Wow..some very interesting comments..


Jun 1, 2006
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from another site...

Is the balance of support for Ted Thompson tipping the other way now...60-40 against...? 70-30...?

Who knows..but it's getting pretty ugly out there...

November 9th, 2009 at 20:58 | #12
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Ah the plot thickens. No doubt ol Zombie Eyes(Ted)had Dom Capers in mind for promotion to head coach once he fires the Grimace mid season or so if need be. You can count on Zombie Eyes canning Grimace as he no doubt is his fall guy for this entire mess. After all, ol Zombie Eyes has given the Grimace a ton of talent (for little or no meaningful cap money I might add) so why can’t he turn them into to the true champions Zombie Eyes believes they are.
You see,Zombie Eyes has never got the difference between quality vs. quantity. Zombie Eyes operates under the premise that if he has 7 draft picks and can trade down a bunch of times and end up with say 13 or 14 picks then that is way better. What Zombie Eyes fails to see is that the 13 or 14 players he picks are nothing more than roster filler around the NFL (except his first round pick, unless that empty uniform is Justin Harrel’s). Zombie Eyes has had better street free agents show up at 1265 Lombardi Ave looking for work, then some of his later round draft picks. So why not just target his roster filler players that no one else would draft anyway and focus on signing 7 or 8 quality picks. After the draft he can call his diamond in the ruff so to speak roster filler players and wire them a oneway greyhound ticket to GB. Somehow I think this simplistic concept has evaded Zombie Eyes for some unknown reason. And heck if some of his roster filler players get drafted he can always watch the waiver wire since undoubltedly they will appear on it throughout the summer up until final cut down to 53 players. Watching the waiver wire will provide Zombie Eyes a more meaningful football oriented roll during the summer in lieu of being the dim witted gap toothed clown (Mark Murphy’s)evil toadie. Fire all of them! Now!
However I am not sure who would replace them just yet. I think Holmgren and Wolf may be a stretch since they been there done that already.

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November 8th, 2009 at 19:14 | #14
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This is a special day for me as one of the very few that KNOW that “A-Rodg” will ALWAYS be a loser. Ever since his chance at glory against So Cal until today “A-Rodg” has never won the big game or even showed up to be competitive. Few probably remember his first and goal at the 8 to get to the national champ game over So Cal. The ones who do remember “A-Rodg” coming up empty and losing the game. Whats this guy done since then? Crushed the competition in preseason? Roll up bug stats in garbage time or when the team is hopelessly behind? What bigger game could there be then against Favre and Minny. What did he do? Direct the team to 40 total yards first half – the worst since the 90’s as the team fell hopelessly behind. And of course with that the excuse train just never ends. “Too many injuries on the team” everyone chirps. “Too many sacks to be blamed on the o-line” even though this clown continues to hold the ball forever. And of course today against winless and hapless Buco land. Another chance to lead the team to victory in the last 2 minutes and another failure to get it done. Whats your excuse this time “A-Rodg” lovers? I can’t wait to hear. Wait yes I can. I don’t want to hear anymore excuses. The stale Blatz has finally rotted all your brains out. The biggest insult of all though is the fact that “A-Rodg” now makes more than Favre ever did. Its obvious to me now that this was always the plan Thompson had when his first move was to draft “A-Rodg” and that was to get rid of Favre anyway possible. Get rid of 2 all pro guards? Done. Refuse to sign Randy Moss and team the best all time deep ball receiver with the best all time deep ball thrower and send the Vikings packing for Cali? Done. Refuse to sign a proven coach in Mooch for an unknown lackey like McPounder? Done. Refuse to get any proven stars on this team like Jarad Allen and Burner Turner? Done. All done just like this team. And you people have the audacity to boo the great Favre because he simply wants to play for a team with some talent around him? Truly amazing. Its my opinion now that we are finally at the point where even beer soaked imbeciles that are Wisconsinites are now ready to see “A-Rodg” for what he truly is and when that happens – and it will happen – it will mark the end of the regime. Lets just hope we can find a way to send our worthless QB out the door with the rest of them.

