
Jan 8, 2012
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Man why's everyone being so artificially polite? These fellers didn't come here for no tea and crumpets, they came to throw down a little! Not in a trolling way, but in a rival fan, friendly football smack talk way!

Don't worry boys, the rest of these guys kind of have that "formal rigidity" way to em, but I know what ya want.

So what are we waiting for? Let's get this party started! LOL

From the current vibe I get from the media, the Packers are the worst team in the playoffs, all because of having one bad game against the Chiefs in their house with a banged up O-line and receivers that couldn't catch a ball and our defense that gives up a lot of yards. I see dozens of articles about how "The Packers don't want to play the Giants," or "The Packers should fear the Niners/Saints," etc. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw articles saying how we need to fear the Falcons if they'd have actually won, (though you need to come up with something better than failing to convert 4th and 1 to do that).

What I do not see are articles saying how the Giants need to fear the Packers...and I'm fine with that. Let everyone get nice and overconfident that we're the worst team in the league right now. Go ahead and completely blow off 15-1 and home field advantage. Let your boy guarantee his victory... It's all good... Meanwhile our guys are outside practicing, acclimatizing themselves to the weather, and putting together a most-fearsome game plan for you 9-7 boys.

Got news for ya though, this ain't no weak-*** Cowboys or Jets team you're facing here. No sir. This ain't even no weak-*** 5-11 Redskins team you're facing...(oh wait, you got swept by those guys din't ya...yeah sorry about that...**snicker**).

We be the defending Super Bowl Champs and the team with the best record in the NFL Baby! Y'all think you got what it takes to come into our house and open that can a whoop-***? Ohhhhhh yeah, I like them terms.

This is Lambeau Field, place where even our backup QB can score six touchdowns against playoff teams, even without the top receiver on the field.

Sorry though, it ain't gonna be no backup you're facing Sunday. Nope. You're gonna be facing Aaron d**n quarterback on the face of the planet...period. Forget about all that Breeze talk, he ain't nuttin but a runner up wanna be. Oh yeah. Aaron Rodgers is the MVP Baby, no contest. And he's gonna be the MVP of the Super Bowl too, second time.

This is the time for Lombardi squared, where that Lombardi trophy just gonna go and clone itself. Five times the flavor, five times the fun.

Y'all just don't know the kind of pain your boys are in for.... MMMM-HMMM. But you bout to!

So I see yo Billy Bad *** defensive end went an issued himself a challenge where he guarantees victory?!

Three words...

"I'm your Huckleberry...."

That's JUST our game.

So come on in.

Stay a while.

Y'all gonna be hurtin on that plane trip home, and whoever wins the Niners/Saints game gonna be watchin the replay sayin "we gotta go play them??????"

(Okay how'd I do, lay it on too thick?) LOL

uhm - what was that?

I think you failed if anything

Patrick Doyle

Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Man why's everyone being so artificially polite? These fellers didn't come here for no tea and crumpets, they came to throw down a little! Not in a trolling way, but in a rival fan, friendly football smack talk way!

Don't worry boys, the rest of these guys kind of have that "formal rigidity" way to em, but I know what ya want.

So what are we waiting for? Let's get this party started! LOL

From the current vibe I get from the media, the Packers are the worst team in the playoffs, all because of having one bad game against the Chiefs in their house with a banged up O-line and receivers that couldn't catch a ball and our defense that gives up a lot of yards. I see dozens of articles about how "The Packers don't want to play the Giants," or "The Packers should fear the Niners/Saints," etc. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw articles saying how we need to fear the Falcons if they'd have actually won, (though you need to come up with something better than failing to convert 4th and 1 to do that).

What I do not see are articles saying how the Giants need to fear the Packers...and I'm fine with that. Let everyone get nice and overconfident that we're the worst team in the league right now. Go ahead and completely blow off 15-1 and home field advantage. Let your boy guarantee his victory... It's all good... Meanwhile our guys are outside practicing, acclimatizing themselves to the weather, and putting together a most-fearsome game plan for you 9-7 boys.

Got news for ya though, this ain't no weak-*** Cowboys or Jets team you're facing here. No sir. This ain't even no weak-*** 5-11 Redskins team you're facing...(oh wait, you got swept by those guys din't ya...yeah sorry about that...**snicker**).

We be the defending Super Bowl Champs and the team with the best record in the NFL Baby! Y'all think you got what it takes to come into our house and open that can a whoop-***? Ohhhhhh yeah, I like them terms.

This is Lambeau Field, place where even our backup QB can score six touchdowns against playoff teams, even without the top receiver on the field.

