Ty Montgomery 2017


Oct 9, 2015
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If he stays healthy, I think he's going to be a really nice weapon this year.

Deleted member 6794

If he stays healthy, I think he's going to be a really nice weapon this year.

I'm not more worried about Montgomery being able to stay healthy than any other player as he has the size necessary to deal with the pounding of playing running back in the NFL.


Jan 21, 2017
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Monty did a very good job at filling in at RB last year. He had a 5.9 yards per carry average. Does need to learn pass blocking however.


Feb 5, 2014
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I think we need to open up the run with the pass this year.
With top tier pass blocking for our all pro qb. A 275 pound te who blocks like a left tackle. Two wrs outside pushing 220 who can block some in the run game. It would appear that we might be able to run it with 5.9 ypc Montgomery pounding it.

But i feel we need to pass first. Work those 3 great wrs. Hit big Bennett in the middle a few times.

The secret weapon should be mastering the dumpoff pass to Montgomery. Every time a defense sells out to get pressure on Rodgers. Or sells out and manages cover our three wrs and big Bennett... Dump it to montgomery. Dumping it to Montgomery will be unblockable.

Once a defense realizes they can't stop the pass game. Montgomery and that speed, agility, burst of his, will be breaking off chunks against spread defenses. Less rushes, and high ypc average.

He won't be taking the abuse that a typical NFL rb would usually take. And his pass blocking skills do not have to be great to chip off and catch a short dumpoff pass...


Jun 2, 2017
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It seems to me that McCarthy prefers to run the ball. As long as it works...he sticks with it. In a way he gets predictable....a successful running play is usually followed by another running play. It's when the run fails that he returns to passing plays. I myself like passing plays, but don't want to see Rodgers take a beating.

Deleted member 6794

I think we need to open up the run with the pass this year.

But i feel we need to pass first.

That has been true with the Packers for several seasons as the offensive line doesn't excel at blocking for the run. In addition there's no doubt the offense should be predicated around the pass as long as Rodgers remains the team's quarterback.

He won't be taking the abuse that a typical NFL rb would usually take. And his pass blocking skills do not have to be great to chip off and catch a short dumpoff pass...

Montgomery might not receive the same amount of attempts like other starting running backs but he will take a pounding when carrying the ball. Don't fool yourself though in the Packers offense it's important for a RB to excel in pass protection.

It seems to me that McCarthy prefers to run the ball. As long as it works...he sticks with it. In a way he gets predictable....a successful running play is usually followed by another running play. It's when the run fails that he returns to passing plays. I myself like passing plays, but don't want to see Rodgers take a beating.

The Packers have thrown the ball on 59% of the offensive plays since McCarthy took over as head coach. It seems he doesn't prefer to run the ball.


Mar 29, 2015
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I'm not more worried about Montgomery being able to stay healthy than any other player as he has the size necessary to deal with the pounding of playing running back in the NFL.

I think it's less about his size, which we all can see is good for a rb but more about his inability to go without getting dinged up even as a wr.

Deleted member 6794

I think it's less about his size, which we all can see is good for a rb but more about his inability to go without getting dinged up even as a wr.

I guess that's fair but in my opinion Montgomery shouldn't be labelled as injury prone yet. I'm optimistic he will be able to stay healthy.


Jun 2, 2017
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That has been true with the Packers for several seasons as the offensive line doesn't excel at blocking for the run. In addition there's no doubt the offense should be predicated around the pass as long as Rodgers remains the team's quarterback.

Montgomery might not receive the same amount of attempts like other starting running backs but he will take a pounding when carrying the ball. Don't fool yourself though in the Packers offense it's important for a RB to excel in pass protection.

The Packers have thrown the ball on 59% of the offensive plays since McCarthy took over as head coach. It seems he doesn't prefer to run the ball.

Yes...59 % because of a lackluster running game.


Feb 5, 2014
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That has been true with the Packers for several seasons as the offensive line doesn't excel at blocking for the run. In addition there's no doubt the offense should be predicated around the pass as long as Rodgers remains the team's quarterback.

Montgomery might not receive the same amount of attempts like other starting running backs but he will take a pounding when carrying the ball. Don't fool yourself though in the Packers offense it's important for a RB to excel in pass protection.