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Saint Al

November 8th, 2009 at 19:16 | #15
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Maybe Matt Millen is available…it would be a step up from the a** clown we have calling the shots now…

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November 8th, 2009 at 20:07 | #16
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Rush, you are a moron.

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November 8th, 2009 at 20:21 | #17
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As a Vikings fan, I think I can say we have all become a little arrogant in purple-ville so I don’t want to fuel the flames that have already ignited your precious mystique franchise to burn to the ground. Instead, I’ll just say what every other self-delusional fan of your kind has been saying until today: KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, RODGERS IS A STAR, HE WILL BE BETTER THAN FAVRE EVER WAS, YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT TO GET RID OF HIM, YOU’RE A SUPER BOWL CALIBER TEAM WITH RODGERS! Yes, I’m finally jumping on the A-Rod bandwagon! (maybe not for the same reasons as pacQUEER nation)

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Mac The Knife

November 8th, 2009 at 20:40 | #18
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The un-holy trilogy of Mark Murphy, Ted Thompson and the Grimace gotta go. What did the grimace tell Bret? “that train has already left” I can’t wait until that train pulls back into to GB to pick up these three clowns and take them back to what ever rock they climbed out from under.
Teds draft day is so predictable. Trade away higher round draft picks for a bunch of lower round “roster filler” draft picks. Makes sense to me. This is of course due to the fact Ted is so much smarter than all the rest of the guys picking players on draft day. For instance, if Teddy boy picks lower round players he has to pay them less money and of course this is great for increasing the proffit margins. Edgy draft day maneuvering like this is what genius football executives of the year are made of. And of course this is what crappy football teams are made of too.
Does anyone remember watching the inept packer teams of the 70’s and the 80’s? Dosen’t the play of this current team make us fondly recall names like Mike Butler, Estus Hood and the like. It would appear that Ted and his dream team staff and undying homer fans want to take a ride back in time. No suprise really, since everything old is new again. Right? It would appear that our team once again should have a reasonbly high first round draft pick. I wonder if ol Teddy boy will “trade down” and get a whole new bunch of later round draft picks to fill in all the holes that are still holes after the past 4 or 5 drafts. FIRE TED, FIRE MURPHY and FIRE the GRIMACE, Do it now!

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November 8th, 2009 at 22:04 | #19
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Am I the only one bothered by the fact that Grren Bay named a street after Mike McCarthy when all he did was take a team to the NFC championship game once and in that game he got pummeled at home by the Giants. Don’t you think that that’s “jumping the gun a bit”?
Also, how can Ted Thompson make the claim that he is always looking for a way to improve his team (he said this when they asked him about Vick) and then go after absolutely no quality free agents in the offseason. They signed Anthony Smith, who actually played well in the pre-season, but then they cut him anyway. Making good draft picks is important (though, he doesn’t even do that), but if you were really “always looking for a way to improve your team”, wouldn’t you also pursue qulaity free agents in the offseason?

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Paul Baroni

November 9th, 2009 at 02:10 | #20
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Well thanks TT and MM were back in the 70″s and 80’s after Starr and before Farve. I new this was gonna happen, what a sad time this is. I hated the Vikings but I love football and Love to watch #4 play so I gotta cheer for them and hope that a Packer QB is what it takes to get a super bowl for the Vikings. TT would not use free agency and only build with the draft.Remember when Wolf built a superbowl winner the 1996 SB team Wolf drafted a tackle that year in the 1st round named John Michels who did not pan out but a FA named Bruce Wilkerson started and played tackle and we won the super bowl, also free agents like Kieth Jackson, Andre Rison, Ugene Robinson, Don Bebee, Desmond Howard, Reggie White, Sean Jones etc. This season is gone but dumping TT and getting a first class GM to evaluate the rooster and be ready to draft and use free agency this team can tirn around quick and there are good coaches out there Marriucci, Cowher, Gruden. Mike Holmgren would make a good GM. Please Board of Directors give us back the proud GBP and unite a divided Packer Nation. A disassified Shareholder and Season Ticket Holder

