GakkofNorway said:
just an excuse to avoid facing the media
I cannot believe I'm reading this comment..... What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?
Just an avoid.... facing... the MSM (main-stream-media) -- are you kiddin' me...????
The Sports World Press Corp have turned the whole issue of reporting events into a stunt, a political agenda and you think it's okay?
C'mon, people!
I wish I could be where you'd have to be in front of a bunch of people..
And, pull that same stunt on you..... let's get real here....
1. That Reporter has no respect - even for himself, let alone his family name.
2. Mike Sherman had every right to demand an apology - meaning "standing up for himself and the Packers - which (like it or not) he represents.. much in the same way I understand what "I" represent as I'm out in public.... It's the face of the Organization - which deserves defending... Sherman said - you can come after me, but not the Org. What's more... he's right on the money!
And, I took that to mean - come after me when I've left the building.... off campus.
And "we know" that Press person won't do it, either - he's hiding behind his Job title - which is the mark of...... (people).... a PU$$Y... period.
(I'd appreciate it if RYAN would leave this comment alone)
I would also aver that Sherman has the right to DEMAND that the reporter in question "prove" it was who he said.. was text messaging him, and causing him to have a great laugh in the middle of a Press conference - and refusing to share the joke among the group, as well.... Sophomoric is a nice word for that type of rudeness... and not hardly strong enough in this case....
He stated it was Javon Walker who was text messaging him, right there and then.
I say - prove it, pal......
I just don't see Javon Walker pulling such a stunt - Do you? Contract, or no!
For my money - that reporter was NOT a Packer fan and had been planted there on purpose by his Editor....
THe Press does NOT have the right to show disrespect to someone they expect to get answers from for their columns.... It's called:
COMMON COURTESY / Professionalism
What's more, I hope someone from his Office reads this posting!
He should be fired immediately for tainting his Company's public face.
Put the shoe on the other foot - let's watch any of you take Sherman's place, in that Press conference....
I dare any of ya!