Good for Brett-He can create new ways for people to get open, so Brett doesnt have to throw the ball into double coverage because no one else on the offense is capable of what to do--a la, all of last season/the minnesota playoff game--I expect more "safe routes"--check down-type routes, look for Franks (if health) to get more involved than he ever was under Mike Sherman...maybe we'll see some screen passes too, this will differ from Sherrosley's "alright guys, run somewhere and Brett will throw the ball at you...hard" offense
Good for Rodgers-McCarthy's helped to develop some guys who are established NFL QB's--Grbac, Gannon, Delhomme, Brooks, Bulger...certainly not superstars, but who said Rodgers was gonna be one--I hope he develops a system that Rodgers can ease into, when the situation calls for him