Jon Ryan vs BJ Sander OTA Punting report


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
Jon Ryan last year punted in CFL for the Winnepeg Blue Bombers and averaged CFL record 50.6 yards per punt. John Ryan is battling BJ Sander who was the punter for the Green Bay Packer last year. Sander was ranked 30 th in NFL in gross yardage per attempt (39.2 yards) and 31st in net yardage (33.9 yards)

Friday night Green Bay TV 11 WLUK reported that:In a Punting Drill Friday in OTAs which had Green Bay Punters punt from end line in the end zone. Punter Jon Ryan was booming punts out of end zone over 50 yard line and being caught on 35 yard line. BJ Sander in the same endline/End zone punting drill was punting to 50 yard line.

In the Friday TV report on WLUK Channel 11 report. Ryan said it is still very early and there is a very long way to go before a Packer punter will be chosen for '06 season.

The Packers in February paid Ryan a $35,000 signing bonus. That is about a mid 7th round draft pick signed for in last years draft.

John Ryan lacks the usual height of NFL punter. he is 6 ft, 202 lbs. BJ Sander is is a optimal 6 ft 4 inches- 218 lbs and is 25 years old.- But Jon Ryan punting record in CFL suggests, his leg strength is NFL caliber.

Last year in CFL, Jon Ryan made a around $65,000 in salary and bonuses. Ryan turned down a raise in salary in CFL, to see if he could make it in NFL. where the NFL rookie minimum salary is $275,000

Ryan faces some difficulties in adjusting in NFL vs CFL, such as new K ball is used for all punts and kicks in the NFL. Also Hang time is emphasized in the NFL rather than distance . In the CFL, the Punters emphasis is driving the ball, because of the CFL's wider field and there is no fair catch rule.

So far this early in the year, Jon Ryan's strong leg has been impressing Packer head Coach Mike McCarthy.

But as was by Jon Ryan stated in TV Report there is long way to go in the punting dual between Jon Ryan and BJ Sander to see which one of them will be punter for the Green Bay Packers.

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