Just Spent a Week in Seattle


Jan 7, 2012
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I don't like the talk of dynasty. 2 SBs in a row is hard to get but a dynasty to me is consistently getting in Super Bowls and winning at least 3 in the span of 6 years. Bradshaw's Steelers come to mind when I think of dynasty.

Seachickens can win two and not sniff another Super Bowl for 20 more years. That aint no dynasty.


Sep 4, 2008
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Well, give them credit for getting back. We would wish the Packers were playing in this one tonight.

I asked LT to delete my acct

I`m out on a limb here but WE sound a bit whiney this week. I`m going to go further and say to the Seahawk fans who are around the forum "Hard luck". It`s reading like a petulant child, "If we can`t have it, neither can you !". Just incase people forgot, WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them.
We are supposed to be a classy fan base......They got to a consecutive Superbowl. We didn`t


Jul 17, 2005
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Upper Michigan
I`m out on a limb here but WE sound a bit whiney this week. I`m going to go further and say to the Seahawk fans who are around the forum "Hard luck". It`s reading like a petulant child, "If we can`t have it, neither can you !". Just incase people forgot, WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them.
We are supposed to be a classy fan base......They got to a consecutive Superbowl. We didn`t

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
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I`m out on a limb here but WE sound a bit whiney this week. I`m going to go further and say to the Seahawk fans who are around the forum "Hard luck". It`s reading like a petulant child, "If we can`t have it, neither can you !". Just incase people forgot, WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them.
We are supposed to be a classy fan base......They got to a consecutive Superbowl. We didn`t

Won't get into a discussion of the 'we' when referring to the Pack, but this seems to be a somewhat strange stance, particularly for a mod. This is a sports forum. How much action do you think we'd get if the comments for the NFCC and SB games were 'bully for you'? Packer fans may like to think of themselves as classier than most, and they probably are, but they're also human, and misery does love company.


Jan 7, 2012
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It's not like Seahawks and some of their fans were classy winners either, the ones on this forum being the only delight that franchise can offer.

If they had kept their tell-tale arrogance to a minimum I may have been more sympathetic to their plight. But with their LOB's trademark smack-talk it isn't hard to laugh when they end up eating crow.


Nov 8, 2012
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I`m out on a limb here but WE sound a bit whiney this week. I`m going to go further and say to the Seahawk fans who are around the forum "Hard luck". It`s reading like a petulant child, "If we can`t have it, neither can you !". Just incase people forgot, WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them.
We are supposed to be a classy fan base......They got to a consecutive Superbowl. We didn`t

Agreed with all of this, but, I still couldn't help but smile knowing that Seattle fans were feeling exactly what we were feeling 2 weeks ago.

Hey we blew it, but I can't help but be happy that someone else gave them the humble pie that they so desperately needed after they have risen to unbelievable levels of arrogance. It's just human nature.

Wood Chipper

Fantasy Football Guru
Sep 30, 2010
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I lived in Vancouver, Washington and went to a couple of Seahawks games (for free) the year they went to the Super Bowl. They beat the Giants after 3 missed FG's and the Colts because Manning only played one drive. I know what it was like when they had the bandwagon of '05 but now... It is worse.

I asked LT to delete my acct

Won't get into a discussion of the 'we' when referring to the Pack, but this seems to be a somewhat strange stance, particularly for a mod. This is a sports forum. How much action do you think we'd get if the comments for the NFCC and SB games were 'bully for you'? Packer fans may like to think of themselves as classier than most, and they probably are, but they're also human, and misery does love company.

Just because I`m a moderator, I`m not allowed an opinion ? The Seahawk fans we have had on here this week have by and large polite and respectful. If they come on here talking crap then have it, but I prefer to think members of the forum can be polite back. If you were offended by my comment I`m sorry, but....each to their own.


Oct 5, 2014
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I`m out on a limb here but WE sound a bit whiney this week. I`m going to go further and say to the Seahawk fans who are around the forum "Hard luck". It`s reading like a petulant child, "If we can`t have it, neither can you !". Just incase people forgot, WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them.
We are supposed to be a classy fan base......They got to a consecutive Superbowl. We didn`t

and saying "WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them." doesn't sound a bit whiney?

I asked LT to delete my acct

and saying "WE imploded when we had it in the bag. WE gave it to Seattle, they didn`t rob us of anything. WE GAVE it to them." doesn't sound a bit whiney?

No, it was telling the truth

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
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Just because I`m a moderator, I`m not allowed an opinion ? By 'for a mod', I meant that one of your functions here is to check all the posts, and (in my opinion) there would be far fewer if we all treated the forum as an afternoon tea. The Seahawk fans we have had on here this week have by and large polite and respectful. If they come on here talking crap then have it, but I prefer to think members of the forum can be polite back. Sure they can, it just wouldn't get very exciting. Forget Seahawk fans - if just us Pack fans were all sugar and spice, the place would dry up in a hurry. If you were offended never offended, just surprised by my comment I`m sorry, but....each to their own.


Win or lose, I love this team.
Jan 17, 2011
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No, it was telling the truth

I have thought a lot of different things since that game, including that we have no one to blame but ourselves, and that Richard Sherman was right about the foot on the neck. I can't stand him, but he was right about that - and that's 100% on us.

Having said that:

I live in Seattle so maybe it's more personal for me, but I am experiencing a whole lot of schadenfreude today. Many (not all) of these people need to learn how to win AND lose. When they do that, I'll have some empathy. I have it for other teams and fan bases, but these people really do need to grow up and learn a thing or two about good sportsmanship.


Oct 26, 2011
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A Galaxy Far, Far Away
I have thought a lot of different things since that game, including that we have no one to blame but ourselves, and that Richard Sherman was right about the foot on the neck. I can't stand him, but he was right about that - and that's 100% on us.

Having said that:

I live in Seattle so maybe it's more personal for me, but I am experiencing a whole lot of schadenfreude today. Many (not all) of these people need to learn how to win AND lose. When they do that, I'll have some empathy. I have it for other teams and fan bases, but these people really do need to grow up and learn a thing or two about good sportsmanship.

Amen sister. The behavior of Seattle fans before and after the game was utterly obnoxious.


I'm a victim of coicumstances!
Nov 13, 2013
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You know all you people who whine about the seahawks fans and how they act about the Seahawks do the exact same thing when rooting for and talking about the Packers, right? A very large portion of the country despises Packer fans as well.
Don't Care.

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