Packers Hire New Defensive Coordinator: Jeff Hafley, formerly Head Coach, Boston College


Jan 7, 2019
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I didn't mean to get a reaction, or set a trap.

I've been referring to him as Gluten for as long as I can remember and never got a comment, until now. Better than Gutey or Gute IMO. They are all short variations on an unpronounceable last name.
I can't believe you're being subjected to have to explain yourself about this. Has this board become that petty that this gentleman should have to do this about something he's called this GM ever since he was hired? How bout we just stick to the topic subject matter?


Apr 30, 2018
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I can't believe you're being subjected to have to explain yourself about this. Has this board become that petty that this gentleman should have to do this about something he's called this GM ever since he was hired? How bout we just stick to the topic subject matter?
Thank you Jayzee, that's kinda what I thought. I've been calling him Gluten for years and don't remember a single comment until now. It's silly to think I'm trying to trap someone or get a laugh.

What's more amazing is that this would irritate anyone, well except for Gluten himself, and even he'd probably dismiss it as another crazy Packer fan.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to speak up! I didn't give it much thought actually, and agree, let's (try) and stick to the topics. I admit I wander off subject now and then like most if us.

But it looks like we have a real team again, and there are a lot of things about the Packers to look forward to and discuss!


Apr 30, 2018
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Not directly related, but I see Barry has been hired by Miami as an assistant to work on run defense, and some other responsibilities. Run game defense. Joe Barry. Those words should not appear in the same sentence unless a qualifier like "awful" or "non-existent" is included.


Apr 30, 2018
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Looks like we have a new dline coach. Hafleys guy from B.c. Don't know much about him. Hopefully the guys he does have and did retain, actually respect him and work well with him.
I saw that Ronny. Forget the guy's name. I think he spent some time in the pros. I'm a little leery about college coaches going to the NFL. That said, I think Hafley was a good under-the-radar choice by MLF for DC (rather than seek a DC retread or a "Fangio Disciple" or "Whomever Disciple").

The DC gets to pick his staff but this was a quick hire and it's hard to believe there was much of a search. Hey maybe the guy is great, but this is a little worrisome. A little nepotism? Anyway, hope not. MLF has got to let his hires manage their own unit, and I think he does. I remember Bisaccia bringing in 4 or 5 STs players when he was hired. I think that included Nixon and Ford so not bad.


Jan 7, 2019
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I’ll give him the same approach as I am with Hafley. Wait and see. They no doubt have the talent on that roster I believe to be special. Looking forward to what they do in a 4-3. They need a couple guys in the back end. Safety, another CB as well, so just gotta wait and see..

Cornelius Weems

Oct 22, 2017
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I'm going to play a wait and see with him, he was a defensive coordinator at OSU 6 years ago and it's been even longer than that for him in the NFL. I'm going to reserve judgement after I see what he puts on the field this year and how he reacts to adjustments by other teams. I'll also see how the defense responds to him. Ultimately, I can only wait, who knows?


May 2, 2012
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Not directly related, but I see Barry has been hired by Miami as an assistant to work on run defense, and some other responsibilities. Run game defense. Joe Barry. Those words should not appear in the same sentence unless a qualifier like "awful" or "non-existent" is included.
I thought it was linebacker coach no?


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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The Packers have hired Anthony Campanile from Miami to be their new LB coach. Campanile was getting DC interviews this offseason.

This is in addition to Vince Oghaabase who is come with Hafley from BC to work with the interior DL.

Sounds like Rebrovich will work with ends and Downard with defensive backs.

Seems like they probably need at least one more position coach for the corners/safeties.

Team Ronny

Nov 29, 2020
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Not sure if Hafley was the 1st choice. Most of the known guys were blocked, in play for h.c. job or moving up to be defensive coordinator with their own team. I think Lafleur had Hafley on his radar for a long time. He might have interviewed before the Barry hire..maybe around the time he was hired as b.c. head coach? Either way gonna be excited to see what he can do with these guys.

