MS and motivation


Jun 6, 2005
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Lynchburg, VA
Many on this board feel he hasn't been reaching his players and the responsibility to motivate the team principally lies on his shoulders...I'm just wondering if this is the general concensus...

IMO, it is, but only to a certain degree. Home opener, Reggie White's # retired (MS used this as a motivational tool this week, including hanging his jersey in the tunnel), they just got schelacked last week, and this team still comes out a little flat. Is that MS' fault though? Shouldn't those factors alone motivate/inspire the players? Thoughts...


Jun 8, 2005
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I think it is the head coach, a team usually takes on the personality of the coach and this team certainly looks like a dead horse. For example look at the two press conferences with Brett and Sherman. Sherman sounds like as boring and uninspiring as a accountant reading a economics book out loud while Brett gives an impression of someone that really cares.

So yes the Head Coach should be the centre of motivation and clearly Sherman is not up to the task.


Jun 7, 2005
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Guadalajara, Mexico
Today Sherman was pathetic in his press conference, he has no fire at all, I dont know Id rather loose with a HC like Bates than loose under a HC like Sherman, he needs to eat chili peppers and horseradish and drink a lot of straight tequila and strong coffe, maybe that will give him some heartburn and he will have at least fire in his big belly !!!


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
Look guys. I'm not going to argue the Sherman point any longer. If you want him fired fine. Personally I will enjoy our Super Bowl win and his Coach of the Year award knowing that I never gave up.

But please knock off the crap about he is not fiery enough. And please don't use these press conferences as evidence. Every coach acts the same on their Monday press conference. They don't want to be there and they don't say a thing. Watch them on ESPNNEWS or the NFL Channel. Watch Andy Reid and Belichek and the rest. As I mentioned before, how much fire did Shula, Landry, Andy Reid, Chuck Knox and others show.

I think Sherman has the perfect amount of fire when they win. When they lose people tend to look for ****.

Raider Pride

Jul 18, 2005
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Portland, OR Local Packer Fans P.M me.
Let me take both sides of this issue.

Sherman has shown signs of being an idiot. Let's say he get's motivated? What do we now have.... That is right! "A motivated idiot."

In Shermans defense....

These guys on the field are NFL players. They should be able to motivate themselves they are professionals.

The bottom line is there needs to be more motivation in all areas of the Packers. Motivation is not a sometime thing. Motivation is like taking a bath.... You have to do it every day or your thinking gets a stinking...

Brett needs to stop thinking (Or at least giving interviews.) about how his focus is not 100% becuase he is thinking about the people back home. When you have the leader of your team, saying in an interview that he has other things on his mind that is not a good thing.

Sherman needs to forget about friendship and give his good buddy a career adjustment for the sake of the 28 professionals that Rossley is directing. Sherman's namesake 140 years ago General Sherman, in the war of Northern Aggression canned some of his friends who were not commanding his troops in Sherman's march to the sea. This is the NFL and in the NFL he has to be a General.

Sherman also needs to hire an acting coach... or seek professional speaking advice... if he is going to inspire people. He is the master of seal talk and that makes him sound like he is dumb even if he is not.

Some of you may be asking what seal talk is... Well count the number of times he says "Uuumm" in his press conferences. The last press conference I listened to I counted over 40 "Ummms" Count em... He says "Ummm." every 5 seconds.

Seal talk.... Ummm... Ummm. Ummm..... Umm Umm. (Now imagine him holding his arms out and clapping them together every time he says ummmm.) Motivators of people do not talk like a damn seal! Listen to old footage of Vince.

Now do not get me wrong... I am not a Sherman hater... I think he is a man who knows his football, he knows his X's and his O's... I think he is a brilliant football mind. He lacks the ability to fire me up, and I would guess he lacks that fire-em-up leadership ability in the locker room as well. That is a guess based on how this team comes out for almost every game, I have never of course been in the room with the man.

I am not bashing Sherman, heck we could talk about Al Davis my hero, and I will be the first to tell you he has lost part of his mind. But at least Al knows still knows when to get rid of people and Rossley would have lasted 3 quarters of the first game of the season with the Raidahhs if he was on Al's staff. James Franklin would doing a better job than Rossley right now.


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