Rodgers wins 2nd Carrier MVP!


Sep 27, 2010
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Congrats Aaron! Stop by for a beer if u get a chance.

You know what is funny? A back up rookie makes a last second pick to seal a SB victory and the talk on the radio the next day is that now Brady is the GOAT. If a play isnt made while Brady is on the sideline, how does the victory decide one way or the other how great he is? People shouldnt just look at win/loss in a team sport to determine greatness.


So it was his fault we wet the bed on the onsides kick and allowed a fluke ST TD that I myself was screaming at the TV, "watch the fake, watch the fake!" Dude was severely hobbled and while he didn't play his best game he more than gave us a chance to win and if we had win I think we'd be talking about his second Lombardi instead of this nonsense. I guess my point is we should celebrate the award he earned for exactly what it is. A fantastic award given to the best player in the league. This award doesn't make up for a lack of a ring in any way but some people are degrading it and more over Aaron and I find that ridiculous. Maybe we should scrap him and find a more clutch QB? Yeah, let's get him out of town so some other team can worry about him choking in the big games. I think some in our fan base have become spoiled over the awesome 20 year or so run we have been on. Sit back, enjoy watching one of the greats do his thing and realize that most any other team would die to have our choking QB. I believe in him and I wish a few more of you did as well. I am sure this will ruffle some feathers but I am in sales so my skin is made of scales. Fire at will folks, fire at will...

G P G!!
Great post. Couldn't agree more.


Mar 13, 2014
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Broken Arrow, OK (Milwaukee born)
Congrats Aaron! Stop by for a beer if u get a chance.

You know what is funny? A back up rookie makes a last second pick to seal a SB victory and the talk on the radio the next day is that now Brady is the GOAT. If a play isnt made while Brady is on the sideline, how does the victory decide one way or the other how great he is? People shouldnt just look at win/loss in a team sport to determine greatness.

I swear I was telling my lot porter the same thing earlier today. If that pick doesn't happen and they score is he still the GOAT? Secondly, for the first time ever I heard a guy on the radio questioning if Wilson is worth the kind of money he is going to command. It is crazy how one play can have such huge ramifications! I think it also speaks to the now now now mentality of the world we currently live in. Instant gratification is the gold standard nowadays. Great post and I couldn't agree more.
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Congrats Aaron! Stop by for a beer if u get a chance.

You know what is funny? A back up rookie makes a last second pick to seal a SB victory and the talk on the radio the next day is that now Brady is the GOAT. If a play isnt made while Brady is on the sideline, how does the victory decide one way or the other how great he is? People shouldnt just look at win/loss in a team sport to determine greatness.
The guys who are calling Brady the greatest of all time are the same ones who were reporting Brady was on the trading block after week 4. It's something to talk about to meet a deadline or fill the air time.

There are "greats"; there are "all-time greats"; nobody is the "greatest" anything. If there was fantasy physics they'd be debating Newton vs. Einstein on the Science Channel.
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Win or lose, I love this team.
Jan 17, 2011
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Congrats Aaron! Stop by for a beer if u get a chance.

You know what is funny? A back up rookie makes a last second pick to seal a SB victory and the talk on the radio the next day is that now Brady is the GOAT. If a play isnt made while Brady is on the sideline, how does the victory decide one way or the other how great he is? People shouldnt just look at win/loss in a team sport to determine greatness.

Though I'd never trade Rodgers for him, I like Brady fine, just to be clear about that - but how amazing is it that for two weeks, 24/7, he was called a liar and a cheat, and every other related derogatory name in the book by people who presumably actually believed everything they said...only to be declared on Sunday night The Greatest Quarterback Ever To Pick Up A Football?

As if he could be both of those things.

These people in the media can turn on a dime, I swear. Too funny! :laugh:

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
Staff member
Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
Though I'd never trade Rodgers for him, I like Brady fine, just to be clear about that - but how amazing is it that for two weeks, 24/7, he was called a liar and a cheat, and every other related derogatory name in the book by people who presumably actually believed everything they said...only to be declared on Sunday night The Greatest Quarterback Ever To Pick Up A Football?

As if he could be both of those things.

These people in the media can turn on a dime, I swear. Too funny! :laugh:
Herd mentality. Like watching a flock of sparrows.


