Greg Jennings released by Vikings

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Dec 20, 2014
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I think Jennings would be a pretty productive receiver again if he signed back with GB. But like when he left, we're doing pretty well at the position with 2 great vets and a receiver on the rise. I wouldn't be opposed to him coming back at all. If he did, I don't think it would put a damper on Adams' growth, he just wouldn't have to grow as quickly and I don't see Janis or Abbredaris ever being as good as GJ at any point in his career. I think both could be productive, but there's a difference between being productive and having standout seasons.

Anyway, I think he ends up somewhere like NE or with Seattle.


Oct 5, 2014
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I can't think of a single top receiver who didn't "disappear" in some games. Whether its by offensive design to focus on someone else or by opposing teams defensive design aimed at taking a certain player out or maybe the receiver just had a bad day. That is why I felt it was so important to have Cobb back. The more above average targets you have the easier it is to make up for your #1 "disappearing" occasionally. Having a player with Jennings talent would certainly be a plus but with Cobb back it is an expensive luxury. Ideally that talent would be on the upside of his career (2nd or 3rd year man on a rookie contract) so you have the talent and you have it cheap. We may have that in Adams and we might even have it in Janis or Abbredaris who knows. As far as talent wise I would love to have Jennings back but I don't think he would like the role and I don't think Ted would like the salary.


May 12, 2014
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I agree with you dbain21. There were times last year (when we played teams with very good db's) that we had trouble getting open. And that is not good.

Curly Calhoun

Feb 23, 2015
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Greg says he wasn't cut, it's just that Green Bay is brainwashing you into thinking he's cut.


Nov 1, 2011
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Norv Turner's offense will be interesting to watch. He's finally got a guy in there with good straight line speed and Bridgewater is no joke.

I'm not sold on Teddy Bridgewater yet. Sorry. Ive seen far too many upstart QB's in this league look good their first year and fizzle out. I need to see a bigger body of work from Teddy to judge him.


Mar 23, 2013
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Calumet, Michigan
He isn't a packer now, so that's not really much of a prediction.

I wasn't reading into it. White, Janis, Abby are the last 3 WRs. If you "replace" boykins with him it leaves you with 7 WRs.
Dude. Really, you're reading into it more than was intended. If you want a big argument over it because it makes you feel better, have at it. I'm not participating. All I meant is if I had to replace one Packer WR from last season with GJ, I would choose Boykin. That's it. End of story. Everything else is superfluous. Find someone else to argue with. I've said my last piece on that post so chill.


Don't read something into my statement that isn't there. I only replied I would replace Boykin with Jennings. And it was pretty clear from my statement I am less than enthusiastic about that scenario. Just answering poppa's question, who would you replace? Boykin clearly is the weakest link in the WR tree, and I predict he won't be a Packer in Sept.
The Packers did not tender Boykin. Since they did not think he's worth a $1.5 mil one year contract, it's fair to conclude he will not be back.


Feb 5, 2014
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Adams being #3 guarantees we wont pick up Jennings. Had we lost Cobb? Oh boy, I think a reunion would have been in order... But we have co-#1s. And a #3 2nd year guy that looks like Julio Jones or Dez Bryant in small doses... We can not take away Adams catches to try fit Jennings in... Janis too. I cant wait for the day Adams breaks out completely, and teams are so worried about Rodgers and his 3 daggers. That a guy like Janis is an after thought.....

The look on McCarthys face last year when Janis ran past him... shock. That dude is fast. He will surely get his chance to show the nfl that speed this year.


Feb 13, 2010
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Dude. Really, you're reading into it more than was intended. If you want a big argument over it because it makes you feel better, have at it. I'm not participating. All I meant is if I had to replace one Packer WR from last season with GJ, I would choose Boykin. That's it. End of story. Everything else is superfluous. Find someone else to argue with. I've said my last piece on that post so chill.
Not sure why you are overreacting but good for you.


Feb 13, 2010
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See, now this I don't get at all, did I miss Favre spouting off about how horrible the Packers were?
I mean you missed him saying the Vikings were the best team he played for, refusing to be even professional to Aaron, to cheering for the Bears, and calling other team to tell them about our offense.