The Packers have thrown the ball on 59% of the offensive plays since McCarthy took over as head coach. It seems he doesn't prefer to run the ball.

I just feel like if we need a 6th blocker to stay back, it should be our 275 pound te who blocks like a mini left tackle. Not our wr converted to rb , who is not a great blocker... Rodgers having an elite receiving rb to dump the ball off, is a much better use of Montgomery's skills...

Poppa San

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I just feel like if we need a 6th blocker to stay back, it should be our 275 pound te who blocks like a mini left tackle. Not our wr converted to rb , who is not a great blocker... Rodgers having an elite receiving rb to dump the ball off, is a much better use of Montgomery's skills...
So you are saying MM should tip his hand when Monty is on the field because he doesn't and can't pass block? ALL Packers RBs need to at least be competent pass blockers to get much playing time.


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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The team's draft decisions at running back give me a guess as to how they view Montgomery. They drafted three backs, but none before the late 4th round. To me, that says we don't need a new starter but our depth is non-existent.

I point this out because many have used the three picks at the position to make the case that they aren't planning on Ty being the guy moving forward. I think that's misguided based on where those players were picked. It's comparable to positing that the 5th and 7th round picks spent on wide receivers are an indictment of our starters at that position. Clearly that isn't the case.

My guess is that Montgomery is the clear cut lead back as long as his pass protection can justify keeping him on the field.


May 12, 2014
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It seems to me that McCarthy prefers to run the ball. As long as it works...he sticks with it. In a way he gets predictable....a successful running play is usually followed by another running play. It's when the run fails that he returns to passing plays. I myself like passing plays, but don't want to see Rodgers take a beating.
I agree with this assessment of McCarthy and agree he is (way) too predictable in this way.


Jan 19, 2015
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from a psychological standpoint I hope he still has the drive to be the rb that we depended on, now that it's his "full time" position. We will see.

Anyway, i'm still excited to see the BYU rookie run this year. it was ty and jackson now it will most likely be ty and williams. hope it's a dangerous combo!

Deleted member 6794

Yes...59 % because of a lackluster running game.

The Packers throw the ball close to 60% of the time because they have the best quarterback in the league in freaking Aaron Rodgers.

I just feel like if we need a 6th blocker to stay back, it should be our 275 pound te who blocks like a mini left tackle.

Bennett will mostly run routes instead of pass protect though.

The team's draft decisions at running back give me a guess as to how they view Montgomery. They drafted three backs, but none before the late 4th round. To me, that says we don't need a new starter but our depth is non-existent.

I point this out because many have used the three picks at the position to make the case that they aren't planning on Ty being the guy moving forward. I think that's misguided based on where those players were picked. It's comparable to positing that the 5th and 7th round picks spent on wide receivers are an indictment of our starters at that position. Clearly that isn't the case.

My guess is that Montgomery is the clear cut lead back as long as his pass protection can justify keeping him on the field.

There's no doubt that the coaching staff currently views Montgomery is the favorite to start at running back. It's possible one of the rookies end up moving past him on the depth chart though.


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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There's no doubt that the coaching staff currently views Montgomery is the favorite to start at running back. It's possible one of the rookies end up moving past him on the depth chart though.

If that happens, I'm guessing it will be over pass pro. Williams was one of the better backs I saw pre-draft in blitz pick up.

Deleted member 6794

If that happens, I'm guessing it will be over pass pro. Williams was one of the better backs I saw pre-draft in blitz pick up.

I think that Williams has the potential to challenge Montgomery as a runner as well.


Feb 5, 2014
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So you are saying MM should tip his hand when Monty is on the field because he doesn't and can't pass block? ALL Packers RBs need to at least be competent pass blockers to get much playing time.
Yes. That's what I'm saying...
Let the defense start worrying about how they are going to cover our wr/rb with a lb, rather than how that lb is going to get around him to get to Rodgers... because pass rush isn't worth crap if Montgomery is wide open for the dump off every time he goes out...

Like we tried to do with Stark's a few times in the last couple years. Send Montgomery deep! With a threat like that coming out of the backfield, the opposing defenses will need to damn near abandon the rush with that lb, and account for Montgomery in the defensive scheme/personal... eliminating the threat of that rusher almost completely...

