You're quoting a tiny sample of the small Packer fan community here. That is hardly proof that refutes my claims. Everywhere I looked and heard when we signed Peppers, was that we were getting an old and washed up player and how it was pretty bad if Chicago waived him etc.
So what you're quoting there, is extremely isolated and isn't shared across the entire spectrum. Not by a long shot.
If you go through the thread, you'll see that many posters were excited about Peppers and what he could bring. So yes, it does in fact refute your claims of "if ANYONE thought Peppers was going to be as good as he was for us, they are liars". Of course there were some who were underwhelmed about it, and that was expected, but many of us were also excited. I never said it was shared across the entire spectrum, simply that is was not against what anyone might have thought, like you claimed. Again, you don't hand out the kind of money that Thompson did to Peppers if you expect less than what Peppers gave last year.