Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
How dare us veering off course a bit! The conversation and thread is about strength and conditioning and stats of injuries was rightfully brought into the discussion. Then 2 idiots like us discuss a movie and real life situation about using stats in Sports, blasphemy! "Get Off My Lawn!"Thnak you from the bottom of my heart. I never would have realized how foolish we were being unless you'd taken the time to enlighten us.
Please do make an effort to pop back in every day and straighten us out, so we all know how we should make better use of our internet time.
BTW, thank you for your insights on Moneyball. It probably would have been smart of me to dig deeper on the real details that the movie was "loosely" made from. I did do some minor sniffing around after watching the movie. I wanted to find out what happened in real life to my favorite character, Peter Brand. Not sure if this was the article (below), but it was similar and made me wonder what else was sensationalized. Paul Depodesta wanting them not to use his name in the movie, because of all the liberties they took, should have been a big red flag.
Have you read the book and is that closer to fact? Might be a good read if it is.

What Happened To Moneyball's Paul DePodesta (The Real Peter Brand)
The analytics pioneer still works in pro sports.