Rodgers for Vice President?


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
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Oshkosh, WI
Yeah critical thinking has kind of disappeared. And you don't say it, but I'm betting you're the kind of guy who would welcome a challenge, and change your point of view as needed. Just a guess.
I would like to say that's the case. Truthfully, at this stage of my life, I don't want to want to p*ss away my time in circuitous discussions... so, I just don't engage anymore.

Hey... my nephew is a State Trooper and got to meet and shake hands and exchange words with a sitting US President last week. As a Young Republican, I got within 30 yards of Ronald Reagan...anyway, my zoom lens told me it was 30 yards.


Apr 30, 2018
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Who said he didn't try to do just that? In a situation like this, I think putting his name out there the North Valley Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund raise more money. Basically, "if Aaron is giving, I am going to as well."

I understand a lot of peoples motivation for "giving" can be flipped and labeled "self-promoting tax strategy", but I don't feel that way about this donation.

He released a simple statement, never mentioned the money.

“With the help of my friends at the North Valley Community Foundation, I will always be committed to helping my beloved Northern California home areas. My heart goes out to the families and communities affected, and we will be deploying funds immediately to help those in need.”

Spot on! How do you get rich on the internet? "Disinformation". Pitch it to an audience that is starving for it and you got yourself a job! Ask Alex Jones, Rudy G, Mike Lindell, etc.

When you confront some of the conspiracy theorists with facts, their first response is "Fake News". Ummm, really? I guess I trust several News Sources, photos, video, eye witness reports, etc. than some ******* crackpot saying "Nobody was killed, it was a hoax!"
Yeah I have no problem with Rodgers making an announcement like this. And this isn't the way he tries to get attention. He did a good thing and I believe he's done stuff like this in the past. Good for him to remember where he came from.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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Oh my God, yes - you belted that one out of the park. Then, to the advent of the internet, add nearly every social media site (excepting this one, of course) and the fact that every purveyor of alternative truth has a "podcast" AND the fact that critical thinking is no longer encouraged in schools, nor so much as tolerated over the last few decades. I'm not talking full blown skepticism, I'm talking about the simple ability to recognize crap when you hear it.
I remember when I was a kid, or even as a younger adult, that when average people heard a piece of new information about some subject that they didn't know much about, their first reaction was to say, "Wow!! I never knew that!! That's so cool!" Now, it seems like 2 out of every 3 people's first reaction to some new discovery is automaticaly, "Oh, ********. I never heard of that before, so it can't possibly be true."

The internet has made hundreds of millions of people think they're experts on every single thing in the world. High school dropout who drives a cab decides that he knows more about science than people with 15 years of university education and muktiple PhDs because his "common sense" just tells him so. "Global warming? Sounds ridiculous. Way too complicated, obviously must be buillshit." "Moon landing? Impossible, because I don't understand calculus or trigonometry".

And I blame the internet. Thousands of crackpot bloggers just putting up radical content on controversial topics in order to attract lots of hits and generate ad revenue, deliberately posting copy that sparks a strong emotional reaction in people, and when gullible readers find that they decide it has to be true because the guy's a blogger so they must be smart - right?

Too many people have completely lost the ability to think for themselves and figure what's true and what isn'ty true anymore, and worst of all they don't want the ability back. They want to be told what to think by people who think the same way they do.

In a way, I can understand how it got to this point. The internet, and the "Age of Information", have bombarded us all with far more information that a human brain can sort out. There's way too much, coming at us way too fast, from way too many dorections. with no time in between to catch out breath and break it down. People are desperate for ways to make it simpler, and it doesn't get any simpler than just logging onto the internet and letting some stranger tell you what to think.

People want things simple, but it's not a simple world. It's a very complicated world. We've become a genuinely foolish society, and I don't see anything putting that toothpaste back in the tube.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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And I think you're right about the internet and instant access to information - the good and the bad - and how people feel ok to espouse nonsense. There is that saying - "if it's on the internet it must be true."

I often say the internet is an amazing invention that anyone in the world can use to make themselves as smart as they want to be - or as stupid as they want to be.

My wife's disabled; too sick to work an actual job, even an online job if it requires regular check-ins, communications, and Zoom meetings during business hours (which most do). But if she can just work when she's awake, and crash when she's sick, she can get a hell of a lot done.

She's a workaholic, an overachiever all her life before she got sick. So she used the internet to take online college courses. Over a period of several years, and building on college credits from before getting sick, she earned a 2-year certificaton in paralegal, another in accounting, 4 bachelor's degrees (1 in computer science, another in English), and 2 masters degrees (Public Health and Education).

She already owned 3 LLCs, and under one of them she started a business as an IT contractor and research consultant. It's worked out very well, and she's working on her 3rd masters' in computer science.

