Coaching staff changes?


Aug 12, 2012
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Mannheim, Germany
I don't see any major changes in the offeseason, mccarthy will (and should) be back, capers will be back too (if he doesn't retire), zook improved the st and should be back as well.
The interessting part is the situation on Offense. They need to sort that situation out with clements, bennet and van Pelt. Clements may be gone (or back to qb coach?). MC and TT love continuity so i don't expect big changes with bennet.
What are you expecting?
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Sep 4, 2008
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There will be no purge but when a perenniel top 5 offense drops off to 23rd and 25th in passing in just one year and sees a decline of over 7 ppg from the previous season a vigorous postseason autopsy is in order.

Injuries certainly had something to do with that but I'm not so sure some of the injuries didn't happen as a consequence of the Packers' coaching and scheme issues.

With the Colts snapping up Joe Philbin to handle their offensive line the only possible new addition to the Packers' coaching staff this coming offseason is off the table.
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Aug 12, 2012
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Mannheim, Germany
There will be no purge but when a perrenniel top 5 offense drops off to 23rd and 25th in passing in just one year and sees a decline of over 7 ppg from the previous season a vigorous postseason autopsy is in order.
imo they should bring in some new coaches (maybe at oc and/or postition coaches), just to get some new perpectives and ideas. Continuity is great, but at some point you have to bring in some fresh minds.

That said, maccarthy made some bigger changes last offseason and they didn't work out very well. Maybe that will give him pause in doing so again.


Sep 4, 2008
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imo they should bring in some new coaches (maybe at oc and/or postition coaches), just to get some new perpectives and ideas. Continuity is great, but at some point you have to bring in some fresh minds.

That said, maccarthy made some bigger changes last offseason and they didn't work out very well. Maybe that will give him pause in doing so again.

Something that was cited repeatedly this season is that the opposition had the Packers' offense figured out to stop it. And the situation got worse not better as the year progressed.


Nov 8, 2012
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There will be no purge but when a perrenniel top 5 offense drops off to 23rd and 25th in passing in just one year and sees a decline of over 7 ppg from the previous season a vigorous postseason autopsy is in order.

Injuries certainly had something to do with that but I'm not so sure some of the injuries didn't happen as a consequence of the Packers' coaching and scheme issues.

With the Colts snapping up Joe Philbin to handle their offensive line the only possible new addition to the Packers' coaching staff this coming offseason is off the table.

I was surprised Philbin couldn't land an OC gig. I wonder if he would / could take that job here if offered.


Jan 19, 2011
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Grafton, WI
Kinda tired of Campen. This line isn't as bad as they look. Their communication this year was worse than their blocking. I would also welcome scrapping the damn zone blocking already.


Aug 12, 2012
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Mannheim, Germany
Kinda tired of Campen. This line isn't as bad as they look. Their communication this year was worse than their blocking. I would also welcome scrapping the damn zone blocking already.
The main issue at the oline was missing depth, and this should be adressed by TT in the draft. I don't know about changing the blocking scheme. They already mixed it up a little bit with some guards pulling etc.. and we were 11th and 12th the last two season in rushing, which is not that bad. The 3rd & 1 faillures are more concerning, but i've no idea if thats campens fault.

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
Staff member
Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
Kinda tired of Campen. This line isn't as bad as they look. Their communication this year was worse than their blocking. I would also welcome scrapping the damn zone blocking already.
I don't think Campen was ever properly schooled in the ZBS. We have a long lost thread about this. MM's first OC brought it in. It is supposed to allow for average linemen to excel instead of needing 5+ studs across the line. I wish he'd bring Jag back. He left to go to college. I do not know where he is at the moment. Campen can teach the basics but I think some of the more advanced concepts, designed to take it to the next level, are missing.

Sky King

Sep 27, 2012
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Out of the clear blue western skies...
The structure of the Packers offensive coaching staff was a bonafide problem this season. It resembled a loosely bound committee with overlapping responsibilities and fuzzy assignments rather than a functional structure that clearly delineated roles, responsibilities and, especially, rank. McCarthy may be alleged to be a fine Xs and Os guy but he definitely failed this season as the coaching CEO. The offensive coaching structure should be recognized for what it had been for most of this last season: a disjointed failure. MM should be held duly accountable because he caused it and it is unquestionably his responsibility to now make it right. Denial is not a fix.

This is hardly a sentimental business. Coaches and players come and go regularly, and their ties to a particular team will always be tentative. MM needs to fix this organizational problem that he directly caused and move on. That may require that a little bit of housecleaning of his coaching staff. And if any coach's feathers got irreparably ruffled due to the peculiar organizational changes MM had made to his coaching infrastructure last off season (and adjustments subsequently made during the season) then those coaches will need to depart for the good of all concerned. If any of them have coaching staff buddies that are sure to pine for them should they be let go, then they may need to be let go, as well.

If MM follows this organizational debacle with an encore next season then it may be time for him to be let go, too. But that's a year away, minimum, if at all. That will be strictly up to him. This off season has the potential to seal his long-term fate one way or the other. It falls squarely on MM's broad shoulders. The status quo has proven to be undeserving of being maintained. Activities involving the coaching staff's (next) realignment will be interesting to follow during the upcoming weeks.


Dec 29, 2015
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The structure of the Packers offensive coaching staff was a bonafide problem this season. It resembled a loosely bound committee with overlapping responsibilities and fuzzy assignments rather than a functional structure that clearly delineated roles, responsibilities and, especially, rank.