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Mac The Knife

November 9th, 2009 at 03:10 | #21
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The packers played like they took TB to lightly based on their record. Yet another example of how the Grimace does not have control over this team. Good teams beat teams like the Bucs at home or on the road, no excuses here other than Teds legacy at work. I wonder how the apologists/homers are going to spin this one? Fire the Dumburgler (Ted) the Clown (Murphy) and the Grimace now, before it is too late! I think I heard “the train that has already left the station” headed to GB just awhile ago here in Pewaukee.

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November 9th, 2009 at 04:37 | #22
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Mark Murphy doesn’t have the balls to fire Ted Thompson, or at least that’s what Thompson’s hoping. 5 years as GM and he’s got us to the playoffs ONCE! That’s it, ONCE! And even then the contribution by one Brett Favre is convieniently brushed under the rug. The fact remains that Thompson has spoiled our great franchise by turning it into a project, a Draft-only project. Thompson “assumed” his coaching staff could turn his inept drafts into pro-players, what a joke! All we have is a team of underachievers that whine and moan after losing that they missed the assignments and have to do better.
Thanks Ted… don’t let the door hit your scrawny *** on the way out.

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November 9th, 2009 at 05:15 | #23
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Yeah, I hope TT and MM get the ax. Capers too for that matter.
But I will still cheer MY team and want them to win. Always. And I will NEVER cheer the Vikings. Never!!!!

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November 9th, 2009 at 06:11 | #24
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Did anyone see Jamie Dukes of NFL Network call out Thompson for Padding Rodgers Stats? Oh yes it was great. I love that dude and his man crush on Favre. But you know, he’s always right. The game yesterday was awesome. Thank you Bucs! Another huge nail in the coffin. Did any one read Vandermause’s article for the Gazette? Soft as usual!. Go Dallas!

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November 9th, 2009 at 07:47 | #25
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After TT and McJerryMathers are gone we’ll still have a qb who can’t win games late.We’re coming up on an uncapped year and while that means teams who have an aggressive GM will stockpile talent it also means that teams can dump guys who aren’t producing and there won’t be a “cap hit”.Any big contract guy who is underproducing or injury prone will be gone.Do you think a new GM is going to keep Harrel,Grant,Harris,or any of these putrid lineman? A.J. Hawk? We have Mason Crosby and Greg Jennings.Those are the only quality players who could start on any team.The cupboard is bare.We are going to be very bad.We need a miracle at GM and coach but what is more likely is that they will hire a young up and comer with an unproven GM and give them 5 years and tell us to be patient while the Vikings are collecting Lombardi trophys with OUR QB!

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Peter Vann

November 9th, 2009 at 07:50 | #26
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I was at the game yesterday. It was simply embarassing and pitiful. I for one would like to see Holmgern come in as GM and Gruden be the coach. Anyone agree?

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November 9th, 2009 at 08:01 | #27
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The time is now to unite as Packers fans and get MM and TT fired! Anything it takes because until they’re gone this organization will never move forward. This has nothing to do with Favre. These guys have done nothing to improve this team. These clowns have to leave town!

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Bag Over Head

November 9th, 2009 at 08:05 | #28
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I remember the 80’s. But now I don’t have to remember them … I’m living them. Cartoons from my childhood are being made into movies and the Packers suck because of woeful management and coaches and young, inexperienced and stupid players (low Wunderlich scores) that are too comfortable collecting a big paycheck. I am sad.


Sep 16, 2008
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Hershey, PA
Comments form the JSOnline section? VERY classy material...

That's pitiful... Bunch of kids ranting...