Sorry though, it ain't gonna be no backup you're facing Sunday. Nope. You're gonna be facing Aaron d**n quarterback on the face of the planet...period. Forget about all that Breeze talk, he ain't nuttin but a runner up wanna be. Oh yeah. Aaron Rodgers is the MVP Baby, no contest. And he's gonna be the MVP of the Super Bowl too, second time.

This is the time for Lombardi squared, where that Lombardi trophy just gonna go and clone itself. Five times the flavor, five times the fun.

Y'all just don't know the kind of pain your boys are in for.... MMMM-HMMM. But you bout to!

So I see yo Billy Bad *** defensive end went an issued himself a challenge where he guarantees victory?!

Three words...

"I'm your Huckleberry...."

That's JUST our game.

So come on in.

Stay a while.

Y'all gonna be hurtin on that plane trip home, and whoever wins the Niners/Saints game gonna be watchin the replay sayin "we gotta go play them??????"

(Okay how'd I do, lay it on too thick?) LOL


Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really agree with much about that article.
He's talking about us shuffling our O-Line but our O-Line is healthy now, so I don't understand how that's an issue anymore.
The Giants sacked Matt Ryan twice, both of those times I believe he was just sitting in the pocket.
Mind you the Giants sacked Aaron twice in the previous game this year with our, shuffled O-Line.
Aaron can extend the play and has a passer rating of ~134.5 when under pressure. I'm not so sure I'm afraid of that front four.

The last time we played each other the Giants only had 100 total rushing yards, while we had both Bishop and Hawk out of the game.

As far as the Finley thing goes I don't think he necessarily needs a HUGE day, what he needs to be doing is assuring first downs and just keeping drives alive.

I'm also not very afraid of Eli.

The pressure on Matt Ryan went WELL beyond the two sacks.


Jan 8, 2012
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It should be interesting to see what the Giants offensive philosophy will be on Sunday. The more I think about it the more I think they should come out and try to play ball control. Since the Packers game we are avg 20 points against while the Pack are avg 26 points against. So we could debate whose defensive roster is more talented, but over the last 5-6 games the Giants D has been playing better. It would probably be to their strength to try and drag the Packers down to a slower paced game than a shoot out.

The Giants feed off of their defense, I know you may be like "what? that crappy D?" but when they are playing well, like they finally are, it all starts on D for us. I think the Giants proved they could hang with the Packers in a shoot out, but the edge still goes to the Packers in that type of game. I would like to avoid that type of game, it seems like if the Packers don't prefer that type of game, they can at least thrive in it.

Holding the Packers to 3's instead of 7's will be huge for us. Crosby could prob kick a FG from the parking lot though so having a lot of scoreless drives will be difficult. Third down conversions will be crucial, getting our D off the field when we have the chance to. Packers were 7-12 on third downs in our first meeting and that cannot happen again if the Giants want a realistic chance to win.

I agree... I thin kwe are going to try and fully establish the run and take the ball out of Rodgers hands.

whats the weathers suppose to be like?

Patrick Doyle

Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
that was cute..and on that note this isn't the Giants team u played Dec 4th,, as the game sunday will affirm and as far as Lambeau and the 15-1 mystique as any type of intimidation factor,,been there done that in 30 degree colder weather


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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that was cute..and on that note this isn't the Giants team u played Dec 4th,, as the game sunday will affirm and as far as Lambeau and the 15-1 mystique as any type of intimidation factor,,been there done that in 30 degree colder weather

And as it has been posted..This ISNT the same Packers..We didnt have 2 off lineman, and missed 2 of our starting LBS


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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So what the take on Rodgers layoff.. any effect at least to beginning of game?

Well...Last time Rodgers had a lay off was last year when he sat out the Pats game.

The next game was........

Interesting------ was vs your Giants---404 yards and 4 tds

So history shows having off doesnt affect him...That is why he was calling plays in last game vs Detroit, to keep in the flow of a game

El Gigante

Jan 10, 2012
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Good morning Packer fans. You guys have had a very fun ride thus far. Mine was filled with ups and downs and plenty of indigestion but here we are again. Two historic franchises. One trying to wipe the bitter taste of the '07 NFC championship away and the other trying to recapture the magic that propelled them to a Super Bowl title. I'm expecting a classic and I don't think either team will disappoint. Now, on to the game. I have great respect for your entire organization soup to nuts so despite the great improvement the Giants have displayed in recent weeks this is an extremely tall order. Rodgers and the offense are playing with a level of efficiency that rivals anything I ever saw from Favre. The Giants pass rush is obviously going to be a huge factor but Rodgers might be the best quarterback in the league at getting the ball out quickly. The three step drop destroyed us last year in your building. I think our corners need to be physical with your receivers to at least disrupt their timing a bit and give the front 4 a little more time. When the Giants are in the red zone, touchdowns not field goals. The Packers aren't the Falcons. The Giants cannot leave any points on the board or miss opportunities. Perhaps most importantly, WIN THE TURNOVER BATTLE. There is a ton to discuss and I'm really excited for this game as I'm sure all of you are so I'll check in later to read some more of your thoughts.


