looking hard at Trubisky, he isn't going to cost a ton - bring in Love at a cheap value as well, and see how rises in the competition...or a team that truly doesn't expect to be in the hunt and with QB "need" like the Lions or similar team, Love for a year to see what you can get out of him is arguably attractive in a way. I think realistically the best GB could hope for in return for Love (which could be a thread in and of itself) is a conditional 2nd rounder + a 7th or so. I mean even Josh Rosen got a 2nd in return...which that is the most similar recent comparable trade we can point to. So you get a team that will give you a 7th and then a 4th that could conditionally escalate as high as a 2nd I believe personally you have to do it.

FTR, as I've harped and harped on...I liked Love as a prospect a LOT. He was my QB 2 in that draft, BUT I would have never traded up for him or picked him as I just felt it wasn't a need I perceived (clearly organization felt differently...who knows maybe justified and a ton has changed since). Jordan Love is a HIGH character young man, from my connections to the team he is loved by his teammates and the kid has ability for sure - love to see him get a chance at a shot somewhere else.

What do you predict happens?
There is also the unusual scenario that Rodgers gets hurt like he did in 2013 and 2017 and Love is forced to play Hundley or Tolzien. In which case he would be required to start quite a few games. This would show if he has potential or not. And that would probably give other teams a price value for him. But if Rodgers should succumb to another broken collar bone I think he just may consider retirement. Now if Love were to flop as did Hundley we would get nothing for him and we are back to the draft again.


May 2, 2012
Reaction score
There is also the unusual scenario that Rodgers gets hurt like he did in 2013 and 2017 and Love is forced to play Hundley or Tolzien. In which case he would be required to start quite a few games. This would show if he has potential or not. And that would probably give other teams a price value for him. But if Rodgers should succumb to another broken collar bone I think he just may consider retirement. Now if Love were to flop as did Hundley we would get nothing for him and we are back to the draft again.

That scenario is covered by #4 in a way "retire" or #1 if Love plays and proves nothing or #3 if he does and is traded after this season.
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly, this is a point I failed (mistakenly) to bring up in #3 vs waiting till after this season - GB would be allowing Clements time to learn and work on Love, by year's end he might be able to look at Gute and be like "we have something here" or "I just don't see it"...
Gute has already taken a beating for this fan assumptive “failed” draft selection. Why not try to do what he planned all along.. develop him. He’s got zero to lose and everything to gain if his initial hunch comes to fruition.
That would open lots of options. Including trading Rodgers. Trading Love etc.. we got everything to gain he’s already a perceived failure. Just like Favre was in Atlanta. Glanville affectionately called him “Mississippi”
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Jan 18, 2022
Reaction score
No question at this price he is staying.
If he shows significant growth we keep him clearly since Rodgers could retire at any time after 2022 season.

If he doesn't show significant improvement we keep him, no 5th year option then draft a first rounder again and punt this one.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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The drafting of Love did nothing for Rodgers winning MVPs. Im so tired of that garbage narrative. I swear people will say anything they can to defend that pick. Do you people really think having a useless bench QB is more valuable than giving Rodgers another WR. We probably win a SB in 2020 if Lazard isnt on the field. People always talk about how bad King was but Lazard cost us 8 points against TB.
I call bs..your posts imply rodgers can never be please try to understand this assement

This has been brought up number times. But, let me see if I can explain my thinking

2 years prior to drafting Love, Rodgers qbr was his worse ever. rodgers

Stay with me.

Many people here, on media etc felt he was missing something...talent still there but maybe just not fully in to being the qb?

The team felt he was sliding. And he was 36, 37?

2 solid years of the TEAM'S assement of his performance was going down, plus getting older.

The TEAM ( NOT YOU..THE TEAM) felt the talent was slipping...disagree all you want but im willing to place money on this

Internal talks happened and decided now was the time to draft his replacement

They figured they had 3 years maybe 4 before they needed another starter. they knew Love was at least 2 years away..but they had that time.

Rodgers knows why they drafted him. He isnt stupid.

I feel he didnt do it in purpose..but his sub consciousness took over. He wanted to prove he still had it.

So while drafting Love wasnt meant to do anything other than be prepared for future.

You can poo poo this "idea"

But im willing to bet this is what happened.

