Latest update does not sound good at all. The "cognitive ability" comment from Cherry is most concerning. He may have already made his last appearance in front of the Lambeau crowd. It's hard to say how much he has lost or the status of his ability to process, but I would not want to see him escorted out there if he doesn't have a full comprehension of what is going on. The fact that he hasn't made any statements of his own since this happened and all information is coming from his family leads me to believe he is probably incapable of doing so. I would think by now, if he was able, he would have made some kind of brief re-assuring statement, much like a player being carted off on a back board giving the crowd a thumbs up.
Unfortunately, at his age, the brain just doesn't have as much plasticity as it once did in response to trauma and far more intensive cognitive rehab is required to re-gain that function, if at all. If memories have been destroyed, he can re-gain some of that by showing him articles and watching himself in old game footage but it will be like seeing himself from our perspective. But before bothering with any of that, it is far more important for him to re-gain his family identity than his Packer identity. I hope he hasn't lost any of those memories, but many CVA victims do.
If anyone still needs any perspective in order to get over the NFCC two weeks ago, here you go.