I completely agree. The fact that there wasn't a defined positional coach for the receivers is notable. Hire the right people for the job. Give them the vision. Hold them accountable. Stay positive. Be fluid.. not rigid when change is neccessary. This is a SB contending team now and @ least through this decade. Take care of the organizational details and the vision will manifest.
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Mar 28, 2009
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They will have to hire a separate QB Coach and Receivers Coach instead of having one person wearing one hat. Many NFL Personnel men stated that this was a mistake especially when the Receivers were having problems getting open. Most was by design, but also many times the receivers just ran to an area and just stopped.


Apr 20, 2013
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There will be no purge but when a perrenniel top 5 offense drops off to 23rd and 25th in passing in just one year and sees a decline of over 7 ppg from the previous season a vigorous postseason autopsy is in order.

Injuries certainly had something to do with that but I'm not so sure some of the injuries didn't happen as a consequence of the Packers' coaching and scheme issues.

With the Colts snapping up Joe Philbin to handle their offensive line the only possible new addition to the Packers' coaching staff this coming offseason is off the table.

Could we hire Pilbin away as an OC? OL coach is too humble a position for that man.


Nov 1, 2011
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Something that was cited repeatedly this season is that the opposition had the Packers' offense figured out to stop it. And the situation got worse not better as the year progressed.

Its because we have no WR that scares a defense. Nobody respected our outside weapons. None of our WR's can take the top off a defense so D's can leave two deep and play press man against us. Its as simple as that. When Jordy went down, it took teams a while (6 weeks?) but they finally figured out how to defend us post-Jordy and it showed.

I don't see it happening next season assuming Jordy is and stays healthy. Having Jordy in the game opens up a lot of field because defenses have to actually game plan for him.


Sep 4, 2008
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Its because we have no WR that scares a defense. Nobody respected our outside weapons. None of our WR's can take the top off a defense so D's can leave two deep and play press man against us. Its as simple as that. When Jordy went down, it took teams a while (6 weeks?) but they finally figured out how to defend us post-Jordy and it showed.

I don't see it happening next season assuming Jordy is and stays healthy. Having Jordy in the game opens up a lot of field because defenses have to actually game plan for him.

The Packers may be wise not to put all their eggs in the Nelson basket. He'll be coming off hip and knee surgeries and will be entering his 9th season. Whether he will be the same old Jordy remains to be seen.


Sep 4, 2008
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I was surprised Philbin couldn't land an OC gig. I wonder if he would / could take that job here if offered.

Don't know if McCarthy and Philbin ever considered it but maybe coming back to Green Bay where he lost his son in a tragic drowning incident four years ago was a painful memory Joe and his family didn't care to revisit.


Nov 19, 2015
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There will be no purge but when a perrenniel top 5 offense drops off to 23rd and 25th in passing in just one year and sees a decline of over 7 ppg from the previous season a vigorous postseason autopsy is in order.

The answer to our offense is not coaching changes. It's getting and staying healthy. Most teams with as many injuries to our OL and WRs would have been lucky to win 6 games. Oh, and Lacy needs to get his fat *** in shape. I've seen offensive linemen run faster than he did on that long run yesterday. He has to be the slowest RB in the NFL right now.


Lifelong Packers Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
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As the OP mentioned and we've talked about before, I'd like to see a new coach hired on O. But it would have to be one with some juice so his ideas get a chance to be implemented. Failing that, I would think McCarthy almost has to restructure the staff on that side of the ball. If McCarthy keeps the play calling duties what the h*ll do Clements and Bennett do while one person coaches the QBs and WRs? But what do I expect to happen? Maybe changing Bennett's title and duties to OC/WR coach and leaving Van Pelt as just the QB coach.
Kinda tired of Campen. This line isn't as bad as they look. Their communication this year was worse than their blocking. I would also welcome scrapping the damn zone blocking already.
IMO the talent available - particularly the lack of adequate backups at OT has more to do with the OL failings than Campen. So I do think the line they played was bad as it looked. For example Barclay is BAAAAADDDDD at LT and I don't care if the ghost of Vince Lombardi was coaching him, he shouldn't be playing there. I would be interested in your evidence for saying the communication was worse than their blocking. And the ZBS isn't nearly as big a deal as it was when introduced so I'm not sure how often its used.


Jan 20, 2015
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If we can fire Bart we can fire any of these guys, they sure as hell don't have his pedigree and didn't walk into the disaster Devine left. Too conservative during the game and over their head at the end of the game too many times. We've become a team hoping for the miracle too much.


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
After watching X's & O's with LeRoy Butler and Tom Silverstein their discusson of the coaching staff hierarchy being top-heavy makes a lot of sense. Also, the Packers have already replaced RB & TE coaches which should (hopefully) revitalize those areas with energy & fresh ideas.

Edgar Bennett did, IMHO, fantastic as RB and then WR coach, so as OC with no play-calling duties give him back the WR position coach tasks in addition to game planning input. Get the WR group back to detailed route and catching fundamentals.

I think Van Pelt was stretched too thin by coaching QB's & WR's this season... keep him QB coach and refocused.

Clements has no apparent tasks other than eye-in-the-sky during games. Make his sole duty throughout the week Red Zone Czar. He gets 20 minutes EVERY practice to install and work on short yardage situations, formations & plays. The Jets went from last to first in 2015 by emphasizing Red Zone efficiency. Clements could have 5-10 short yardage formations and 20-30 plays which the offense has perfected to utilize throughout the season and have tried & true options throughout the playoffs to call upon.

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