While I generally try to avoid the issue of is Brett to agressive for his own good, I have a couple of things to add.
1. These QBs have a competitive nature and winning drive that ultimately they will air it out at critical times in the game, or when the game seems lost just because they want to win. It is easy to criticize, but these players got where they are because of their personality and attitude, which is to win or die trying mentality.
2. There is no "I" in team. Ultimately you will have players that end up replacing other players; it's the nature of this game. The player coming in isn't always going to be as good as the player he replaced. The drop off in talent and relative inexperience in the specific scheme of play can be deadly in terms of chemistry/communication between the QB and the said new player. These lack of things can lead to INTs taking place when none would have before if the old player was still around or at the peak of his game. (Case and point: Jennings. Simply put, Walker > Jennings AT THE PRESENT TIME. Also add on physical differences (height, leaping ability) and all of a sudden something Walker could do might be something Jennings can't. Since Favre was so used to Walker doing it, he throws it up and without really thinking that Jennings isn't Walker, and the result isn't a completition) Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Favre is an idiot or something, but when you have split seconds to make a decision, you are bound to make decisions that you are familiar with and have had a relative degree of success. Only through time can these "lapses" be corrected.
Thus I always believe A TD/INT ratio isn't a HUGE thing. Brett has led the fortunes of this franchise to a complete 180, and built a winning traidition. Someone like Vick might not be the greatest QB, and IMO is overrated as a QB, but the fact is he wins games with his ability. TD/INT ratio won't tell the whole story, and it usually never does. Those who argue or take pleasure in saying that Brett is a walking INT machine are the same people that would've taken Brett in the years their team was struggling. They like to poke fun at his 29 INTs last year and his high INTs tendency, yet they are the exact same people who would have prayed for a QB like Brett to be sent to them if their team ever started rebuilding.
It is a "what have you done for me lately" type of league, but to ignore the contributions and successes of the past is ignorant. I don't care if he throws 35 INTs this year, I'll be in front of my tv each and every week there to watch Favre get closer and closer to an end of a great career.
Because in the end, I hope to tell my grandchildren about this legend known as #4, how he brought pride and prestige back to this team and played hard each and every game.
So he can throw 400 INTs in his career, because those who focus on the negative have nothing more to talk about. Look at what he did for this team, this city, and the joy he gave countless people over 16+ years, and then tell me you wouldn't take a QB like Favre and live with his "mistakes".