I agree. Fans need to settle down here. This team has holes we all know it but it seems like everyone has resorted to Packer panic mode. I do agree with the street name comment, but this team has starting talent all over. I do think though that AJ could go, Crosby for a more accurate kicker, and I think the line should be re-built where TJ Lang is one of the only remaining pieces. Bottom line is that this team is not very good right now because the O Line is awful, and the play calling has been worse. The Tampa game could of been won of they stuck to the run, instead of going for the long ball once every new set of downs (the INT to Jennings in triple coverage kills me).

As for that Vikings fan, he was right about everyone saying oh its ok its ok when obviously its not, but in the grand scheme of things Rodgers will likely never throw bigger numbers then Brett, maybe Peyton but not Rodgers, but I do think Rodgers will win a super bowl somewhere and overall be a more efficient and effective passers.

Rodgers can close games. He has done it last year. What drives me nuts is fans claiming he can't. All those games last year, look at the facts people, Rodgers marched the Packers downfield to a score at the end of several games, where the defense were the ones to blow it leaving Rodgers 20 seconds to create a drive. Example: Carolina last year.

This is not panic mode. This team is still rebuildining, but it should be much better than it is. I am a firm believer that if this o-line played at least mediocre, they would be 5-3, maybe 6-2.

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
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As for that Vikings fan, he was right about everyone saying oh its ok its ok when obviously its not, but in the grand scheme of things Rodgers will likely never throw bigger numbers then Brett, maybe Peyton but not Rodgers, but I do think Rodgers will win a super bowl somewhere and overall be a more efficient and effective passers.

Pretty strong statement for a second year starter. sorry have to go with the guy that has done great things as a three time MVP and super bowl Champ and god knows how many pro-Bowl years to his resume before I go with a guy that has alot to do to Catch Old Man River


Dec 22, 2008
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Porto Alegre, Brazil
Pretty strong statement for a second year starter. sorry have to go with the guy that has done great things as a three time MVP and super bowl Champ and god knows how many pro-Bowl years to his resume before I go with a guy that has alot to do to Catch Old Man River
Predictions are predictions... Rodgers could very well develop a permanent happy feet as result of the beating he has taken, as well as never be able to trully master reading defenses, and utilizing more properly the checkdown receiver.

However, so far he has shown to me that he has all the tools and the mentality to be a great pro bowler QB in the near future.

And I don't think anyone was saying that Rodgers would be better than Favre, or was saying that he is already better than Favre. Well, some aspects of his game are better than Favre, but that's due to the age difference. Meanwhile, other aspects of Favre, as reading defenses and reacting quickier are also due to age difference.

I don't think both will be comparable, given that someday they'll be, until both of them end their carrer, or at least until Favre is retired for some time and Rodgers is in his 32, 33...

Of course, for some, Rodgers is the Devil, will never even come close to Favre, and should ROTT IN HELL YOU BASTARD!!! YOU KICKED MY LOVE, ER, QB OUT OF GREEN BAY! DIE, LOSER, DIE!! MWUAHAHAHAHAH...


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Could have just posted the link to the jsonline site Pack66....

But your just trying to prove your point, and you could have pointed to any link,its starting to turn..

Fans are now official upset over MM.......wouldnt say so much on Ted, but at least they are calling for MM head


Jun 24, 2009
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Nice to notice somebody else believing Capers as possibly taking over before the season ends - poor Dom.

It's all gone so horribly wrong.

Ted's Zombie Army

Oct 4, 2009
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Things move pretty fast in the NFL. If the Pack, by God knows what, finds a way to win this next trio of games, the fans will calm down, and probably enjoy that Thanksgiving turkey. If things keep going the way they are, keep your head on a swivel at that dinner table.


Dec 22, 2008
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Porto Alegre, Brazil
Nice to notice somebody else believing Capers as possibly taking over before the season ends - poor Dom.

It's all gone so horribly wrong.
Dom Capers was brought in because he was supposed to turn on the blitz... So far, we're even more Vanilla than with Cel. Sanders...

Dom Capers is NOT doing the job he should do.

But the rushing defense, indeed, has been revamped. That is a fantastic job he did... But it's not paying off, when we suddenly are so vulnerable to the pass...