Nov 8, 2012
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Dude. Really, you're reading into it more than was intended. If you want a big argument over it because it makes you feel better, have at it. I'm not participating. All I meant is if I had to replace one Packer WR from last season with GJ, I would choose Boykin. That's it. End of story. Everything else is superfluous. Find someone else to argue with. I've said my last piece on that post so chill.
Not sure why you are overreacting but good for you.

I immediately thought of this :

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Oct 5, 2014
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Adams being #3 guarantees we wont pick up Jennings. Had we lost Cobb? Oh boy, I think a reunion would have been in order... But we have co-#1s. And a #3 2nd year guy that looks like Julio Jones or Dez Bryant in small doses... We can not take away Adams catches to try fit Jennings in... Janis too. I cant wait for the day Adams breaks out completely, and teams are so worried about Rodgers and his 3 daggers. That a guy like Janis is an after thought.....

The look on McCarthys face last year when Janis ran past him... shock. That dude is fast. He will surely get his chance to show the nfl that speed this year.

Smaller doses than the drugs you must be on if you think Adams looked anything like Dez Bryant or Julio Jones.


Feb 5, 2014
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hands, quickness, size, speed... he needs a couple years to tune up his game. But from what I seen. He looks bigger, faster, and stronger than all the guys covering him. He will be dominant some day.


Sep 29, 2013
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I mean you missed him saying the Vikings were the best team he played for
Please show me a link that shows he said this, and don't show me a link that says Favre said the 2009 Vikings were the best team he played on while in the middle of the season...of course he said that, he should not have said anything but that.
refusing to be even professional to Aaron
This I can actually understand you saying but in the end Favre is basically right, it is not his job to mentor a younger player that is coming after his job. I don't blame him one bit there.
to cheering for the Bears
What because he told Peppers to go beat the Packers? Please, that is far from cheering for the Bears.
and calling other team to tell them about our offense.
Can you show me where this was even verified by anyone other than Jay Glazer the Gossip Columnist?

I am not going to get in a big Favre argument but I do find it rather amusing that so many Packer fans get so upset about what boils down to nothing more than media driven drivel.

These kind of ridiculous things have happened since the dawn of time and the 24 hour news cycle has blown them all out of proportion.

Anyway, you are free to keep holding onto that grudge. Not that you need my permission or anything of course. And now I am wondering why I even wasted my time but I just can't stop from hitting the reply button.


Sep 29, 2013
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Kinda like Favre couldn't stop hitting the retirement button? ;)

More media driven drivel. Favre retired once and had to officially file for reinstatement from the NFL once. All the rest is again, media driven drivel, the media created the Favre retirement saga. That is once, not twice, not thrice, not fource? I am just making **** up now but he only retired and changed his mind once, saying anything otherwise is distorting the truth.

Now admittedly the area that I think he failed at was when the media started hounding him literally the minute a season ended, he should have told them to **** off and give an answer when he was ready to.


Feb 7, 2012
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Rochester, New York, USA
I'll never forget that huge seam route in Super Bowl XLV by Jennings when everybody else seemed to have drop disease. I appreciate everything he did here. However, I also agree with most of the sentiments here. Heaven forbid this season turns into one of those parades to Injured Reserve but, that would be the only scenario in which I'd give him a call.


Feb 13, 2010
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Please show me a link that shows he said this, and don't show me a link that says Favre said the 2009 Vikings were the best team he played on while in the middle of the season...of course he said that, he should not have said anything but that.

well at least you somewhat attempted to aknowledge it was said.

This I can actually understand you saying but in the end Favre is basically right, it is not his job to mentor a younger player that is coming after his job. I don't blame him one bit there.
Just like its not his job to play back seat GM? Then cry when he doesnt get his way?
Regardless, its not about his refusing to mentor him, its about him being a decent person to a coworker.

What because he told Peppers to go beat the Packers? Please, that is far from cheering for the Bears.

No, thats exactly what it is.

Can you show me where this was even verified by anyone other than Jay Glazer the Gossip Columnist?