Jan 8, 2012
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Not cold at all, low of 16 and high of 25

true but im going to still say that i expect us to do better vs ur OLine even with those two guys back.

Your getting 2 guys back and we're essentially getting two guys back. Tuck has been so injured most of this year that hes been a shell of his former self. Since the Jets game hes been healthy and really making a difference for us. Plus Osi being back and actually playing with aggression on running downs as well really is giving our front a dramatic push.

and missing hawk may of been a blessing for you guys lol

Patrick Doyle

Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well...Last time Rodgers had a lay off was last year when he sat out the Pats game.

The next game was........

Interesting------ was vs your Giants---404 yards and 4 tds

So history shows having off doesnt affect him...That is why he was calling plays in last game vs Detroit, to keep in the flow of a game
But this will be a 3 week layoff correct?


Jan 10, 2012
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Houston, TX
i am a giants fan. i just got here this morning and was looking for some good conversation about the giants packers game. i will offer my perspective as someone who has been following the giants pretty closely. if there are grammar nazis here, too bad, i do not capitalize and rarely use apostrophes. get over it.

i saw some posts earlier in this thread that were just nonsense, so, lets start off with this:

eli is an "elite" quarterback. whether you like it or not, it is what it is, his body of work speaks for itself. he is in the top echelon. he is a superbowl mvp. the numbers are there. almost 5000 yards (with a 2nd year un-drafted free agent who was hurt his entire first year [cruz], a 3rd year journeyman [nicks], a tight end they pulled off the practice squad [ballard], and theres a 3rd wr thats been around about 3-4 years [manningham]. ) he did that with almost no run game to keep the opponents defense honest, and an injured frankenstein o-line. and made his receivers look good doing it. he set an all time record for most 4th quarter touchdowns over johnny unitas and peyton, with this group of receivers. but it isnt all numbers. i saw some sillyness in an earlier post saying that he wasnt mentally tough enough to get over bad passes or something. whatever. eli is the coldest qb ive ever seen in the clutch this year. this guy is the only reason the giants made it to the tournament. he carried an injured and dysfunctional team on his back for the majority of the season till the rest of them decided to get their crap together. any other year he would be up for mvp, but he is overshadowed by the feats of brees and rodgers, who deserve every bit of credit they get after their monster seasons, but so does manning. the thing is, any fan of football who loves the game and can be honest with themselves can see all this. people like to hate on others and downgrade them to ease their fears or make themselves feel better i guess. this weekend eli is coming to town, and the way you guys think your team is unbeatable and your qb is a god, [edit]if/when eli walks out with a win, i wonder how many here are going to have the sand to admit they were wrong.

now, i havent followed the packers as closely as i have the giants, so im not totally sure about injuries, chemistry, ect..., other than the couple of games and highlight reels that i caught. i do know the dominance that the packers have been having, which, as a realist giant fan makes me nervous. i know we had that close game earlier in the season, but that doesnt really make me feel better. the giants, just to stay up with the packers are going to have to bring their "a" game- to beat them on their home turf will be a true measure of the heart of this giants team. what i can say is that as a giants fan this whole scenario has that epic feel. i mean, even in this thread the giants were being counted out back in week 17, here we are in the divisional round and not only is big blue in it, but dominating along the way. to go on the road and into green bay and get to play a team as great as this seasons 15-1 packers- is epic. add to that the underdog status that the giants have been tagged with, the history, and the freezing cold and we have a truly epic matchup. at least from a giants' fans' perspective.

im sure you have all heard that the giants have osi back and bradshaw back. what those stories dont tell is the team has come together. they got healthy and started to really gel since the jets game, and each game they are looking better and better, especially on defense. the one thing i worry about is the giants cb [amukamara 20]. he is a rookie, got hurt early on and when he did show up opposing qb's were picking on him really bad. he seems like a good kid and a very gifted athlete, and i think that hell come along, but when? i also think the falcons game was kind of skewed by just plain bad coaching on the atlanta side, i mean i could have coached that game better than that mike smith guy, just unbelievable. maybe that evened out all the ridiculousness of the refs calls, bad spots and non-calls that were a benifit to atl though.

things that i think benefit the giants or are a bad thing for the packers:

the giants have a huge head of steam. coming off three huge wins in a row (basically all playoff games).

