Are the Packers REBUILDING..or aren't they?


Jun 6, 2005
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There seems to be a lot of confusion on this board (but not elsewhere) whether the PAckers are rebuilding this year....

Hence, you get alot of posters saying that if the Packers lose a few more games, they should should bench Favre and start Aaron Rodgers. And also things like..Grady shouldn't be paid because he's old....Or...even though the Packers have an new and unproven offensive line who can't run block..Ahman Green is through...He should be able to transport himself, like a ghost, through the defending team's bodies if he had anything left, or if he was a "true" Green Bay Packer....

And the most galling sentiment of all......

Brett Favre should NEVER be allowed to play for ANY OTHER FOOTBALL TEAM...except the hallowed GREEN BAY PACKERS!

Now Ron Wolf made a promise before he left that he was going to surround Brett Favre with the talent to win championships. Unfortunately, he stuck us with the inept Mike Sherman (a coach who requires major rebuilding..and frankly it is not worth the effort) and left, and the Packers have been "rebuilding" since 2000. What else would you call drafting 2 rookie wide receivers in the same year, who have to develop over time to become good..and of that there is NO garauntee of this happening..just look at Robert Ferguson!

Now I believe that TT and Sherman plan to turn this team over to Rodgers sooner rather than later, but they don't know how to get rid of Favre. So..they obviously have entered rebuilding mode now thereby hoping that Favre reads the writing on the wall and retires....

Basically...the organizaion is saying...The Green Bay Packers are rebuilding NOW...contrary to what you might have been led to believe, and there is nothing you can do about it...Brett Favre. Eventually Favre will begin to see this fact. (As Steve Young has stated before.)

TT and Sherman have sold him down the river.....

Now I ask you, under such duplicitous circumstances....why SHOULDN'T Brett Favre play for another team that can compete? Because he owes his allegiance to the Green Bay Packers forever? Why? The Packers haven't held up their end of the bargain.

Ron do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning?


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
C'mon Pack66 take the tinfoil hat off. Nobody is picking on Brett or setting him up for failure. EVERY TEAM IN THE NFL IS CONSTANTLY REBUILDING OR THEY ARE DYING!!

The eagles have I believe 15 new players on their roster this season. In todays NFL you don't have to hit rock bottom to rebuild. I believe the Packers ARE rebuilding. But they are also trying to stay competitive while doing it.

This conspiracy theory you have against Favre is driven by your apparent hatred for Sherman and paranoia against Thompson. Everybody loves Favre and would love to see him get another ring....including Sherman and TT. Favre will never play for another NFL team.

Now, relax and just enjoy the rest of the season.


Aug 16, 2005
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every team rebuilds in some shape every year, but we wont do any major overhaul until Brett is gone I believe.


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
tromadz said:
every team rebuilds in some shape every year, but we wont do any major overhaul until Brett is gone I believe.

This team with TT at the helm will do exactly what he did in Seattle - build the team through the draft. This philosophy has nothing to do with #4 IMO.


Jun 4, 2005
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11 rookies out of 53 players is a hefty turnover for one year.

Brett could play 5 more years, but how many of them will be productive?

Two things have happened: Ted Thompson's hiring changed the philosophy Mike Sherman conducted: he went with draft picks instead of veteran players. Sherman tossed draft picks away frequently, Thompson values them deeply. Playing he number of inexpensive rookies this year will pay dividends in the future.

The second thing was the crop of Packer holdovers is dwindling. Next year William Henderson, Mike Flanagan, Green, possibly Na'il Diggs and a couple others, will be elsewhere. So the turnover has begun in a a major way. What they are trying to do is rebuild on the fly, with Brett being the glue to hold it together.

Bates' defense is starting to weave its magic, and the team will be improving, unless injuries destroy the continuity.

I still look for 8-8.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
Up front - I sometimes read the other boards out there....
That doesn't make them any more "right or wrong", than any of the rest..
Pretending that this Forum has lost it in what's going on with the Packers - is ludicrous!
Those other Forums have their flavor - and pay attention to what THEY prefer...
We'll do the same here....

Maybe the other Forums just tend to not argue with your posts like we do!

The Membership here certainly "gets it" with regards to how things are happening at Lambeau Field. Once TT came in, we knew that a metamorphosis would begin. The character of the Front Office has returned to something more akin to the Ron Wolf days, simply by association.

We were going nowhere anyway - so you sorta expected this to happen, almost prayed for it. The most strident weakness Mike SHerman has always shown me - was his ineptitude with the Players while switching hats. The Players could threaten Shermy all day long (as GM) and get away with it. He didn't know how to stand tough.... or, maybe it was his Churchmouse attitude that got it the way; it certainly did as HC - it shows in the play calling - which this year, seems to be even more Tom Rossley-ish than ever before....

I know this - if Sherman fails to get us to the Playoffs this year - TT fires him.
If he doesn't fire him - He'll certainly demand a NEW Offensive Coordinator.
Which will most likely cause Mike Sherman to resign!

Brett Favre - as I have stated on the article by Steve Czaban - will not play anywhere else. Favre is old school - once he gives his word, that's it !

Favre's too good to retire

Is Brett too old (at 36) to keep playing? What about ----

  • Jets - Vinny Testeverde - QB (41)
    Jets - Curtis Martin - RB (32)
    Bills - Eric Moulds - WR (32)
    KC - Trent Green - QB (35)
    Jets - Kevin Mawae - C (34)
    Titans - Steve McNair - QB (32)
    NE - Corey Dillon - RB (30)
    KC - Will Shields - G (30)
    NE - Duane Starks - CB (31)
Depending on the position and the amount of abuse your body would get?


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