Our neighbor across the street uses the internet to study chemtrails. Apparently knows quite a lot about 'em, too. Truly fascinating; I never would have guessed there could be so much to it.

And I never get tired of cat videos, for whatever that's worth.

And it's going to get exponentially worse with AI. I'm kinda glad I'm not growing up in this age. That may sound like the complaint of an old man, and maybe it is.
It's an easier and more natural sort of observation for men of our age to articulate, because we were born far enough back in the old world to clearly remember it and make accurate comparisons between then and now. Mrs. Thirteen and I often say how lucky we feel now that she couldn't have children; I'd lie awake every night worrying about the world we're leaving them.

And AI scares the absolute hell out of both of us.

A year and a half ago, she landed a consulting gig with a major tech company, testing AI programs and evaluating them and their ability to learn and self-correct. I actually did a lot of work on it, because I could trick it into trying to adapt to different writing styles.

Technically, neither of us is supposed to know the actual client; it was gigged out through a third party shell company. But it wasn't hard to figure out and probably wouldn't be hard for y'all to guess.

We both came away from it badly shaken. We had no idea what AI was already capable of, and how good it is at quickly getting better.

And better.

And better.

Plus, because of the tasks we were directed to test it on, it didn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out some of the things this mystery tech firm is planning to do with it. There are probably tens of millions of people out there who have no idea how few years it's going to be before their jobs don't exist anymore. And never will again.

And, personal privacy? Thing of the past.

She and I spent weeks, maybe even months, in the wake of that gig completely reassessing our entire master plan for how we intended to live our last 20 years or so. Our entire view of the world ahead changed completely, and neither of us ever felt more powerless in our lives.

The tech firms say AI is the next big step forward for humanity; I think it's just going to be the next step forward for corporations. For the rest of the human race..... just a big step into a whole different world. But not necessarily forward.

I remember even when I was 6 or 7 years old, watching "The Jetsons", and seeing articles about how computers were going to do everything and nobody would ever have to work anymore. And even in the 1st Grade, I thought "How could grownups be so stupid? If nobody is working, what are they going to do for money? Are all the companies who use computers to do everything just going to mail out checks every week to everyone in America who doesn't have to work anymore?"

I thought it was the stupidest thing I ever heard. And I still do. But, grownups are still buying into it, although I admit it seems to be fewer every year.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I remember when I was a kid, or even as a younger adult, that when average people heard a piece of new information about some subject that they didn't know much about, their first reaction was to say, "Wow!! I never knew that!! That's so cool!" Now, it seems like 2 out of every 3 people's first reaction to some new discovery is automaticaly, "Oh, ********. I never heard of that before, so it can't possibly be true."

The internet has made hundreds of millions of people think they're experts on every single thing in the world. High school dropout who drives a cab decides that he knows more about science than people with 15 years of university education and muktiple PhDs because his "common sense" just tells him so. "Global warming? Sounds ridiculous. Way too complicated, obviously must be buillshit." "Moon landing? Impossible, because I don't understand calculus or trigonometry".

And I blame the internet. Thousands of crackpot bloggers just putting up radical content on controversial topics in order to attract lots of hits and generate ad revenue, deliberately posting copy that sparks a strong emotional reaction in people, and when gullible readers find that they decide it has to be true because the guy's a blogger so they must be smart - right?

Too many people have completely lost the ability to think for themselves and figure what's true and what isn'ty true anymore, and worst of all they don't want the ability back. They want to be told what to think by people who think the same way they do.

In a way, I can understand how it got to this point. The internet, and the "Age of Information", have bombarded us all with far more information that a human brain can sort out. There's way too much, coming at us way too fast, from way too many dorections. with no time in between to catch out breath and break it down. People are desperate for ways to make it simpler, and it doesn't get any simpler than just logging onto the internet and letting some stranger tell you what to think.

People want things simple, but it's not a simple world. It's a very complicated world. We've become a genuinely foolish society, and I don't see anything putting that toothpaste back in the tube.
Many of those "Crackpots" are now working in Government positions. I noticed MTG got blown out of the water for a post about the age of I believe 10 or so of the signees to the Declaration of Independence. 7 of the 10 she named, didn't even sign it! So I did a "copy and paste" of her post, wondering who her source might of been. I am 99.9% sure that she copied from an Instagram account of a guy that is so far right, he could touch his own hand on the other side of the flat earth. So here we have a member of Congress, posting dribble like it is her own thoughts and she is getting them from some random poster on Instagram!

I don't mean to get political, because I am positive it happens on both sides of the aisle, but come on man!

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
Staff member
Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
Many of those "Crackpots" are now working in Government positions. I noticed MTG got blown out of the water for a post about the age of I believe 10 or so of the signees to the Declaration of Independence. 7 of the 10 she named, didn't even sign it! So I did a "copy and paste" of her post, wondering who her source might of been. I am 99.9% sure that she copied from an Instagram account of a guy that is so far right, he could touch his own hand on the other side of the flat earth. So here we have a member of Congress, posting dribble like it is her own thoughts and she is getting them from some random poster on Instagram!

