My first post - Mike Sherman


Jan 20, 2006
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Bismarck North Dakota
I missed all of the conversation on Mike Sherman so I would like to give my viewpoint.

Mike Sherman is a very good man who bleed Green and Gold for the Packer oganization. I believe he was a very popular coach with the players and gave over 100% of himself to the team. He was an adequate judge of talent, but his errors in the draft exceeded his excellent picks. I thought he was a very good coach when it came to regular season games. I was never more proud of a Packer then when he stood up to Warren Sack in Tampa on the Clifton cheap shot.

With all this said, I believe he was retained for two seasons too long. I believe Bob Harlan should have walked down on the field and fired him after the 4th and 26 game in Philly. You can never be outcoached like that on a national theater and retain your job. The queenies had the same situation in 98-99 when the Falcons stole the NFC championship from them, although that did not hurt my feelings. The only other Packer game that made me lose more sleep was the Super Bowl XXXII when Mike Holmgren lost all of his credibility in my eyes. We had a better team than Denver and Holmy was not prepared, which in the Not For Long league is unforgiveable.

The bottom line for me is that Sherman rode the success of a first ballot hall of fame quarterback, his offensive line, and very good running back. It is easy to beat up the weak sisters in this league every year, but if you can't win in the playoffs, audios amigo.


Dec 3, 2004
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Omaha, NE
easy aadp, yes he could have done a little homework on other posts but loy's ley him get into the swing of things here before we bite his head off :)
Jun 6, 2005
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Toronto, Canada
Since your new... I'll give you a little low down:

Ryan - The head jerk.... er I meant admin :) :p (DON'T MAKE FUN OF DAVID HASSLEHOFF, OR HE WILL COME AFTER YOUR HEAD! :shock: )

P@CK66 - The president of the SHERROSSLEY fan club. If you do bad mouth Sherrossley, he will be on you like white on rice. Also been known to have an affection for Sherman's *** :p

Z2C - The resident joker. If you really want to become best friends with him, call him Slick :p

Arrow - The moderator who has a pic for almost anything. If you can think something worthy of a Kodak moment, chances are he has it.

Cheesy - Every forum has the resident alcoholic. Don't worry, if you don't laugh at his jokes, know you aren't the only one. :)

And many excellent others, who I wish I had the time to post a brief description about. Sorry guys and gals, but exams in about 3 days, so studying calls. :(


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
dakota T-I agree with your viewpoint in the first paragraph of your first posting on Mike Sherman. However the rest of your viewpoint on Mike Sherman Head coaching career, I have a problem with, but understand your viewpoint. As has been said this topic has" been beat to death" for many months on Packerfourm but however I would be glad to private message you concerning my differnt take on this topic. If you wish me to. I look at Mike Sherman coaching career for historical over all view of whats going on in the NFL since 1993 when Salary Cap and free agency (competitive balance )was established in NFL as it relates to problems of former Head coach Mike Sherman had, as you catagorized in your first posting concerning Mike Sherman. I like nothing better than friendly discussion with a fellow Packer fan . I feel can hold my own with any Packer/ NFL football fan. I have had "a love affair" with my home town Packer team and my favorite sport-Football and league The NFL and have ,as far back as I can remember ,which is over 60 years. Somewhere around 1944 , 1945 or 1946 when Packer founder "Curly"Lambeau was coaching the Packers. So my memory goes back to Packer teams coach by all thirteen Packer Head coaches in Packer history. I now get to see a '06 Packer team coached by the fourteeth Packer head coach, Mike McCarthy . And I am waiting with great anticipation and will be out there at Lambeau Field's Packer practice fields for Packer mini camps and Packer summer training. camp sessions. I will post on packerforum of my observations.


May 21, 2005
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North Dakota

Nice take on MS. I know it's been said a hundred thousand times here already BUT, don't let other people comments discourage you. Many of us do the exact same thing - talking about TT being the right man for the job, same with MM, etc. MS was recently let go so it's still newsworthy in my mind. Anyway, glad to see you arrive at this forum.

Everyone, DakotaT and I grew up in the same town in North Dakota and I know he's very knowledgeable about the Packers. We're lucky to have him here.


Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Welcome Dakota T. Good first post. Those are my feelings, pretty much, also. He came in fairly inexperienced but didn't seem to improve, just got more stubborn. Let's hope the change is for the better.

Glad to have you and NDPackerFan on board leapfrogging East Dakota(Minny) and being Packer Fans. Momma don't let you're babies grow up to be Queens fans.


Jan 20, 2006
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Bismarck North Dakota
Thank you PackerTraxx, but I think it was our Fathers who are to credit here. Both were once football coaches and couldn't allow their sons to root for Minnesota.

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