Like Marshall faulk did for the greatest show on turf. You couldn't get to Warner because he had 3 wrs keeping the defense busy, and faulk was always open for the dump off...


Feb 5, 2014
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The team's draft decisions at running back give me a guess as to how they view Montgomery. They drafted three backs, but none before the late 4th round. To me, that says we don't need a new starter but our depth is non-existent.

I point this out because many have used the three picks at the position to make the case that they aren't planning on Ty being the guy moving forward. I think that's misguided based on where those players were picked. It's comparable to positing that the 5th and 7th round picks spent on wide receivers are an indictment of our starters at that position. Clearly that isn't the case.

My guess is that Montgomery is the clear cut lead back as long as his pass protection can justify keeping him on the field.
Agree that Montgomery is the clear cut starter. We wouldn't have let lacy go if the front office didn't think so.

As far as the rookie rbs go? I'm optimistic on all of them.

But I disagree that Montgomery's pass blocking should have anything to do with anything. Because I strongly believe that keeping him back to pass block ,in any other reason other than to chip block and go out for a dump off pass, would be mis using our great young rb.

Reason being! You look at our players we have.
First, Montgomery is a wr by trade. He didn't practice blocking... maybe ever, until last year... to expect ,or hope, for good consistent blocking from him, would be like McCarthy running into a wall 20 times a game to "establish the run", and " balance the offense". When you have Favre and Rodgers at qb......just don't do it because it will be painful to watch, with very little actual production! Like I said before. Montgomery's receiving ability is, on the other hand, a huge advantage. When Monty was a wr, and he faced a safety, it meant big advantage GB. Now, the defense has to go to nickel/dime and dedicate a player to cover Monty, just to be in position to have the safety on the field, to cover Monty the rb... so not only do we dictate they go light on their defensive scheme. We still have Montgomery facing a safety. Big advantage GB again. Or I should say, still. He faces a lb and send him deep. So my opinion stays strong, that if Monty isn't running the ball. He needs to be going out in a route, or at least chipping/dump off option for #12.

Secondly, we have big Bennett at TE now. He is perfect for us. He gives our already strong pass blocking, another very good 275 pound blocker....a great plan! He will surely help montgomery in the run blocking end of things too. Along with our nearly 220 pound wrs outside... of course he is a big target for Rodgers and a great receiver too. But logic would(should) dictate that between the two, in a game of pass blocking, Bennett is the clear cut winner... so use him as such, and use Montgomery to his advantage...

Third is the remaining 3 wrs. Bennett and Montgomery are, realisticly, #4 and #5 option? If the defenses job was to only stop Bennett and Montgomery, they could do it maybe. But with 6'3"218 pound Jordy, and 6'1" 215 pound Adams out there wrecking dbacks outside , and Cobb slicing and dicing them inside. The opposing defenses won't be ready for Montgomery going deep, or Bennett staying back to block ,and then go out for a pass as a change up... the scheme will break down. They can't stop it.
Lastly. We have Rodgers, and his blockers. Great pass blocking. Great pocket presence. And Rodgers ability to buy time to find the open receiver. You simply cannot stop this group of guys with #12 running the show.


Feb 5, 2014
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I look forward to seeing Jamal Williams in preseason.
I'm thinking Aaron Jones, with his low center of gravity and burst (based on his vertical and broad jumps). He is going to be a player for us.
Also the 7th rounder davante mays. At 230, 5'10. He will be a bowling ball. Low center of gravity... Also mentioned is his surprising lateral agility for a big guy... sounds like a blue collar Eddie Lacy. A keeper imo.


Feb 5, 2014
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I think that Williams has the potential to challenge Montgomery as a runner as well.
Williams doesn't really do it for me. 6' 212 seems smallish. His injury history strengthens that concern... in his draft analysis. They say " he is not a big play threat"....
Maybe I'm a little too black and white here. But if you can't pound the ball. And you can't get the big play.... what can you get then???

They go on to say, he has the POTENTIAL to DEVELOP, into a COMPLIMENTARY back??????

That smells like a bad pick to me...
Followed up by two more picks who have a lot more upside . Imo...

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