TT is not that bad


May 6, 2006
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<a href="
TT is overcritisized and not as bad a GM as people make him out to be. Sure he could spend a little more on Free Agens and not trade down so much but he is not all that bad, unless you have to win in a year. TT builds through drafts and I think once his draft classes start producing in a few years he could have built the Packers into a quality team. This years draft could be a building block for the Packers of the future with 5 possible starters in Hawk, Jennings, Colledge, Hodge,and Spitz, or 6 if you include KR/PR where Rodgers Blackmon or Jennings will probably start. In a few years, especially if A-rod pans out the Packers could be a very good team.


Jun 6, 2005
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If "if's" and "buts" were candy and nuts....

TT would be a good GM..

(until his picks pan out..or don't pan are just "speculating"....)


Aug 16, 2005
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yeah,tombradyhater, how dare you look at the good things. get the hell out of my sight!


funny that youknowwho is the first person to respond to a positive TT thread.


Jun 6, 2005
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thetombradyhater said:
TT is overcritisized and not as bad a GM as people make him out to be. Sure he could spend a little more on Free Agents and not trade down so much.....

In a few years, especially if A-rod pans out the Packers could be a very good team.

Well..that's exactly what people criticize him about...and it is well deserved.....haha...He wouldn't be so bad if he didn't suck in free agency....

Great compliment....

I love it...

(yeah...IF A-Rod pans out.....big if...)


Aug 16, 2005
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I agree with you p@ck66.

Woodson and Pickett were huge free agent blunders.

Wait a I don't.

(done with this thread, I wont hijack it. carry on)


Dec 30, 2005
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edit...never mind...misunderstandings seem to be the theme of the day. carry on with the TT love fest. :D


Jan 3, 2006
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oak creek
Pack66 Do you understand that building through the draft is a great philoshpy. 17 of the 22 starters on the steelers came through the DRAFT!


Aug 13, 2005
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It's hard to judge Thompson's performance considering he has been on the job for less then two seasons.

However, he did add a pro bowl CB (Woodson), a possible all pro LB (Hawk), a capable replacement for Grady Jackson, and extended the contract of the teams best WR.

Not a bad offseason.


Jun 6, 2005
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The teams best wide receiver now resides in Denver....but he did sign some scrubs off the street and the waiver wire.....

What TT did was extend his stay in GB to 3-5 years because some people will say you have to give him that amount of time for "his picks" to pan out....

I say..he screwed Brett Favre and the team this year and the next because of his philosophy of building through the draft....

My question to you then is how many years do you give Lord TT before you can say his picks aren't panning out..???

Does the Pack have to start winning in 2 years...?? 3 years? 5 years?

This is exactly the same rationale that kept Sherman around so long....

"Well..we have to give the man time to see if he pans out..."

(Six years wasted with Sherman....Is it two and counting with TT...???)


May 1, 2006
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P@ck66 said:
the tombradyhater said

TT's not that bad...

....ok he's not...

but he's not that good either!

... and that's based on what?

his inability to sign lavar arrington? :lol:

javon walker never wanted to be in green bay... say what you will but until he proved he deserved more, he kept his mouth shut and just played the role. wide outs from florida st in green bay wisconsin? talk about culture shock... if i made multi-millions a year and was a single guy with a swagger, the last place in america that id want to be would be green bay. to a lot of these guys, it takes a lot more than football and winning... it's about ladies, cars and image.

100,000 people in GB WI... hrm... no ladies, no cars and no image.

you're just so quick to refute anything positve regarding TT yet your counters lack just as much substance as anyone saying he's doing a great job. they're equally assinine.

all i can point to is what he did in seattle and sure, add holmgren to the mix, but a super bowl appearance with that squad, come on... he didn't do a lot of WRONG up there. that's for sure.

for me, the jury is still out. stop with your absolute judgements. they're as laughable as anything else.



Mar 29, 2006
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Salisbury, NC
i hope that was sarcasm.

seriously, i vote we all just ignore pack66 and his irrational extremist arguments. how dare we as an organization build through the draft and follow the same free agency plan as the patriots, steelers, god what a horrible idea... i mean they only account for the past 4 superbowls for god sakes... what a horrible pattern to follow.


Jan 20, 2006
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Bismarck North Dakota
I agree with you Packnic on building through the draft. I disagree, though on ignoring Pack66. 66 makes us all better posters because we have to re-examine our posts and convictions on a topic and think harder about them.

What I don't like about some of these threads is that posters are flying off the handle too easily lately and attacking with personal insults. Forums like these should be built on respect for each other and arguments should always be done tactfully. We all need to remember that.


Mar 11, 2006
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Title Town
P@ck66 said:
If "if's" and "buts" were candy and nuts....

TT would be a good GM..

(until his picks pan out..or don't pan are just "speculating"....)

Football is a game of ifs..

If this guy doesn't get hurt.
If we pick this guy instead of that guy.
If we had a little more money
If we could go back in time.

