Lambeau should grow some Moss !!


Sep 23, 2005
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lambeau should grow some Moss

by Tom Oates
Source: Wisconsin State Journal

Feb. 11, 2007

In the NFL, there are times - like maybe once in a blue moon - when it is best to let bygones be bygones.

This is one such time for the Green Bay Packers.

After two lost seasons in Oakland, Randy Moss, the controversial wide receiver formerly known as the NFL's most feared player, is on the trading block. Meanwhile, Bus Cook, the agent for quarterback Brett Favre, has let it be known Favre would like to add Moss to the Packers' offense.

Not that Favre should, or even can, dictate personnel moves to Packers general manager Ted Thompson, but this is a risk Thompson should take. If the price is right, the Packers should strongly consider plugging Moss into their playmaker-starved offense.

No, I'm not sitting at my laptop pulling on a jug of moonshine. I'm well aware that the last time Packers fans saw Moss, he was pretending to moon them during Minnesota's upset victory in a playoff game two years ago at Lambeau Field. A much greater concern, however, is Moss' faux moon was the last anyone saw of him before he was swallowed up by the Black Hole known as the Raiders.

In addition to his parting moonshot, Moss has three strikes against him with Packers' fans: He played for the Vikings, he's a career malcontent and, just days from turning 30, he's a major health risk. But if Moss can be had for a second- day draft pick and wide receiver Robert Ferguson, the Packers should jump on it. Here's why:

Moss should be less selfish now than he was in the past.

Favre and Moss have always had a mutual respect and Moss likely would be less inclined to cross the NFL's most admired player. Plus, Moss admittedly lost interest playing for a Raiders team that went 6-26 and should be motivated by one final chance to regain center stage. And though he may be a royal pain in the, uh, moon at times, Moss has never brought down an entire team like Terrell Owens has.

Moss is what the Packers' offense needs.

Favre is desperate for a tall, fast receiver to go deep and win jump balls, something Moss does better than anyone. Moss would have an impact on the entire offense by drawing double coverage, which would give Donald Driver more one-on- one opportunities, and forcing teams to keep a safety deep, which would help the running game.

Moss isn't as washed up as he appears to be.

After averaging 82 catches for 1,306 yards and 13 touchdowns in seven seasons in Minnesota, Moss averaged 51 catches for 779 yards and 5 TDs in Oakland. However, the Raiders had stiffs for quarterbacks and one of the NFL's worst offenses the last two years. And though Moss is brittle, he's only missed five games in his career.

Moss would cost the Packers money, but not much else.

Moss is due to make $9.75 million in 2007 and $11.25 million in '08, but the Packers have been operating under the salary cap anyway and, with just two years left on Moss' deal, they won't be on the salary-cap hook should they need to dump him.

Trading for Moss wouldn't necessarily fit Thompson's rebuilding plan, but sometimes you've got to step out of character and shoot for the moon. Besides, if Packers' fans can forgive Jim McMahon, they can forgive Randy Moss


Mar 27, 2006
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But if Moss can be had for a second- day draft pick and wide receiver Robert Ferguson, the Packers should jump on it. Here's why:

I dont think a second day draft pick would do it. I would be willing to give up at most a 3rd round pick + Robert Ferguson or Bubba Franks or maybe KGB


Mar 25, 2006
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Grand Forks, ND
i think it all depends not on what round pick we might trade, but which player gets thrown in. I think the big 3 are Franks, KGB, and Ferguson. Franks would be good. i'm sick of his dropped passes. KGB is an interesting option IF thompson picks up a big-name DE in free agency.


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
Interesting article, but he notes somethings that are not official.

I'm I guess some would say on the fence leaning on the 'Get Moss' side. I wouldn't give up any pick higher than a 3rd rd for Moss plus a player. ie, Ferguson or KGB.

If Raiders want more, forget it.


Jun 7, 2005
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Lima, Ohio
bozz_2006 said:
I'd like to point out that I never forgave Jim McMahon. That guy's a ****!

You must been really bent out of shape when JM won his second SB ring as the backup to Brett then.

You actually bring up a good point, JM was a hated player who came to Green Bay and filled a need, luckily he was never needed, but he was a Packer that year and was accepted.

For the right price...why not Moss?

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