Predicting my 53 man Roster (early)


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
This is from Packernet - but I think it'll be fun to see who comes closest --

By Pete Salamone.

Well Packer fans, it is truly the dog days of the off-season when time drags like the last fifteen minutes of that strategic planning meeting right before lunch. In these dark days hope springs eternal, these are the football equivalent of baseballs Spring Training, and in the spirit of the off-season I present to you my bold predictions of the Packers final 53 man roster coming out of training camp.

  • (26)
    RB(3)  Green, Davenport, Fisher;
    FB(2)  Henderson, Luchey;
    QB(3)  Favre, Nall, Rodgers;
    TE (3) Franks, Martin, Steele;
    WR(5)  Driver, Walker, Ferguson, Murphy, Thurman;
    OL  Clifton, Tausher, Flanagan, Klemm,
    ODwyer, Barry, Ruegamer, Bedell, Curtin, Wells
  • (24)
    DL(10)  Gbaja-Biamila, Hunt, Jackson, Kampman, Cole, C.Williams, Jenkins, Lee, Washington, Peterson;
    LB(6)  Diggs, Barnett, Thompson, Navies, Lenon, Poppinga;
    CB(4)  Carroll, Harris, Thomas, Horton;
    S(4)  Little, Freeman, Underwood, Collins
Special Teams(3) PK(1)  Longwell; P(1)  Sander; LS(1)  R.Davis

Specialists performing double duty will be; :arrow: PR  Murphy; KR  Davenport, Fisher

Practice Squad(7); RB  W.Williams, FB  Leach, OL  Coston, OL  Whitticker WR  Samp, DL  Montgomery, DB  Hawkins

Significant cuts will include; RKal Truluck, Sean McHugh, Craig Bragg, Antonio Chatman, J.T. OSullivan, Chris Johnson, Todd Franz, Mark Roman. Perhaps there is a 6th or 7th round pick or two to be acquired if the right suckers can be found for a couple of the aforementioned cuts, that will be a test of Thompsons GM acumen.

(I disagree with the above paragraph, btw - I thnk they'll keep Sean McHugh - he's very much like Bubba Franks - but we'll see - IPBprez)

If the Packers tire of Hunts antics and move the lazy bum out of town, Montgomery could move onto the 53 man roster, likewise for Vonta Leach replacing the perpetually fat and sloppy Nick Luchey as old man Henderson rolls on.

Lets hope that Sherman is man enough as Head Coach, and finally not GM, to admit that the Chatman experiment is mercifully over.

Look for the coaching of new coordinator Bates and the youthful enthusiasm in the DL and DB rotations to make the defense much improved.

Ray Thompson will be an order of magnitude improvement over the invisible Navies of last season. The OL will not miss a beat because while Marco and The Wahle were indeed talented, lets not forget who it was that taught them (Beck is still with us).

Rossley is out as play caller and any limitation of his influence is a positive.

Think of the blood, sweat and tears that could be saved if Coach Sherman would just read this and act accordingly, and as always, this scenario assumes no injuries (yeah, right!).

If you so desire, you can save this list and beat me about the head and shoulders with it as my roster picks fall under the Turks sharp blade and the regular season approaches.

By Pete Salamone. You can email me but please no virion, worms, Trojan horses or **** links please. Here's the address - [email protected]

I would offer everyone save this guy's email addy and actually write him back - he might post your (our) comments... IPBprez


Jun 10, 2005
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Little Rock, AR
I think Roman will remain another year. None of the DB's looked good because of the scheme but if you look at the STATS he was around 5th on the team in tackles.

Bobby Roberts

Jun 15, 2005
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IPBprez said:
Significant cuts will include; RKal Truluck, Sean McHugh, Craig Bragg, Antonio Chatman, J.T. OSullivan, Chris Johnson, Todd Franz, Mark Roman. Perhaps there is a 6th or 7th round pick or two to be acquired if the right suckers can be found for a couple of the aforementioned cuts, that will be a test of Thompsons GM acumen.

If the Packers tire of Hunts antics and move the lazy bum out of town, Montgomery could move onto the 53 man roster, likewise for Vonta Leach replacing the perpetually fat and sloppy Nick Luchey as old man Henderson rolls on.

Lets hope that Sherman is man enough as Head Coach, and finally not GM, to admit that the Chatman experiment is mercifully over.

Think of the blood, sweat and tears that could be saved if Coach Sherman would just read this and act accordingly, and as always, this scenario assumes no injuries (yeah, right!).

Well to start off, one of our weakest position in terms of depth is at DE. We need lighter, fast DEs in the mold of KGB. Truluck has a lot of questions to answer, but he fits this mold. Definitely will remain as a back-up.

