Williams aka Reynolds


Jun 10, 2005
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Little Rock, AR
Remember all the hype about Reynolds being this superb pass rashing end that everyone wants. Sound familiar. We should have taken the safe bet then in Hutchison and we should take the safe one now in Hawk.


Dec 9, 2004
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Toronto, Ontario
The red flag about Williams is that he often takes plays off and people have questioned his work ethic. Despite those question marks, he's still projected as a top 5-6 pick. This guy ain't Reynolds.


Aug 16, 2005
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TOPackerFan said:
The red flag about Williams is that he often takes plays off and people have questioned his work ethic. Despite those question marks, he's still projected as a top 5-6 pick. This guy ain't Reynolds.

i can understand that in college. hes a man playing amongst boys. You just hope when he goes pro he turns the switch on, faces the fact that this is his career, cowboys up, and plays 100% all the time. Its happened to a lot of guys who did that in college, lets hope he gets on the train too(even if he doesnt sign with us, i like the league to be full of talented,respectable people)


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
I will be sick to my stomach if we pass Williams by and he turns out to be Julius Peppers and then some...wouldn't that suck?

Stud DE's are harder to come by than LB's in my opinion...


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
tromadz said:
TOPackerFan said:
The red flag about Williams is that he often takes plays off and people have questioned his work ethic. Despite those question marks, he's still projected as a top 5-6 pick. This guy ain't Reynolds.

i can understand that in college. hes a man playing amongst boys. You just hope when he goes pro he turns the switch on, faces the fact that this is his career, cowboys up, and plays 100% all the time. Its happened to a lot of guys who did that in college, lets hope he gets on the train too(even if he doesnt sign with us, i like the league to be full of talented,respectable people)

I see where you are coming from, but if you bust your hump hardcore in college you increase your chances of being #1 and the cash off is way to huge to jus 'randy moss' a few plays here and there. Getting into the NFL should be your motivation to give it your all. If thats not enough and ... no if you can't play 100% in college I just don't see how you could just suddenly turn on a switch in the NFL. I lied I don't see where you're coming from.

You don't want someone like that. You want someone who plays 100% by habit, instead of something he just wants to 'switch' on.

***** Mario, draft Luigi.


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
There's a maturity level that a lot of these "kids" in college just don't have. They feel that they are untouchable and often are playing against inferior people across the line from them...

I agree that you want guys who play balls to the wall every play in college but it's not saying that Mario Williams couldn't turn it up once he enters an NFL camp and sees the level of competition rise all around him. Who knows?


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
NDPackerFan said:
There's a maturity level that a lot of these "kids" in college just don't have. They feel that they are untouchable and often are playing against inferior people across the line from them...

I agree that you want guys who play balls to the wall every play in college but it's not saying that Mario Williams couldn't turn it up once he enters an NFL camp and sees the level of competition rise all around him. Who knows?

Someone who 'randy moss' a play here and there is not a Packer type player, atleast, I hope not...

the thing I like about watching college is the players typically give it their all because their playing their *** off to get to the next level... they dont give a play off here and there because they know their a top ten pick in april... and IF they do... who wants that player on their team? i dont

I change my vote from Williams to Hawk


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
I see what you're saying and agree too. Williams and Hawk are neck and neck in my book and I don't think they'd go wrong with either pick at this point.

Hawk's a playmaker at LB and the Packers would most likely move Barnett to the outside. I think our defense would improve dramatically with that pick.


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
NDPackerFan said:
I see what you're saying and agree too. Williams and Hawk are neck and neck in my book and I don't think they'd go wrong with either pick at this point.

Hawk's a playmaker at LB and the Packers would most likely move Barnett to the outside. I think our defense would improve dramatically with that pick.

I would have to change my strategy to saying draft Hawk who plays OLB if i read correctly and leave him there... i am leary on moving barnet, id really like to see the kid have the same position/role/defense two straight years and if barnet doesnt excel enough then you have Hawk with a year of Pro under his belt and a year of the defense under his belt then i would make the switch.

I also would like us to pick up a diamond in the rough DT / DE from FA


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota
The problem with this is that Hawk brings a nastiness to this defense a la Urlacher if you will. Many NFL personnel are saying the Packers would likely make such a move with Barnett. I don't mind that because Barnett is a little light in the *** to play the middle. O-Lineman get their hands on him and it's over. He often has trouble playing in traffic. I think moving Barnett outside will allow him to roam around and make plays IMO.


Nov 22, 2005
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West Palm Beach
paxvogel said:
Remember all the hype about Reynolds being this superb pass rashing end that everyone wants. Sound familiar. We should have taken the safe bet then in Hutchison and we should take the safe one now in Hawk.

No, I don't remember any pre-draft hype about Reynolds. None at all. In fact, many talent scouts said GB could have traded down 5-8 spots and still gotten him. And I remember SF's DC almost laughing at GB's pick of Reynolds.

Williams is in a whole different league of player than JR. If you prefer Hawk, fine, but don't twist history to justify your preference. And there are no safe bets. Drafting is a crap shoot. Should we also not take Bush because Brent Fullwood was a bust? How 'bout we pass on Ferguson because Mandrich was a bust? Oh, what about that Monster LB from OK, Bosworth. He was a total bust, so we better not take Hawk.

IMHO, nobody will question GB taking Hawk or Williams. I personally perfer Williams because dominating DE's are much harder to come by than LB's. But that's just my opinion... I'll be doing a touchdown dance if we get either of those guys. I'll be very disappointed if we trade down and don't get one of them.


Mar 8, 2005
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Heelntoe said:
paxvogel said:
Remember all the hype about Reynolds being this superb pass rashing end that everyone wants. Sound familiar. We should have taken the safe bet then in Hutchison and we should take the safe one now in Hawk.

No, I don't remember any pre-draft hype about Reynolds. None at all. In fact, many talent scouts said GB could have traded down 5-8 spots and still gotten him. And I remember SF's DC almost laughing at GB's pick of Reynolds.

Williams is in a whole different league of player than JR. If you prefer Hawk, fine, but don't twist history to justify your preference. And there are no safe bets. Drafting is a crap shoot. Should we also not take Bush because Brent Fullwood was a bust? How 'bout we pass on Ferguson because Mandrich was a bust? Oh, what about that Monster LB from OK, Bosworth. He was a total bust, so we better not take Hawk.

IMHO, nobody will question GB taking Hawk or Williams. I personally perfer Williams because dominating DE's are much harder to come by than LB's. But that's just my opinion... I'll be doing a touchdown dance if we get either of those guys. I'll be very disappointed if we trade down and don't get one of them.

Totally agree Heel. Also I believe our chances of getting a LB in the second round closer to Hawks ability is better that getting a DE closer to Williams. Especially this year LB's are much deeper in the draft. But like most I'll be happy with either.


Apr 14, 2005
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Citrus Heights CA
The D-Line quality in this draft, I hear, drops off considerably after 2/3 of the first round. I also am hearing that this is the best LB draft in 10 years.

Hawk is the best of the best. Williams had a disappointing Senior Bowl.
Ferguson had a good Senior Bowl.

Without free agency moves, and based on the information to date, and all three are on the board when the Packers pick. The selection order:

1) Ferguson(best value)
2) Williams (better pick for this draft)
3) Hawk (later picks are at LB are good values)

All are great players but when you "split the hairs" your looking for the best overall draft. If a pick is driven by need it can disappoint.

Ted is paid to make these calls and he likes the best value on the board.
If LB was critical he would trade down for Greenway of Iowa. It isn't.

Best value is the main objective.

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