Sep 9, 2012
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And these people think Aaron winning or not winning the MVP affects the way he plays in the playoffs. Or is it that he plays his *** off during the regular season to win the MVP but since the voting is done before the playoffs start he just coasts for the playoffs because he has already done all he can to win the MVP

Did I say that?

All I said was that MVP isn't the most important award , never has been. And most fans would rather see him in the super bowl and winning that game as opposed to the league MVP(for the regular season). We all expect great things during the regular season, but it is in the playoffs where players make their case for being considered the best ever.

The packers fans deserve better than the outcomes they have recieved as of late, but I think most fans just don't want to see another great QB's career get wasted with only 1 super bowl win.


Sep 9, 2012
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So it was his fault we wet the bed on the onsides kick and allowed a fluke ST TD that I myself was screaming at the TV, "watch the fake, watch the fake!" Dude was severely hobbled and while he didn't play his best game he more than gave us a chance to win and if we had win I think we'd be talking about his second Lombardi instead of this nonsense. I guess my point is we should celebrate the award he earned for exactly what it is. A fantastic award given to the best player in the league. This award doesn't make up for a lack of a ring in any way but some people are degrading it and more over Aaron and I find that ridiculous. Maybe we should scrap him and find a more clutch QB? Yeah, let's get him out of town so some other team can worry about him choking in the big games. I think some in our fan base have become spoiled over the awesome 20 year or so run we have been on. Sit back, enjoy watching one of the greats do his thing and realize that most any other team would die to have our choking QB. I believe in him and I wish a few more of you did as well. I am sure this will ruffle some feathers but I am in sales so my skin is made of scales. Fire at will folks, fire at will...

G P G!!

Did I say any of that?

Coaching is what failed in the NFC championship game, but that still doesn't negate the fact that Rodgers has not looked good in most of the playoff games lately. But apparently that means trade him, get him out of town because someone dared to say he hasn't played overly well.

All I was saying is that we the fans don't want another Peyton Manning, all the stats and awards in the regular season, but lacking the hardware when it matters in the playoffs. There is nothing wrong or bad about this statement, I want a super bowl winning QB not a regular season superstar.

Congrats on the MVP, now lets get back to the super bowl and win it!!


Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
Broken Arrow, OK (Milwaukee born)
Did I say any of that?

Coaching is what failed in the NFC championship game, but that still doesn't negate the fact that Rodgers has not looked good in most of the playoff games lately. But apparently that means trade him, get him out of town because someone dared to say he hasn't played overly well.

All I was saying is that we the fans don't want another Peyton Manning, all the stats and awards in the regular season, but lacking the hardware when it matters in the playoffs. There is nothing wrong or bad about this statement, I want a super bowl winning QB not a regular season superstar.

Congrats on the MVP, now lets get back to the super bowl and win it!!
He IS a Super Bowl winning quarterback my friend. I happen to be in the camp that believes he will also be a multiple Lombardi winner so that's why I feel the way I do. Some years it's just not your year and that was this season for us unfortunately. I do agree that the coaching in the SEA game was tentative but like I have said before I think MM will work diligently to correct those mistakes and learn from them. Job one was getting Slocum out of town and that has already been taken care of. In looking back I think my message towards you may have been more directed at others who were even harder on AR and if it offended you I apologize. I am sure you are just a passionate fan that's vastly disappointed in the way the season ended just as I am. My point was let's celebrate the award and be grateful that we are in no way entering a rebuilding phase and a huge part of that is because we have 12 at the helm. He is a driven, motivated individual that still carries a huge chip on his shoulder. He has a great relationship with Mike and I believe this will allow both of them to push one another to right the wrongs and put us in prime position to get it done next year. I am not here to start anything with anyone. You bring up some valid points and at the end of the day we all want one and one thing only and that is for this team to be on the top of the heap come season's end. Now let's put together another strong draft class, bring in a FA or two and start the journey to glory once again! I am already counting the days till I get to return to my home state and go to Lambeau next year for the Cowboys game. I was going to go to the SEA game had they won the Bowl but seeing as they didn't I am more interested in going to the Boys game. My parts guy asked me why I am going to the Dallas game rather than his beloved Hawks and I said, "easy, you are just another team now..." Hahahaha He blew his stack and that made me all warm inside. Have a great day everyone and as always G P G!!

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
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Unfortunately, 2014 wasn't our year, just like 2013, 2012, 2011. Wish I could look forward with your confidence, but then again, obviously, I'd have to change my whole sports world outlook. :)