I'm just surprised the public protest didn't get smacked down Truth be told, I don't have a problem with this site's moderation. I don't understand some thread closings, but at this point it hasn't seemed excessive, at least not to me.Purely out of interest here, what do you expect from the moderators ?. I`m just curious.
For me it's simple, keep spam out, obvious trolls need a smacking. If they're creative, they can hang around a while. When things to degrade basically to you're an idiot, no you're an idiot, time outs or lock.
But if a moderator wants to mix it up, then everyone should be able to mix it up within reason. I was on one forum where this woman was drunk with power and basically anyone with a differing view point was edited and just erased. Long story short, she was copying posts from a friend of mine, who is a phD animal behaviorist, and posting them on the board she was a moderator on claiming they were her own I linked the copied text and was banned for linking to another "forum"
I'm glad i'm not a moderator BTW