What to do at QB in GB?


Jun 7, 2005
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Prisco vs Judge from CBS sportsline.com
link below

First is Prisco's statement:
If the Packers lose another three games in the next four, they should make a change. That's not an indictment of Favre. In the right situation, he can still be a quality starter. It's just that would be time to find out what this team has in Aaron Rodgers. They used a first-round pick on him in 2005, and we hear good things about him, but they have to see if he can play. If he can, then they move on with him. If he can't, then the Packers have to find a way to get another quality quarterback. Maybe it's in the draft, where Notre Dame's Brady Quinn would be the top prize. Sitting still and losing games with Favre playing quarterback is the worst thing this team can do. There is no progress to the future. By playing Rodgers, there would be.

Clark Judge's view:
Nothing. Let Brett Favre play. I don't push panic buttons after one game, and Brett Favre is not the problem here. So let the guy play. If I'm going to see Green Bay, I'm going for one guy, and it's not Ahman Green. Favre is the best quarterback in Green Bay, so he deserves to start. It's as simple as that. Now, does that mean I think Favre will resurrect the Packers? No, I don't. This is a reconstruction job that's too big for one man, even someone of Favre's stature. But Favre can make the Packers competitive. Remember, I said "can," not "will." He's on the roster for a reason, and it's not to carry a clipboard for Aaron Rodgers. So leave Favre alone. At least he gives us something to care about.

I kind of agree with Judge. I say by the beginning of the 4th if we're getting blown out then throw in the kid, otherwise let Brett.


Dec 30, 2005
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i know...how about we let the coaching staff & GM decide?!? what a concept! not trying to be a smarta$$ here - well, maybe a little bit but don't we have enough to worry about without adding the 'what-if's'???


Jun 6, 2005
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It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.


Aug 28, 2006
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Favre is a grate player, but at times i think we need to know what we have in Arron as a qb. b/c Farve will not be around forever so if we are like 2-8 or close to it then we need to give Arron more time. This way we can see if we have a qb or do we need to pick up another one in the draft.

Favre is a GREAT player and always will be remembred as one, but we also needs to see what we have in arron


Sep 23, 2005
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Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?


Aug 13, 2006
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I can't speak for the rest of you, but I want to see the Packers win games. With Favre as QB, we have the best chance of winning games.


Jun 4, 2005
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Well, according to most posters here, we should keep Favre until he's
58 or so.I guess he gives us the best chance to win no matter who we draft or what the situation is.We are not going to win more than 5 games this season, so why is Favre playing again??Oh yea, I almost forgot.


Sep 12, 2006
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If Rogers can't beat Favre out until Favre turns 58, then I'd say Rodgers was the wrong #1 draft choice, wouldn't you?


Jun 6, 2005
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WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.


Sep 23, 2005
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Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.

You still admitted that the organization should have told him outright what they were planning on doing Phil, and I agree. They did not however and they did not have the balls to trade him to a playoff team either, so tell me again how this is Brett's fault ?

I love my Pack but fear they really screwed Brett this year by not finding him a playoff team since they obviously knew they were going into total rebuild mode !!


Jun 6, 2005
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WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.

You still admitted that the organization should have told him outright what they were planning on doing Phil, and I agree. They did not however and they did not have the balls to trade him to a playoff team either, so tell me again how this is Brett's fault ?

I love my Pack but fear they really screwed Brett this year by not finding him a playoff team since they obviously knew they were going into total rebuild mode !!

Because he moped around and kept saying crap like "if they want me back"
He could have said that he wants to play a year or two but not for a really bad team. They would have understood this and Favre himself could have told the media that he did it not just for himself but also for the future of the team as well. He owed them that much. Please don't come up with this "Favre does not own them anything" because they did a great deal for him in his career. If the fans did not understand that after all he did for the Packers then they were not worth pleasing in the first place.
He prefers the love and some times the *** kissing that goes along with him playing in Green Bay. Maybe he preferred that to getting one last chance at the playoffs in a place like Baltimore.

Ego out of control and no one brave enough to real it in. Do you think that Vince Lombardi would have stood for this half *** dedication to his team?

Don't get me wrong, I love the way things are working out for the Packers. Keep up the good work!


Nov 22, 2005
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Farve is a legend, and I want to see him go out in a blaze of glory. Here's the best case scenerio - well, most romantic at least. We suffer another 10 or so horribly losing seasons with Farve at the helm. Maybe a game or two here or there where he shows flashes of his greatness. Aaron Rodgers at age 35 is quoted in interviews saying, "I'm still young, and it's great to learn behind a future hall of famer like Brett. Plus, my body's real fresh - hasn't taken any hits." Two years later, Aaron rodgers retires after a training camp injury. Then, on Brett's 1000th consecutive game, he leads the team on a come from behind drive. As the clock ticks down to zero, Farve fires a bullet to the back of the endzone. Farve is drilled. Donald Driver Jr. makes a valiant effort for the ball, sacrificing his body too - but it's called incomplete. The packers lose by 6. Then as the pile clears off of Farve, we see that the brutal hit he took collapsed his ribcage. And there he is - the warrior dies on the field where he belongs.

I only pray that we bury him under the 50 yard line.

But that's the best case scenario.


Sep 23, 2005
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Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.

You still admitted that the organization should have told him outright what they were planning on doing Phil, and I agree. They did not however and they did not have the balls to trade him to a playoff team either, so tell me again how this is Brett's fault ?