Deleted member 6794

The 5 Love Languages Directions

When Love was drafted I think it is a safe assumption that nearly the entire Green Bay fan base paused for a moment before reacting...some were shocked that it actually happened, some were pissed, some were just speechless; needless to say it was one of the biggest "moments" in Gute's reign in GB. Speaking of Gute, for a man who has honestly excelled at so many personnel moves in his time, for some none of it matters because he drafted Love. That however is a discussion for another thread.

This thread however is to discuss the future of Love...what do you feel is the most likely scenario of the 5 options we now have before us as an organization that just inked Rodgers (or will be inking) to a new deal "rumored to be four years" but most likely will mean at minimum 3 more seasons with good health that Rodgers is in GB. How does that impact Love?

Love's contract for those perhaps not aware runs through the end of the 2023 season/year. The Packers after 2022, could exercise the fifth year option on him being a first round pick - BUT that would cost per some estimations of around $20M. It's tough to imagine the Packers doing that as that would be the third year of Rodgers new deal and even conservatively would mean around $45-$60M would be hitting cap just in the QB room.

So the first question I pose is the easiest one to answer IMO - do we franchise tag him?

I say emphatically no, and it isn't for any other reason than it would be fiscally ignorant to do so. None of us know (the organization would be only ones that truly might know) what Love really is...his rookie year was essentially a redshirt oddity with Covid, this last season was more "normal" but he still hasn't seen a true gameplan installed and know he was going to play for the entire week up to a game. He has struggled for sure, shown bright spots in camp and in some preseason games - but nothing to place the tag.

That leads us to what I believe are the five directions for Love and GB that are left....(in no specific order of my personal opinion)

Love goes nowhere till his contract is up with no 5th year exercised. Agree/Disagree it doesn't matter, GB and staff have a young QB they believe in as their backup, which for 2022 and 2023 is rather affordable (hits of 3.37M & 3.94M). After the 2023 season anyone's guess is as good as another in this scenario....means we could get nothing in return other than backup service for years out of Love, or could end up that plus whatever compensatory pick he may bring signing elsewhere.

Love is traded this year before trade deadline. Arguably this is the weakest QB class draftwise that we have had some are saying for over ten years....and get this....Love doesn't turn 24 till November - Pickett is actually older than Love turning 24 in June. Willis will turn 23 in May, Ridder 23 in August and Howell 22 in September. Love has two years, albeit not normal years, of NFL exposure and experience in an excellent system with an awesome QB coach and behind a first ballot HOFer...there is a lot to like about that vs a weaker class of college QBs to choose from. A bonus to the team trading for Love in this scenario is IF he lights it up, the team could choose to exercise his 5th year option...just to keep him in house for two additional years, with that next (4th) year still at a low figure and discussions can happen before that 5th year hits in guaranteed money (if I understand that part of things right). Either way having that option is the one bonus attractiveness here as well if you are a suitor looking at Love.

Love is traded at the completion of this year/into next year. This scenario the suitor most likely will NOT exercise the 5th year and is purely looking at rolling the dice on a young QB, with unknown promise still that perhaps showed something to them in the previous (2022) season to catch their attention. Low cost/risk here and could in season or after a successful one then discuss a deal extension or new contract with Love should it work out.

Green Bay keeps Love, exercises the 5th year option. I put it down, because it is an option and direction which exists...however outside of Rodgers waffling again or a catastrophic injury (knock on wood) in the 2022 season - it is a scenario with the new Rodgers deal coming that just makes very little sense. I know I said I wouldn't place personal opinion on these but I feel this direction has less than a 1% chance of occurring if placing percent likelihoods next to these.

Love is the starter in GB for the 2023 season after Rodgers retires. This similar to #4 could happen, but I just don't see happening unless Rodgers rides off into the sunset after a SB win in 2022.

As for my personal bet, I'm struggling to figure out which camp I fall in between #2 & #3. There is sound fiscal logic behind #1, and doing #2 & #3 is in a way admitting a faulty pick - or some would argue it is. However, if I'm Gute I see it as you never expected Rodgers still in many ways had his best years ahead of him and/or that you would be able to retain him this it is wise now to move Love and draft or sign a different back up. In the end, I think I'd be calling a lot of GMs this year given the draft class is so know even a team that is supposedly looking hard at Trubisky, he isn't going to cost a ton - bring in Love at a cheap value as well, and see how rises in the competition...or a team that truly doesn't expect to be in the hunt and with QB "need" like the Lions or similar team, Love for a year to see what you can get out of him is arguably attractive in a way. I think realistically the best GB could hope for in return for Love (which could be a thread in and of itself) is a conditional 2nd rounder + a 7th or so. I mean even Josh Rosen got a 2nd in return...which that is the most similar recent comparable trade we can point to. So you get a team that will give you a 7th and then a 4th that could conditionally escalate as high as a 2nd I believe personally you have to do it.

