You know all you people who whine about the seahawks fans and how they act about the Seahawks do the exact same thing when rooting for and talking about the Packers, right? A very large portion of the country despises Packer fans as well.
If you're talking about cyber Packer fans, the trolls on national sports forums -- I'd agree with you to a point. The bozos claiming to be Packers fans on those sites are boorish mental midgets. Back when Holmgren and the boys turned the Seahawks around the first time, I used to hit the Seahawks forums and found some pretty good people. I do some work with a couple of banks in Seattle and the State of Washington and talk with some pretty knowledgeable fans on a regular basis. Oddly, those folks by-and-large weren't and aren't kiddies -- and my sweeping generalization/definition of a "kiddie" will only serve to **** a lot of people off so, I'll save that.
So it goes. I respect the Bears franchise and despise their fans because I've had several bad experiences with Bears fans ... live and in person. I've had nothing but good experiences with the Seattle fans I've talked with - live and in person, but hate their franchise because of Paul Allen's way of doing business (Reference: Holmgren tampering issue leading up to Super Bowl 32). The owner sets the tone.
In short, I'm not about to denigrate an entire fan base because some kiddie jack-holes pollute the internet with nonsensical crap. In short, it's not their fault that the media sticks their microphones and cameras into the faces of the mental midgets -- and anyone with a computer can "post" after news stories.