Team Ronny

Nov 29, 2020
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The Packers have hired Anthony Campanile from Miami to be their new LB coach. Campanile was getting DC interviews this offseason.

This is in addition to Vince Oghaabase who is come with Hafley from BC to work with the interior DL.

Sounds like Rebrovich will work with ends and Downard with defensive backs.

Seems like they probably need at least one more position coach for the corners/safeties.
I think you answered your own question about dbs


Gute Loot
Jan 21, 2017
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Downward has been the dbs coach since Gray left. He is the only dB coach they have..does he have help..maybe.

Last year, Downard and Greg Williams were position coaches focusing on the defensive backs with Justin Hood helping them.

Williams is a CB coach who was given the title "Passing Game Coordinator." But he's out. It's unclear if Hood will be back or not.


Mar 4, 2011
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Not directly related, but I see Barry has been hired by Miami as an assistant to work on run defense, and some other responsibilities. Run game defense. Joe Barry. Those words should not appear in the same sentence unless a qualifier like "awful" or "non-existent" is included.
I read he took their linebacker coaching position. Has there been any coach under MLF who got promoted after leaving the Packers? Seems like they all had to accept a demotion elsewhere.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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The Packers have hired Anthony Campanile from Miami to be their new LB coach. Campanile was getting DC interviews this offseason.

This is in addition to Vince Oghaabase who is come with Hafley from BC to work with the interior DL.

Sounds like Rebrovich will work with ends and Downard with defensive backs.

Seems like they probably need at least one more position coach for the corners/safeties.
I read today that Campanile was mentioned as a candidate for our DC, and considered a candidate for the head coaching gig at Boston College.

I really like this hire. He's very young, been successful in a lot of different positions and systems, and has an aggressive, "Clay Matthews" personality. He could do some good things with that unit; I'd like to see how he works with Quay.


Apr 30, 2018
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I read today that Campanile was mentioned as a candidate for our DC, and considered a candidate for the head coaching gig at Boston College.

I really like this hire. He's very young, been successful in a lot of different positions and systems, and has an aggressive, "Clay Matthews" personality. He could do some good things with that unit; I'd like to see how he works with Quay.
Yeah I think Walker has been underutilized. Seems he can play all across the immediate backfield. He sure has the physical tools to be a threat in the rushing game. Not sure if he can run the D, but may as well find out.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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Yeah I think Walker has been underutilized. Seems he can play all across the immediate backfield. He sure has the physical tools to be a threat in the rushing game. Not sure if he can run the D, but may as well find out.
Walker's a real enigma to me; I'm just not sure what to make of him. He's got a lot of ability, and at times shows flashes of near-brilliance, but sometimes I just don't know what the heck he's thinking. It's not just the occasional penalties; there are just times when he does the strangest things.

Remember that 4th anc 1 in the Panthers game, where Young converted the 4th by diving through the "A" gap - which was left conmpletely uncovered? Quay was quarterbacking the defense on that play. If you watch the play from the end zone view, Nixon was the closest Packer to the gap, about 4-5 yards off the line. You can see him turn to Walker, point at the gap, and ask him if he should plug that hole. Walker shook his head, and waved Nixon even farther back and to the right.

You could see Nixon wasn't comfortable with it, but he backed off about 7 yards, and checked to see if that was where Walker wanted him. Walker held him there, but Nixon just stood there watching the hole and leaning toward it. The instant the ball was snapped, Nixon just exploded toward the gap, with lightning speed, and hurled his body into the hole to block Young's path. It was an amazing effort, covering that 7 yards almost as fast as Young could get through the hole, but he got there a split second too late and Carolina converted.

Now, why in the world would Walker do something like that? What could he have been thinking? I also have to ask, where was Barry at that moment? Bathroom break? Why was he not shouting into Walkers ear to cover that gap? Never seen an explanation for that, either, but the pointg is, it shouldn't have been necessary. A high school player should have known to cover that gap. Nixon sure knew it. Why did Walker not only fail to grasp that, but specifically tell Nxon to back away even farther?

I just don't know what to make of him. There just seems to be some flaw in his thought process at strange moments.

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