I don't mean to get political, because I am positive it happens on both sides of the aisle, but come on man!
I'm so glad the next president can send Seal Team 6 to assassinate whoever he wants.:rolleyes:

Must be true because a SCOTUS member plus multiple congress critters and media heads said so.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I'm so glad the next president can send Seal Team 6 to assassinate whoever he wants.:rolleyes:

Must be true because a SCOTUS member plus multiple congress critters and media heads said so.
Hell, if that's the case, the current sitting President should send Seal Team 6 to Marafarto!


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
This was just an opinion piece, but sounds like not much has changed with Rodgers and the Jets. Also a video with the author (Ian O'Connor) of the unauthorized biography about Rodgers, chatting about Rodgers and the book.

You must be logged in to see this image or video!


May 12, 2014
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Everything is going to depend on how he throws the ball. Which I expect to be very good. Especially with that receiver from Ohio State. All the rest is just bs.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Everything is going to depend on how he throws the ball. Which I expect to be very good. Especially with that receiver from Ohio State. All the rest is just bs.
For me, there are 2 ways that I view Aaron Rodgers.

1. Aaron Rodgers the Player

2. Aaron Rodgers the Non-Player

Both of those views are strictly from the perspective of a Packer fan, as well as someone who has never met Rodgers. So while I agree that as long as he produces on the field and the Jets win, a lot of the negativity of Rodgers is somehow cancelled/forgotten, for some. However, for me, that doesn't change or erase the negatives of his past, both on and off the field. Only future Aaron can do that for me.

If you listened to the interview with Ian O'Connor one of the last things that he said kind of surprised me. He said that he was surprised to hear that most NFL players like Aaron. I think we as Packer fans knew that. I also think it would be crazy for too many current players/teammates to publicly say anything else.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Clay Matthews and many of his old teammates were back in Green Bay for Clays induction into the Packer Hall of Fame on Thursday.

Clay acknowledged his former teammates absence from the proceedings. :roflmao:

Aug 16, 2014
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I understand a lot of peoples motivation for "giving" can be flipped and labeled "self-promoting tax strategy", but I don't feel that way about this donation.
Oh I wasn’t referring to that at all. I’m not condemning him at all, in fact just the opposite. I think sometimes wanting the best for someone gets twisted as we are out to get him. That isn’t my intent maybe it is someone else’s. Our good works get found out eventually, just like our bad works. We don’t need to promote them by blowing our horn, it only makes them lose steam faster. I guess I’d agree if all I wanted was praise from other people when I donate $$. I’ve never done that and it always comes back to me and often in ways that are totally unexpected. I get it though we’re a cultured peoples to blow our trumpets.

Now in a celebrities case, it could’ve been the media that blew this donation into a news story. Thats entirely plausible. I also don’t think Aaron himself called anyone, it’s more likely his PR people.
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Aug 16, 2014
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I know many players who switch careers and go into politics or various entrepreneurships, but I still think Aaron would make a fabulous Coordinator. He’s a high iQ guy that sees the game much more clearly than the average person. While he does sometimes rub us the wrong way, I don’t fault him for that he’s human and he’s being tested like the rest of us. I’m not sure about HC or not, I’d rather see him as a OC first and go from there.
I hope he doesn’t go into politics. We need less politics in our world. Political leaders only give us a false sense of security. I learned long ago that our security does not come from my political candidate. It doesn’t infer we should bury our heads in the sand. However our security doesn’t come from government. Half of Congress can’t even tie their shoe laces

I could see Rodgers as a hometown Mayor or something like that. A local leader in his community, that I can see and I think he might even enjoy that.


Apr 30, 2018
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I know many players who switch careers and go into politics or various entrepreneurships, but I still think Aaron would make a fabulous Coordinator. He’s a high iQ guy that sees the game much more clearly than the average person. While he does sometimes rub us the wrong way, I don’t fault him for that he’s human and he’s being tested like the rest of us. I’m not sure about HC or not, I’d rather see him as a OC first and go from there.
I hope he doesn’t go into politics. We need less politics in our world. Political leaders only give us a false sense of security. I learned long ago that our security does not come from my political candidate. It doesn’t infer we should bury our heads in the sand. However our security doesn’t come from government. Half of Congress can’t even tie their shoe laces

I could see him as a Mayor or something like that. A local leader in his community, that I can see
I don't see Rodgers as caring for anyone but himself, so I don't see him as a great public servant.

Out of curiosity, who is testing Rodgers and "the rest of us"? What is it we are being tested for?
Aug 16, 2014
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I don't see Rodgers as caring for anyone but himself, so I don't see him as a great public servant.

