Most Productive


Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Fontana, CA
Although Kampman led the defensive linemen in tackles, he finished no higher than fourth in tackles per snap.

The leader in the category was Pickett, who played 645 snaps and had 92 tackles for an average of one tackle every 7.0 snaps.

Next was Cole, one every 7.6 snaps; Jenkins, one every 8.4; Kampman, one every 8.6; Mike Montgomery, one every 9.9; Gbaja-Biamila, one every 11.9; Williams, one every 12.1; and Johnny Jolly, one every 18.8.

Kampman played 93.2% of the downs for the second straight season. After playing 89% in the first eight games, he played 97.6% in the final eight games, sitting out merely 12 of 507 snaps. It's the most since Vonnie Holliday played 94.1% in '99.

"KGB" was second in playing time at 71.7% after playing just 48.8% in the last four games. He was followed by Pickett (61.8%), Williams (54.6%), Jenkins (38.7%), Cole (38.5%), Montgomery (19.9%) and Jolly (7.2%).

For the second straight year, Kampman led the team in "pressures" (defined as the total of sacks, knockdowns and hurries) with 55. That's the highest total since 1998, when the statistic was first recorded by the Journal Sentinel. Gbaja-Biamila collected 42 1/2 in 2003 and Reggie White had 42 in '98.

Jenkins, however, led the defense in "pressures" per snap with one every 15.5. Kampman was next with one every 17.7 snaps, followed by Montgomery, one every 19.7; Gbaja-Biamila, one every 20.8; Williams, one every 28.5; Pickett, one every 86; and Cole, one every 89.3.

Kampman led in sacks with 15 1/2, in knockdowns with 15 and in hurries with 24 1/2. His knockdown total is the most since end John Thierry had 17 1/2 in '00. In the 15 years during which knockdowns were recorded, White's total of 29 in '93 was the most. "KGB" led the team in sacks from 2001-'05.


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ryan Pickett led tackles per snap. That surprises me. I liked the signing initially. He is a young man who has a big frame on him, ideal for some run stuffage, but I felt he was rather non existent a lot of the time this year. I guess I was wrong. I like our dline.

Those 'playing time' numbers speak volumes as far as KGB goes. He needs to play between 30-40% of the snaps TOPS(passing downs,etc). Our D was on fire the last 4 weeks when they 'demoted' him...and...theres no doubt that is PART of the reason why.

My dude, Cullen Jenkins, leading the defense in 'pressures' excites me. Less KGB, more Jenkins!


Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Durham, NC
What is considered a missed tackle? Does the defender actually have to touch the ball carrier? What if said defender gets juked out of his jock and never touches him? Is that a missed tackle?


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
KGB is the man tho tromadz.........

yeah he is the man....the man who most hurts our run defense. :)

He's a cool guy, he TRIES, but he is what he is, a one trick pony and everyone knows the trick. And he is vastly overpaid.

thats my take on it anyway. :thumbsup:


Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Gulf Shores, Al
packerfan1245 said:
KGB is the man tho tromadz.........

yeah he is the man....the man who most hurts our run defense. :)

He's a cool guy, he TRIES, but he is what he is, a one trick pony and everyone knows the trick. And he is vastly overpaid.

thats my take on it anyway. :thumbsup:

His salary hurts bad. This is one reason we have to watch what we do in FA. You can only have so many players on the roster over $5 or $6 Mil.

So many WANT this FA or that FA but the facts are those players WANT multi-year contracts. You stack too many up and when guys you NEED to keep become FA's you won't have the cash to keep them.

Yes we have the cash to sign some big names right now. If we do that it better work because a couple years down the road we will begin to lose players we simply will not be able to resign.

It doesn't help we pay KGB at least twice what he is worth. We could be using that money to take care of Harris and resign Jenkins and have the full bank account to employ talent from there.

His salary situation sucks.