the giants are finally an almost fully healthy team.

the giants are finally becoming a "team". they have rallied around coughlin and have finally started to gel.

i think that the giants are hungry. the change in demeanor over the last month is just weird to have watched happen. a month ago the giants were a different team. they seemed to be overcome with their downfall, now they seem to be focused and disciplined, relatively speaking.

i also think that the 2 weeks off could be detrimental to the packers. it could go either way. the rest may be just what doctor ordered for the pack or it could have taken their edge. sometimes teams come out really flat after a bye week or two.

my worries as a giants fan:

our secondary is really shaky if our d-line cant get good pressure, especially wherever #20 is.

i have also noticed tuck favoring his shoulder a bit in that atlanta game. that is not good.

of course taking on the super bowl champion 15-1 packers, in lambeau, who already beat us once this year doesnt make me feel real good either.

realistically, its the playoffs- either team can win. there are always a few upsets in the post season, and always some dominant teams that knock off underdogs. we will get to watch these guys beat the hell out of each other on a really cold afternoon to see who is moving on. i like both teams, but i am a life-long giants fan. the packers are a true test, and if the giants can win in lambeau, they deserve to go to the next level. if the packers win, i hope the giants at least give them one hell of a fight for it.

[edit]adding a couple of fun things for you packers fans to look at:

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May 24, 2010
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The Beach, NJ
That's a terrible comparison, against the jets??? Really??? That offense blows, there is not one player on the jets offense I would want over our packers, Notta one! Only the garbo teams make the jets offense look good...and packers (players n coaches) don't care who they face, if they can't win a playoff game then u don't deserve to make a run to the superbowl, bring on the giants, I love this matchup

sent from my rooted evo4g


Jan 9, 2012
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I'm really hoping it doesn't snow. Snow won't slow the passing game down unless it's a blizzard, but it can hurt our pass rush. I think right now it's only a 20% chance of snow, but we're way too far out to accurately predict that.


Jan 8, 2012
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That's a terrible comparison, against the jets??? Really??? That offense blows, there is not one player on the jets offense I would want over our packers, Notta one! Only the garbo teams make the jets offense look good...and packers (players n coaches) don't care who they face, if they can't win a playoff game then u don't deserve to make a run to the superbowl, bring on the giants, I love this matchup

sent from my rooted evo4g

when did he compare you guys to the jets?


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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After the Packers bye, then went to SD and put up 45 points..So an argument that having time off takes away their edge..I dont think that is legit..


Jan 8, 2012
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After the Packers bye, then went to SD and put up 45 points..So an argument that having time off takes away their edge..I dont think that is legit..

well I think there is definitly something to rust and I hope u have more respect for our defense than SD lol


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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well I think there is definitly something to rust and I hope u have more respect for our defense than SD lol

I just dont think rust, edge, or what ever doesnt apply to THIS Packer team..

Look how much crap they got for not doing organized work outs during the lock out...

I know NO had some, as did your G-Men, but Packers didnt..And it sure didnt seem to hinder them

Patrick Doyle

Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
After the Packers bye, then went to SD and put up 45 points..So an argument that having time off takes away their edge..I dont think that is legit..
nope I'd prob agree the team overall one week off no biggie but there is something to be said for playing on a roll and momentum as did the packers last year... but 3 weeks will be interesting to see if he's as sharp as he's been all year


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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nope I'd prob agree the team overall one week off no biggie but there is something to be said for playing on a roll and momentum as did the packers last year... but 3 weeks will be interesting to see if he's as sharp as he's been all year

I get your point...And logic says that could be true...It might affect the secondary, but not the offense..

But seeing how this years team has handled it self all year long, something tells me that 2 week layoff wont be an issue..Some it is 3..

On the NFLN just now, Brian Billeck talked to Rodgers before the last game vs the Lions...

Aaron was looking forward to having some time off..To be mentally dead for a few weeks.....

Billeck thinks Rodgers will be sharp..

Also on the NFLN in same segment they bring up the G-men players that are healthy now..With no mention of the healthy guys we have back..Why??


Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I just dont think rust, edge, or what ever doesnt apply to THIS Packer team..

Look how much crap they got for not doing organized work outs during the lock out...

I know NO had some, as did your G-Men, but Packers didnt..And it sure didnt seem to hinder them

of course you dont. if you did, you would have to accept that they can and very well may lose. those giants are coming in hot and hungry off a few big wins. i think the more you speak in absolutes and refuse to see reality, the more you set yourself up to be let down. teams no matter how good go into funks when they take breaks. it happens in all sports. get real. they might come out and have a 700 yd game, but they might come out flat. it happens.

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