Out of curiosity, who is testing Rodgers and "the rest of us"? What is it we are being tested for?
Interesting. You emphatically told me not to expound on my beliefs. But now you want to know the source of them. I guess I’m making headway with you my friend! I can’t ask for more than that. Hit me up in Private if you’d like and I’d be elated to share that. Otherwise I’ll have to assume it’s not a genuine question and thus out of respect for your previous request, I’ll be forced to defer.
I’ll be happily waiting for the answer
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Apr 30, 2018
Reaction score
Interesting. You emphatically told me not to expound on my beliefs. But now you want to know the source of them. I guess I’m making headway with you my friend! I can’t ask for more than that. Hit me up in Private if you’d like and I’d be elated to share that. Otherwise I’ll have to assume it’s not a genuine question and thus out of respect for your previous request, I’ll be forced to defer.
I’ll be happily waiting for the answer
No I think making a reference to "being tested" is in itself a statement based on faith, and a very brief one. I respect that you are a person of faith. There is nothing wrong with what you wrote, it's not expounding. I hear people of faith say they are "being tested" when they go through hard times in their lives and I am always interested in what they believe. Does it just provide comfort in hard times? No harm in that.

Anyway it's NBD. And yeah I don't think a public sports forum is a place to expound on beliefs. And I do appreciate that you don't do that and rather keep the discussion topic-focused. Although we all drift off topic at times. Thanks OS.


Feb 8, 2017
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I know many players who switch careers and go into politics or various entrepreneurships, but I still think Aaron would make a fabulous Coordinator. He’s a high iQ guy that sees the game much more clearly than the average person. While he does sometimes rub us the wrong way, I don’t fault him for that he’s human and he’s being tested like the rest of us. I’m not sure about HC or not, I’d rather see him as a OC first and go from there.
I hope he doesn’t go into politics. We need less politics in our world. Political leaders only give us a false sense of security. I learned long ago that our security does not come from my political candidate. It doesn’t infer we should bury our heads in the sand. However our security doesn’t come from government. Half of Congress can’t even tie their shoe laces
Unfortunately, politicians can do us a great deal of harm.

As for Rodgers, I've never cared about his personality, except in whatever manner it affected the team. I wonder how much it affected his effectiveness as a leader? Brady is always held up as an example of a great on field leader. But for all we know Rodgers was a great leader. Most of the players seemed to like him, although there were a handful that didn't.


Jun 11, 2012
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I know many players who switch careers and go into politics or various entrepreneurships, but I still think Aaron would make a fabulous Coordinator. He’s a high iQ guy that sees the game much more clearly than the average person. While he does sometimes rub us the wrong way, I don’t fault him for that he’s human and he’s being tested like the rest of us. I’m not sure about HC or not, I’d rather see him as a OC first and go from there.
I hope he doesn’t go into politics. We need less politics in our world. Political leaders only give us a false sense of security. I learned long ago that our security does not come from my political candidate. It doesn’t infer we should bury our heads in the sand. However our security doesn’t come from government. Half of Congress can’t even tie their shoe laces

I could see Rodgers as a hometown Mayor or something like that. A local leader in his community, that I can see and I think he might even enjoy that.
Maybe he will be the Jackie Kemp of the 21st century.
Aug 16, 2014
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No I think making a reference to "being tested" is in itself a statement based on faith, and a very brief one. I respect that you are a person of faith. There is nothing wrong with what you wrote, it's not expounding. I hear people of faith say they are "being tested" when they go through hard times in their lives and I am always interested in what they believe. Does it just provide comfort in hard times? No harm in that.

Anyway it's NBD. And yeah I don't think a public sports forum is a place to expound on beliefs. And I do appreciate that you don't do that and rather keep the discussion topic-focused. Although we all drift off topic at times. Thanks OS.
Not sure if you’ve ever considered this. Yet we all have beliefs and we all worship something. Someone can tell what I worship within 30 minutes if crossing my computer, other devices, my bank accounts and a things around my home. It doesn’t take any time to tell others about my beliefs nor does that same process exclude anyone I’ve met on this Earth. So saying to not express our beliefs is kinda fruitless because every last one of us do it. Matter of fact there’s even a block feature, so how could being offended be possible past a few seconds or couple minutes? We can freely block everyone and we’d never have to disagree! Although it’d get a little lonely
I welcome diversity of thoughts in here it’s good for discussions as long as it’s used respectfully or playfully or with kindness or not mean spirited in any way. Just imagine how Amish must feel he’s got to use all these technological devices just to debate with us. Must really rub him wrong!

I don’t agree with 75% of what Rodgers worships. But that doesn’t stop me from being compassionate that he has struggled just like me. We’re in this world together we gotta give allowance to each other unless it’s doing real harm to us or our family then we need to run like Hill!
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