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
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And I don't think anyone was saying that Rodgers would be better than Favre, or was saying that he is already better than Favre. Well, some aspects of his game are better than Favre, but that's due to the age difference.
what aspects would that be? because I am not seeing it on the field or in the standings


Jun 24, 2009
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Dom Capers was brought in because he was supposed to turn on the blitz... So far, we're even more Vanilla than with Cel. Sanders...

Dom Capers is NOT doing the job he should do.

But the rushing defense, indeed, has been revamped. That is a fantastic job he did... But it's not paying off, when we suddenly are so vulnerable to the pass...

You don't seem to understand that Capers can only put so much lipstick on a pig. He needs talent.

I'm not convinced Jim Johnson, Monty Kiffin or **** LeBeau could conjure up a much more effective defensive scheme with this crop.

Ted Thompson - in 5 years - has done no more than an adequate job of drafting. If that is true, how can you expect coaches to produce consistent results? It makes absolutely no sense.


Dec 22, 2008
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Porto Alegre, Brazil
what aspects would that be? because I am not seeing it on the field or in the standings
Mobility, Arm Strenght, Downfield accuracy.
You don't seem to understand that Capers can only put so much lipstick on a pig. He needs talent.

I'm not convinced Jim Johnson, Monty Kiffin or **** LeBeau could conjure up a much more effective defensive scheme with this crop.

Ted Thompson - in 5 years - has done no more than an adequate job of drafting. If that is true, how can you expect coaches to produce consistent results? It makes absolutely no sense.
They showed Pittsburgh's first round draft picks since 2003. All elite players current on their roster. Every single year a big hit. THAT'S how you can build solely through the draft. When you actually nail it every time.
But anyway, we have talent on our D. Maybe not elite, but not to the point of allowing 38 points in games in a row, one of them being to the 0-7 Buccaneers, with their first ever starter rookie QB.

It doesn't change the fact that the defense has been awfully vanilla. AND he has utlized his players poorly. Kampman consistantly dropping into coverage, are you kidding me?

He has done a tremenduous job in the run stopping, which was, after all, their main focus. But still, not a good enough job for a coach who was praised to turn things around immediately after his arival with the team...

Jolly has shown flashes of brilliance. Pickett is a solid starter. Jenkins is a great player. Kampman is a great player. Barnett is a very good starter, who has been voted to a pro bowl. Hawk is an underachiever but a competent starter. Matthews, though a rookie, has shown a lot of promise. Woodson is an amazing player. So is Harris. Collins is a pro bowl safety. Bigby is a good player, that played lights out in 2007.

Not an elite team, but nowhere near a 29th in sacks, 16th in points per game Defense...


Jan 18, 2009
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Killing the buzz.
Jolly's also shown flashes of idiocy, but outside of headbutts he's been good this year.

I think the team has the talent to have a decent D. I think Kampman needs to play on the line on every down, to start. Move Bishop into the open LB spot vacated by Kampman, and lastly they need to be more creative with their blitzes.

I think Clay Matthews can be a star. He's shown flashes of brilliance this year and while it's too early to say he's a great player, he certainly has that potential. Raji, on the other hand, hasn't had much of an impact. That's disappointing considering that pick could've been O-line help (hindsight's 20/20).

There's definite talent there. I wonder what Mike Nolan or Gregg Williams would've done with this D, after seeing what they're doing in Denver and New Orleans respectively.

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
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Behind our O-Line, and you need mobility for what? Your QB is running for his life and not ours. Favre was barely touched against the Packers in both games. So really that falls under the what if's and what not's because its not like rodgers is running for positive yards. 36 sacks has to be well over 300 + yards that he is giving up with his mobility.