Chatman has had no blocking on punts since he started returning, yet he never drops the ball no matter the weather conditions and only gets positive yards. He hasn't broken it big yet, but it's doubtful anyone could do better considering the blocking he gets.

Roman was at best average last season, but consider how poorly the rest of the secondary played. He will be given every chance to succeed during TC, and I think he'll show his potential.

We know that Hunt won't go anywhere because of his ridiculous signing bonus. We cannot afford to cut him this season.

Luchey unfortunately hasn't kept up in offseason conditioning, but he brings more to the game than Leach. He's a better runner and receiver than Henderson and a punishing blocker. The problem has always been his consistency and reliability, which are two of the major questions for Leach.

It's hillarious that this guy and others think that a few changes to backup players will make this team that much better. We can't afford top-tier, proven players as 2nd and 3rd stringers, but luckily no one else can either. Every team must go through using unproven players who have potential, which leads to solid players as well as busts. Hopefully you get more solid players than busts though.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
Luchey unfortunately hasn't kept up in offseason conditioning, but he brings more to the game than Leach. He's a better runner and receiver than Henderson and a punishing blocker. The problem has always been his consistency and reliability, which are two of the major questions for Leach.
I just don't see Luchey as being better than Henderson - No way!
Especially with no off-season conditioning program - Henderson is ProBowl material..
It's hillarious that this guy and others think that a few changes to backup players will make this team that much better. We can't afford top-tier, proven players as 2nd and 3rd stringers, but luckily no one else can either. Every team must go through using unproven players who have potential, which leads to solid players as well as busts. Hopefully you get more solid players than busts though.
We don't NEED top-tier personnel and neither did the New England Patriots.
Let's all get back on board with where it now appears the Coaching Staff (and TT) are headed with this Packer Team. According to all reports who were actually there watching the mini camps - Roman is a bust and will... probably be let go - or slated as a bench warming backup..

Don't forget all the FA signings we've completed, especially at Safety..


Apr 14, 2005
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Citrus Heights CA
My early prediction was made April 29th after the draft and prior to mini-camps and is a few pages back on the Forum.

Now is a bad time for predictions because actual play enabling evaluation is coming in a few weeks.

We know that about 40 players are assured to make the team at this point. There are 25 that are possibilities for the active squad and practice squad. There are some marginal players who will be signed after the season is over when the roster can go to 80 again.

It is the 25 that are critical to evaluate.

Bobby Roberts

Jun 15, 2005
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IPBprez said:
Luchey unfortunately hasn't kept up in offseason conditioning, but he brings more to the game than Leach. He's a better runner and receiver than Henderson and a punishing blocker. The problem has always been his consistency and reliability, which are two of the major questions for Leach.
I just don't see Luchey as being better than Henderson - No way!
Especially with no off-season conditioning program - Henderson is ProBowl material..

I didn't say that Luchey was a better FB than Henderson, but he is a than Henderson at running with the ball and at catching out of the backfield. Henderson is by far the more pollished and consistant FB, no question. The reason I brought up Luchey's running and receiving was to point out that there's more involved in replacing Luchey with Leach than just blocking.

To me, Henderson brings too much to the team to be cut, as long as he continues to play like he did last season. So if we're looking to save money at FB, than Luchey would be the guy. Therefore GB would need to review the pros and cons of Leach to Luchey.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
I would offer that Luchey is shooting himself in the foot - and whether anyone likes it or not, we may be looking at another Cletidus Hunt, with regards to the guy... My feeling is we must look for evidence that HE's NOT moving down the Hunt-road so to speak.. Otherwise, all I've seen so far is exactly that..... You're all free to prove otherwise! In the end, we may be looking at Vonta Leach as 'the guy' who will replace Henderson as both him and Favre retire together. But, I'm sure TT is already reviewing and has reviewed THAT position and part of next year's Draft his this position in the top 3, on the Wish List, I would think.

Also - I sitll disagree, Henderson has good hands and is always there when needed - never takes a play off and even "makes plays" where sometimes none exist. There are times when I thought Henderson should have been given the chance to take Ahman Green's place - he runs alot like Alstott.

Greg C.

Jun 1, 2005
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Marquette, Michigan
I don't understand why so many people dump on Luchey. He's almost as good as Henderson, and Henderson is pretty darn good. Luchey's a huge guy who struggles to stay in shape during the off-season, but he's always ready to go when the season starts. And I know this is just one play, but he had a great run against the Redskins last year when his helmet got knocked off. That was one of my favorite plays of the year. There are plenty of weak spots on this team, but Luchey is not one of them.

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