It's used a lot and with every team. It's not about what you do bad it's about what you do good. You'd be hard to find any 1st year GM's that did good with a team. TT has cleaned Sherman's mess and brought in his own "packer people" Next year I believe is the final year of his contract (I think) Next year is when the Drafts should come together and TT will have the core intact. Next year meaning 2007 is the true test.

I'll tell you this. Aaron Rodgers is the make or break player on Green Bay right now.


Mar 27, 2006
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tromadz said:
yeah,tombradyhater, how dare you look at the good things. get the hell out of my sight!


funny that youknowwho is the first person to respond to a positive TT thread.

Yea, how dare anyone be positive over someone who has been on the job for less than two years and inherited a team in decline, 1 aging superstar, cap issues his first year, and a Head Coach who was not his choice. Seems to me he should have been run out of town on a rail over a year ago....oh wait I guess that is what many on this forum have been trying to accomplish. Never mind.


Feb 28, 2006
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Missoula Montana
Oh, how easy it is for us to sit and criticize, looking out through our rose colored glasses, bottle of bud in hand, and say "this is what should be done." If any of us are that good at NFL management, including me, why aren't we running the front office of a team? Being the night manager at the local *** and Go, with a staff of 2, doesn't make any of us NFL management material.

I supervise and help student teachers find jobs. Some are huge successes and some wash out. I don't profess to be the "King allmighty" of education...I do my job to the best of my ability, nurture these kids along, and hope they succeed.

That said.....the Ron Wolfe era is over. New regime. What's done is done. Get over it. TT may pan out in the future, he may not.


May 31, 2005
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DakotaT said:
I agree with you Packnic on building through the draft. I disagree, though on ignoring Pack66. 66 makes us all better posters because we have to re-examine our posts and convictions on a topic and think harder about them.

What I don't like about some of these threads is that posters are flying off the handle too easily lately and attacking with personal insults. Forums like these should be built on respect for each other and arguments should always be done tactfully. We all need to remember that.

I agree, if Pack66 said "the grass is green" there would be 15 people on here disagreeing with him.

He questioned the Def. Coordinator and immediately got jumped on and had his words twisted around in every which way. It is a question that is valid. I am a Pack fan and always will be but it's OK to question your teams decision making process, even if it's not popular.

As far as TT goes, I am definitely not buying this rosy picture that some of you like to paint. Do I think TT is awful, no, but if you are judging him on his track record thus far it's definitely not great. Actually, if it was not for Collins it would be hard to find anything to say positive about him. Here are the reasons I think TT thus far has been less than stellar

1. Free Agency last year. TT wasted what little money we had on complete garbage last year. The argument here will be we didn't have any money to sign top-notch free agents, but that is bogus. If you are a crackhead and only have 10.00 to your name and you buy more crack with it, you still are not ATTEMPTING to fix your problem.

2. The 2005 draft. Other than Collins, who was not quite the secret that people think he was, the draft class was average at best. I am hoping Coston pans out and maybe Poppinga can recover but thats what you get for drafting an injury prone guy. Murphy had his career cut short, but, noone knows if the guy would have been any good had it not happened. Whittacker does not fit this sytem.A-Rod has yet to show anything. Hawkins, Campbell and Underwood were dissapointing. Montgomery is average and Bragg was cut. People will act likt TT is a genius for getting Collins, but c'mon he had a 1-7 chance of nailing someone decent. Some of these guys may have long, productive careers, but as of now, the draft was average.

3. The Walker situation. I know Javon wanted out and noone KNOWS the real reason. Was it strictly money? Did he want a more 'HIGH PROFILE' type of team? Probably a bit of both, BUT, TT could have held his ground with him. Instead he gave him his way for nothing more than a second round pick, which he turned into more picks. The problem I have with it is I would have rather had walker than Ingle Martin, Moll,Spitz,Blackmon,etc combined. If that was the most we could get out of him, I would have just let him sit.

4. A 4-12 season. No matter what excuses you want to make he ultimately has to be held accountable. The injuries were ungodly, MS was a disaster last year, and the games were close, but, in the end it was a painful season.

I understand that people want to be positive but thus far TT has been overall a failure. Every argument will be "but we had injuries" or "give the guys time" or "we had no money". They are all valid arguments but if he was a top-notch guy perhaps we would not have to make excuses.

I am not TT hating but I can't blame people for questioning him. I love what he did in Free Agency this year but outside of Hawk and Jennings and Rodgers think he missed the boat via the draft this year. The free agents could be awful and the draft could be great for all any of us know and being that we have not seen these guys play together as of yet, both sides have points. You can argue these guys can be great BUT someone else can argue they will not. It's not GB hating but stating your opinion. May it be biased, yes, but it's biased on both sides. Pack66 may be negative but Trom is never going to say anything more than "TT is God". It works both ways and piling on someone because he looks at things a different way than you AND you just don't like them is childish.

In the end judging by what TT has shown thus far he has failed. Will it change, I hope so but am not real confident.