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
Reaction score
Mobility, Arm Strenght, Downfield accuracy.
Yeah that 7 yard average scares the daylights out of us, I would venture to guess Favre has had more downfield plays than Aaron Rodgers this year. And twiced outdueled him in Head to Head with 7 Td's for Favre and 5 for Rodgers


Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Yeah that 7 yard average scares the daylights out of us, I would venture to guess Favre has had more downfield plays than Aaron Rodgers this year. And twiced outdueled him in Head to Head with 7 Td's for Favre and 5 for Rodgers
I've said this before but I'll post it again:

20+ yard plays:
Rodgers: 30
Favre: 22

40+ yard plays:
Rodgers: 10
Favre: 6

Rodgers: 32 att. 214 yards 2 TDs
Favre: 5 att. -2 yards 0 TDs

I didn't say Rodgers was playing better than Favre... I said he has better Arm Streght, Mobility, and downfield accuracy, all of which are due to their age. Which is true.


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Mar 7, 2005
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Behind our O-Line, and you need mobility for what? Your QB is running for his life and not ours. Favre was barely touched against the Packers in both games. So really that falls under the what if's and what not's because its not like rodgers is running for positive yards. 36 sacks has to be well over 300 + yards that he is giving up with his mobility.

FTR, I know what your trying to prove but that is not the ? you asked

did you or did you not ask what aspects of the game is Rodgers better at?

If you think Brett has more mobility then take off the glasses

Then you have to spew your garbage about what ifs? Come on dude, you asked for what is he better at and there is no denying he is better at running than Brett

Just admit he cant run like Rodgers

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
Reaction score
FTR, I know what your trying to prove but that is not the ? you asked

did you or did you not ask what aspects of the game is Rodgers better at?

If you think Brett has more mobility then take off the glasses

Then you have to spew your garbage about what ifs? Come on dude, you asked for what is he better at and there is no denying he is better at running than Brett

Just admit he cant run like Rodgers
What in the hell would you want a 40 yr old QB to run the ball? He has a great O-line and the best RB on the planet so his lack of mobility does not bother me at all

Skol guy

Oct 6, 2009
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All I know is Brett Favre has a better comp % rate and a better QB rateing, the same amount of td's with 2 less pic's. I will give you the rushing title between the two though so kudos to you on that!


Jun 24, 2009
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Favre is nimble enough to get the job done. He's also lost more pocket presence than Rodgers will probably ever have.

Favre's simply a better NFL QB than Rodgers is, but that's not a dig on Rodgers because Favre is as good as any NFL QB that's ever played - he's at the very least the best 40 year old QB that's ever played.


Jun 20, 2008
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Favre is nimble enough to get the job done. He's also lost more pocket presence than Rodgers will probably ever have.

Favre's simply a better NFL QB than Rodgers is, but that's not a dig on Rodgers because Favre is as good as any NFL QB that's ever played - he's at the very least the best 40 year old QB that's ever played.

You've said it exactly right. The pocket awareness displayed by #4 is instinctual, he knows where to be in the pocket & is quick enough to get there & avoid the pressure. Rodgers stays put too often & ususally chooses unwisely when & where to bail out. He has his moments & gets the big gains occasionally, but is that really what you want from an NFL QB?


Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Porto Alegre, Brazil
What in the hell would you want a 40 yr old QB to run the ball? He has a great O-line and the best RB on the planet so his lack of mobility does not bother me at all

All I know is Brett Favre has a better comp % rate and a better QB rateing, the same amount of td's with 2 less pic's. I will give you the rushing title between the two though so kudos to you on that!

Favre is nimble enough to get the job done. He's also lost more pocket presence than Rodgers will probably ever have.

Favre's simply a better NFL QB than Rodgers is, but that's not a dig on Rodgers because Favre is as good as any NFL QB that's ever played - he's at the very least the best 40 year old QB that's ever played.

You've said it exactly right. The pocket awareness displayed by #4 is instinctual, he knows where to be in the pocket & is quick enough to get there & avoid the pressure. Rodgers stays put too often & ususally chooses unwisely when & where to bail out. He has his moments & gets the big gains occasionally, but is that really what you want from an NFL QB?
All of that wasn't in the discussion.

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