Its easy to dismiss Jay Glazer bc you dont like what he said about your hero, but Glazer is one of the most respected reporters in the league and far from a "gossip columnist". Feel free to provide ample evidence that people shouldn't take him seriously based on his reporting. You cant.

Greg Bedard reported it from sources as well. Im sure you will say he is some hack too.

Favre himself even called the report "total bs" before he later backtracked and said they discussed some general Xs and Os

I am not going to get in a big Favre argument but I do find it rather amusing that so many Packer fans get so upset about what boils down to nothing more than media driven drivel.

who said upset? No no, just a realist. Not in denial like some favre fans that made their way back to the Packers with their tail between their legs.

Curly Calhoun

Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
I'm not sold on Teddy Bridgewater yet. Sorry. Ive seen far too many upstart QB's in this league look good their first year and fizzle out. I need to see a bigger body of work from Teddy to judge him.

I'm with you on that. Bridgewater showed promise last year, and working with Norv Turner should help him, BUT.......Now the league has a book on him, and expectations will be ramped up, let's see how he handles all that.


May 2, 2012
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I'd take James Jones back as a 4th receiver every day of the week over Jennings. All discussion on bringing him back is ludacris.


Nov 8, 2012
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More media driven drivel. Favre retired once and had to officially file for reinstatement from the NFL once. All the rest is again, media driven drivel, the media created the Favre retirement saga. That is once, not twice, not thrice, not fource? I am just making **** up now but he only retired and changed his mind once, saying anything otherwise is distorting the truth.

I'm over the Favre saga, but that's not how I remember it. After beating the Bears at the end of the 2006 season, Favre gave a tearful interview talking about how much he was going to miss the guys, etc...only to announce his return a month later. No one forced him to do that. No one forced him to ask the Packers about a possible comeback in the fall after they had moved on and spent 2 draft picks in the 2008 draft on QB's.

Now admittedly the area that I think he failed at was when the media started hounding him literally the minute a season ended, he should have told them to **** off and give an answer when he was ready to.

He's not obligated to give an answer to the media as soon as the season ends, but he is obligated to give an answer to team. As a team icon for many years, I do believe Favre was entitled to take reasonable time at the end of the season to relax, then consult with his family and decide on his future. He's not entitled to just show up in August near the end of training camp, which I think would have been his preference near the end of his career. The team needs to know his plans so they can make their plans on free agency and the draft.

There is about a 6 week window between the Super Bowl and the start of free agency. I think that's more than enough time to make a firm and final decision about the next season. Not at the end of April, like he did in 2006.


Oct 12, 2011
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Dixon, IL
I think he burned his bridge for coming back to GB, but i'd have him back for dirt cheap. Think he could be pretty productive as a WR3 or 4.

We did land him that Old Spice deal after all, maybe he'd recognize he owes us one... :p


[Favre] should have told [the media] to **** off and give an answer when he was ready to.
You touched on the problem, and it has nothing to do with the media.

How about the football operation? How do you plan a season not knowing if the QB is coming back by the time free agency begins? Who drags out the decision, year after year, past free agency and even past the draft? Nobody but Favre.


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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If you need another example of Favre-fans' denial, check post #65 above. And just to get the record straight (something many Favre-fans are ignorant of – either willingly or not - Favre first talked about retiring in September of 2002. As I previously posted, Peter King interviewed Favre in Mississippi. From that article: “On September 9, 2002, Peter King wrote a column reporting his interview with Favre in which he talks about retirement and how home sick he becomes when he has to leave home and go to Green Bay. Here’s a revealing paragraph: “On the day Green Bay quarterback Brett Favre had to leave his beloved house and 460 acres in Hattiesburg, Miss., to report to training camp by 7 p.m., he began to think this might be his last camp. As a private plane stood by at a nearby airstrip for the 2-hour flight to Green Bay, he was sweating a stream while edging a mile of his property where it meets the road, refusing to leave until the job was done. He finished just after noon and jetted off, reluctantly, at two.”

In typical Favre fashion, before the 2003 season as he was peppered with questions about retiring, he responded, “I can't even remember how the whole retirement thing started, but whoever started it needs to be shot." King may have asked him the question but of course it was Favre himself who he said “needs to be shot”.