OK gang, here is the contest and the rules. Any entry not following the rules will be disqualified.
1. Finish the limerick that is posted below. Remember, a limerick has 5 lines. Lines 3 and 4 rhyme together, and line 5 rhymes with line 1 and 2.
2. NO vulgarity or swearing. Keep it funny and related to the subject.
3. Post entries in the "reply to topic" area, unless directed to do otherwise by Ryan. One entry per person.
4. Deadline is Wednesday, May 24th at 3:00 pm Mountain time.
5. Judging will be done by Wednesday, May 31st. Tentatively scheduled to judge is former Packer defensive back and former Grizzly Tim Hauck, and former Grizzly and NFL center and long snapper Guy Bingham.
6. The prize package will contain Montana products, Montana Grizzly stuff and more.
Here is the limerick to finish:
"There once was a team called the Queens,
Whose lone claim to fame, so it seems,
Good luck and have fun.