Well, here's mine. Sherman is a helluva guy ... but I always feared his ego over-ruled his brain. I still don't know what the hell Ron Wolf and Harlan (and you know, Wolf is FootballGod in my book) were thinking with Sherman's elevation to GM/VP/Head Coach... AND...with the hiring of Ray Rhodes prior. Still, Sherman's admission here after a few years to ruminate is telling:
"Sherman: The dual role as a head coach and GM, as well as overseeing the Packer offense, was quite a challenge to say the least. I wouldn't have admitted that back then, but I do now. In spite of that, I thought we were managing it well until we lost Mark Hatley (the team's vice president of football operations) in (July) 2004 to a heart attack (at age 54). Things picked up for me after that. I didn't agree with Bob Harlan's decision at the time (after the 2004 season) to make a GM change, but, in hindsight, I know now it was the right thing to do."