rabidgopher04 said:
retiredgrampa said:
I could never understand why Big Gil hasn't been given the respect he deserves from the Packers even if he's not a player. It seems to me that Butler has not been treated well either. Both have been total Packers all these years and have been treated as non-existant now. Shameful.
Isn't Butler a secondary coach?
Yes - he is ..... But, these days, the only way you truly hear mention of him, seems to be when someone mentions his Charity Foundation.
Retired Grampa is correct - TOP, please tell us why Gravedigger doesn't get the same reverance and honorary treatment at Lambeau that all others get.. even going back 20 years.... Why no respect?
Some people can take offense and "
twist this thread all they like, just to get out of mentioning specific reasoning - a generalization is definitely a scapegoat response..... Red Herring, my backside - Let's take this as a real and reasonable question back at this new superior intellect we seem to have found....
Is Gilbert Brown to be considered as invaluable, or used up, or as insignificant, as Jeff George? (That's just one example of players who definitely deserve such treatment)
Personally, I wouldn't think so - but it strikes at my distinct point....
Jeff George is considered a pariah, of sorts - because of his
attitude towards many Coaching Staff(s).... Just the same, he still has a rocket arm and can probably throw the ball at least 80 yards without much effort, even to this day.
Gilbert Brown was dismissed by Mike Sherman for what we were told were reasons of medical expenses... Yet, the very next year, Mike Sherman goes out of his way and gives Gravy the exact opposite treatment, and Gravy then returns the respect by DEMANDING a pay raise equal to that of several other Players who are not injured nearly as much as Grady has been in his tenure with Green Bay. Yet, as we have seen mentioned right here - Gilbert would play practically for free - he loves Green Bay that much.
knowing this fact TOP --- why is Sherman extending the hand of hypocrisy towards an eleven year SuperBowl winning veteran, in Gilbert Brown, as opposed to a malcontent (with the Saints), who finally caved in to go ahead and play this year, but only to alert everyone that he intends to demand that money anyway....? Meaning, of course, Grady Jackson.
Fact is - several people on this thread have gone out of their way to avoid measuring this very fact when it comes to discussing Gravedigger. In 2003, Gilbert plays all year long with a torn bicep - Grady would never have the balls. Gravy has sat down several times when he could have played. Gilbert adores the very idea of Green Bay - Gravy can only see the dollar signs he considers (demands) the Packers "owe" him.
If I were to test Gravedigger against Gravy Jackson on the scrimmage line and both were just coming off six game stints in real season play - I would take Gilbert Brown, right now. But, in real fact, I also realize that Gravedigger has been away from the NFL for a couple of years and he isn't going to be the 1996 player he once was - BUT, TOP, that doesn't explain away "the why" of how Gilbert was let go, when Gravy got the "oil change" that Gilbert could have gotten and come back. This disparity is too glaring and deserves explanation - which is (I htink) directly related to the "why" of how Gravedigger isn't being invited back to Green Bay and making appearances at Fuzzy's 63, StadiumView, etc., etc.! Let's hear the rant on that notion - I can bet it'll be a goodun.....
And, once and for all - I am NOT a sherman-hater... I disagree with his Marty-ball tactics which I think are a real relation to him wearing that headset... a straight pipeline to ol' college boy, Tom Rossley.
Rossley may have great stats from his early years commanding a Ron Wolf created Offensive Front Line - but by his lonesome he is the very reason we're losing games - it's his old go-back to the college tactics he was trained to use before coming to the NFL.
Rossley has never made a true adjustment.. and while Players can and do often times make the adjustments necessary, once the play unfolds (a totally unique conversation all by itself) - the format for winning is not NFL caliber coming from Rossley - that's who I have felt whould have been let go several years ago ... all the way back to the 2nd half of 2002 - and the beginning of 2003 three was dire proof of that fact, totally.
If you give Sherman the reins without that OC - I can bet you dimes to donuts, he will twist and turn into the wind until the sails set straight, meaning he'll figure it out ala Detroit 2004, in Ford Field --- or he would just plain quit. He can, and often times does, call a pretty good game - it's when he pulls the reins back, like in this year's Carolina game (was that Rossley? I think it was).. and when Rossley sticks his Marty-ball-isms in his ear, we do not win the game!
The part that totally mystifies me, is that he's a TightEnds Coach, or at least had the titel - yet with Mike Sherman at the helm, we have never (NEVER) seen the Tiger Set used like it had been when were heading to the SuperBowl, year after year. THAT situation certainly demands an explanation. Is it a lack of vision or clarity with knowing how to fully implment it? GM Sherman certainly could have drafted several TightEnds, but always seemed to avoid it.
If anyone at all can explain to me why Gravedigger didn't deserve that oil change, but Gravy did - then I'll lay off - but otherwise you people need to get a better answer coming forth - remember, these two guys are relatively the same age - and I'd bet they're both in the same condition, medically & physically.... even now.
As for how I can drive up to Milwaukee and meet Gilbert Brown - someone please PM me with that info - because I "will" make it happen.
Right back at ya -----