I love my Pack but fear they really screwed Brett this year by not finding him a playoff team since they obviously knew they were going into total rebuild mode !!

Because he moped around and kept saying crap like "if they want me back"
He could have said that he wants to play a year or two but not for a really bad team. They would have understood this and Favre himself could have told the media that he did it not just for himself but also for the future of the team as well. He owed them that much. Please don't come up with this "Favre does not own them anything" because they did a great deal for him in his career. If the fans did not understand that after all he did for the Packers then they were not worth pleasing in the first place.
He prefers the love and some times the *** kissing that goes along with him playing in Green Bay. Maybe he preferred that to getting one last chance at the playoffs in a place like Baltimore.

Ego out of control and no one brave enough to real it in. Do you think that Vince Lombardi would have stood for this half *** dedication to his team?

Don't get me wrong, I love the way things are working out for the Packers. Keep up the good work!

"Half *** dedication to a team" is a real interesting way to describe a guy that's played 223 games straight Phil, you really got me on that one :roll:


Sep 12, 2006
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Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.

You still admitted that the organization should have told him outright what they were planning on doing Phil, and I agree. They did not however and they did not have the balls to trade him to a playoff team either, so tell me again how this is Brett's fault ?

I love my Pack but fear they really screwed Brett this year by not finding him a playoff team since they obviously knew they were going into total rebuild mode !!

Because he moped around and kept saying crap like "if they want me back"
He could have said that he wants to play a year or two but not for a really bad team. They would have understood this and Favre himself could have told the media that he did it not just for himself but also for the future of the team as well. He owed them that much. Please don't come up with this "Favre does not own them anything" because they did a great deal for him in his career. If the fans did not understand that after all he did for the Packers then they were not worth pleasing in the first place.
He prefers the love and some times the *** kissing that goes along with him playing in Green Bay. Maybe he preferred that to getting one last chance at the playoffs in a place like Baltimore.

Ego out of control and no one brave enough to real it in. Do you think that Vince Lombardi would have stood for this half *** dedication to his team?

Don't get me wrong, I love the way things are working out for the Packers. Keep up the good work!

"Favre could have told the media"?

Your jealousy and hatred of the Bear killer are apparent, Bear fan. So don't come around here with your bogus arguments. Why should he have told the media? Don't you think he should have told the Packer management? And in turn don't you think the Packer management should have told something to him?

It sounds like there was not a lot of communication going on between them, and in my book, it's up to the employer to let employee know what direction it is going in and what the organization wants to do, and that apparently didn't happen.

Favre wanted to still play in GB with a good supporting cast around him. TT wanted to totally rebuild, probably with Aaron Rodgers at the helm. Who was being a bit disingenuous here? Who had all the control?


Jun 6, 2005
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WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
Philtration said:
WinnipegPackFan said:
[quote="Philtration":1t77qht1]It was time to let Rodgers play this year but they let Favre hold them hostage. Too afraid to be known as the ones to let Favre finish his career elsewhere or retire.

They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild and it was time. If they thought that there was any resemblance to a decent football team here then they were delusional.

So, let me get this straight Phil, on one hand you say:

a) "Favre held them hostage" yet on the other hand you admit that:

b) "They should have told him outright that they were going to rebuild"

So who was "really" being held hostage in this scenerio Phil ?

Oh please. Favre acted as if playing for the Packers was the last thing that he wanted to do. He kept them hanging from last spring until after this years draft and is once again talking about life after this season even before he played the first game.
They could have sat down with him and told him that they would work out a deal to send him to a team that is close to the playoffs as a thank you for his time in Green Bay.
Look at him right now. Does he appear to have his heart in playing QB for the Packers? If he did he would shut up about possibly playing some place else next season.
He put them in the role as the bad guy even when it was obvious to every one outside of Wisconsin that they really needed to start over.

You still admitted that the organization should have told him outright what they were planning on doing Phil, and I agree. They did not however and they did not have the balls to trade him to a playoff team either, so tell me again how this is Brett's fault ?

I love my Pack but fear they really screwed Brett this year by not finding him a playoff team since they obviously knew they were going into total rebuild mode !!

Because he moped around and kept saying crap like "if they want me back"
He could have said that he wants to play a year or two but not for a really bad team. They would have understood this and Favre himself could have told the media that he did it not just for himself but also for the future of the team as well. He owed them that much. Please don't come up with this "Favre does not own them anything" because they did a great deal for him in his career. If the fans did not understand that after all he did for the Packers then they were not worth pleasing in the first place.
He prefers the love and some times the *** kissing that goes along with him playing in Green Bay. Maybe he preferred that to getting one last chance at the playoffs in a place like Baltimore.

Ego out of control and no one brave enough to real it in. Do you think that Vince Lombardi would have stood for this half *** dedication to his team?

Don't get me wrong, I love the way things are working out for the Packers. Keep up the good work!

"Half *** dedication to a team" is a real interesting way to describe a guy that's played 223 games straight Phil, you really got me on that one :roll:[/quote:1t77qht1]

"I don't really know if I want to play"

"With the game on the line, I have to ask myself if I want the ball in my hands"

"Its hard. I ask myself if I want to get up and go to work"

Now he is once again talking about next season instead of focusing on the task at hand. Those 223 games are in the past and this is not the same guy.

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