FTR, as I've harped and harped on...I liked Love as a prospect a LOT. He was my QB 2 in that draft, BUT I would have never traded up for him or picked him as I just felt it wasn't a need I perceived (clearly organization felt differently...who knows maybe justified and a ton has changed since). Jordan Love is a HIGH character young man, from my connections to the team he is loved by his teammates and the kid has ability for sure - love to see him get a chance at a shot somewhere else.

What do you predict happens?

I don't expect any other team to give up significant draft capital to acquire Love, therefore I would prefer the Packers to hold on to him as a backup for another two seasons. If there's another franchise out there willing to give up a first or second rounder for him I'll be more than happy to drive him to wherever that team is located in on short notice though.

Just one thing to consider, while Love is the same age as some prospects in this year's draft don't forget that a team trading for him would only be possible to take advantage of him being on a rookie deal for another two years compared to four with a draft pick.

I asked LT to delete my acct

I wish Love all the very best for his future where ever he ends up. He`s just been used here. JMHO


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
"used" implies they've treated him poorly. He was a first round pick who was one of the only ones to get his contract guaranteed and he happens to get to sit behind one of the best QB's in the history of the entire game. I'd say by most standards he has it pretty dang good.

I asked LT to delete my acct

"used" implies they've treated him poorly. He was a first round pick who was one of the only ones to get his contract guaranteed and he happens to get to sit behind one of the best QB's in the history of the entire game. I'd say by most standards he has it pretty dang good.
Used as in to goad a reaction from Golden Balls. We obviously see it different ;). Does anybody know where I can buy some tomatoes on the turn in the UK ? Asking for a friend.


May 23, 2010
Reaction score
I call bs..your posts imply rodgers can never be please try to understand this assement

This has been brought up number times. But, let me see if I can explain my thinking

2 years prior to drafting Love, Rodgers qbr was his worse ever. rodgers

Stay with me.

Many people here, on media etc felt he was missing something...talent still there but maybe just not fully in to being the qb?

The team felt he was sliding. And he was 36, 37?

2 solid years of the TEAM'S assement of his performance was going down, plus getting older.

The TEAM ( NOT YOU..THE TEAM) felt the talent was slipping...disagree all you want but im willing to place money on this

Internal talks happened and decided now was the time to draft his replacement

They figured they had 3 years maybe 4 before they needed another starter. they knew Love was at least 2 years away..but they had that time.

Rodgers knows why they drafted him. He isnt stupid.

I feel he didnt do it in purpose..but his sub consciousness took over. He wanted to prove he still had it.

So while drafting Love wasnt meant to do anything other than be prepared for future.

You can poo poo this "idea"

But im willing to bet this is what happened.

I agree. I believe the team also felt Rodgers was done. No one can argue that. They were wrong. I said it at the time we drafted Love. The FO felt so confidently it was a Rodgers problem and not a them problem. They werent looking inward at the core problem which was offensive playmakers.

1) Rodgers had no weapons around him outside of Adams. Gutey thought a 31 year old Graham who has dealt with a ton of injuries was going to make up for the loss of Nelson and he couldnt be more incorrect.

2) The FO was too stupid to understand Rodgers and the entire offense for that matter was in its first year of the Shannahan style offense. Historically that offense struggles year one and explodes year two.

The FO only wanted to blame Rodgers for the team struggling instead of putting weapons around him and giving him a chance to grow into a brand new system. They let him grow but they still havent done anything to give him weapons.


May 23, 2010
Reaction score
"used" implies they've treated him poorly. He was a first round pick who was one of the only ones to get his contract guaranteed and he happens to get to sit behind one of the best QB's in the history of the entire game. I'd say by most standards he has it pretty dang good.
If I was Love, and if his agent wasnt also Rodgers agent, I would be livid at the Packers. Theyve wasted 2 years of his development. Say what you want about sitting behind someone. I believe that can be used for a year at max. Anytime more than that is wasting a QB. They need to get on the field and play. They needs actual game reps to learn. Practice with and against the #2s can only get you so far.

Not only did the Packers waste Love's development but they wasted his opportunity to show what he has and get paid on his 2nd deal, assuming he believes in himself. I would be demanding a trade.

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