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
DakotaT said:
I agree with you Packnic on building through the draft. I disagree, though on ignoring Pack66. 66 makes us all better posters because we have to re-examine our posts and convictions on a topic and think harder about them.

What I don't like about some of these threads is that posters are flying off the handle too easily lately and attacking with personal insults. Forums like these should be built on respect for each other and arguments should always be done tactfully. We all need to remember that.

Great post Dakota!

As for the original post....I agree...TT is not THAT bad! Now it's up to everybody to define THAT for themselves.


Nov 25, 2005
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I don't think TT has had enough time on the job to say either way that he's great or terrible. I DON'T think (as some have stated) that he's going to drop the Packers back into the dark ages like the 1970's and 80's. I don't PRAISE TT, OR want him run out of town yet. He hasn't had a chance to prove either way yet, if you look at it honestly. Lets see how this season goes, and then you have a little more to judge him on. Ron Wolf didn't take the Packers to the Super Bowl in HIS first 2 years, did he? And HE had some big misses too! Back then as Packer fans, we were all so stoked that the Packers just made the PLAYOFFS, let alone Super Bowl!
Give the guy a chance for crying out loud!!!


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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pyledriver80 said:
DakotaT said:
I agree with you Packnic on building through the draft. I disagree, though on ignoring Pack66. 66 makes us all better posters because we have to re-examine our posts and convictions on a topic and think harder about them.

What I don't like about some of these threads is that posters are flying off the handle too easily lately and attacking with personal insults. Forums like these should be built on respect for each other and arguments should always be done tactfully. We all need to remember that.

I agree, if Pack66 said "the grass is green" there would be 15 people on here disagreeing with him.

He questioned the Def. Coordinator and immediately got jumped on and had his words twisted around in every which way. It is a question that is valid. I am a Pack fan and always will be but it's OK to question your teams decision making process, even if it's not popular.

As far as TT goes, I am definitely not buying this rosy picture that some of you like to paint. Do I think TT is awful, no, but if you are judging him on his track record thus far it's definitely not great. Actually, if it was not for Collins it would be hard to find anything to say positive about him. Here are the reasons I think TT thus far has been less than stellar

1. Free Agency last year. TT wasted what little money we had on complete garbage last year. The argument here will be we didn't have any money to sign top-notch free agents, but that is bogus. If you are a crackhead and only have 10.00 to your name and you buy more crack with it, you still are not ATTEMPTING to fix your problem.

2. The 2005 draft. Other than Collins, who was not quite the secret that people think he was, the draft class was average at best. I am hoping Coston pans out and maybe Poppinga can recover but thats what you get for drafting an injury prone guy. Murphy had his career cut short, but, noone knows if the guy would have been any good had it not happened. Whittacker does not fit this sytem.A-Rod has yet to show anything. Hawkins, Campbell and Underwood were dissapointing. Montgomery is average and Bragg was cut. People will act likt TT is a genius for getting Collins, but c'mon he had a 1-7 chance of nailing someone decent. Some of these guys may have long, productive careers, but as of now, the draft was average.

3. The Walker situation. I know Javon wanted out and noone KNOWS the real reason. Was it strictly money? Did he want a more 'HIGH PROFILE' type of team? Probably a bit of both, BUT, TT could have held his ground with him. Instead he gave him his way for nothing more than a second round pick, which he turned into more picks. The problem I have with it is I would have rather had walker than Ingle Martin, Moll,Spitz,Blackmon,etc combined. If that was the most we could get out of him, I would have just let him sit.

4. A 4-12 season. No matter what excuses you want to make he ultimately has to be held accountable. The injuries were ungodly, MS was a disaster last year, and the games were close, but, in the end it was a painful season.

I understand that people want to be positive but thus far TT has been overall a failure. Every argument will be "but we had injuries" or "give the guys time" or "we had no money". They are all valid arguments but if he was a top-notch guy perhaps we would not have to make excuses.

I am not TT hating but I can't blame people for questioning him. I love what he did in Free Agency this year but outside of Hawk and Jennings and Rodgers think he missed the boat via the draft this year. The free agents could be awful and the draft could be great for all any of us know and being that we have not seen these guys play together as of yet, both sides have points. You can argue these guys can be great BUT someone else can argue they will not. It's not GB hating but stating your opinion. May it be biased, yes, but it's biased on both sides. Pack66 may be negative but Trom is never going to say anything more than "TT is God". It works both ways and piling on someone because he looks at things a different way than you AND you just don't like them is childish.

In the end judging by what TT has shown thus far he has failed. Will it change, I hope so but am not real confident.

Nice post, but one question..

Poppinga in college started EVERY game in 2003 and 2004, played in every game in 2002 and started in 2 of those...2001 played in every game...

So where does his injury prone reference come from??


Mar 11, 2006
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Title Town
Fine line between questioning somebody (which i've done with TT before) and just down right hating anything he does (which some people do on this board)

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