dhpackr said:
porky88 said:
dhpackr said:
[quote="porky88":2vfgka0q]Talent wise. 96 would of beaten any of the Older Packer teams with ease. Bigger, faster, stronger players. That's just how it is.
In terms of who dominated the opposition more. The 65 (or 64 maybe) Packers I believe lost one game to the Lions and went 13-1 and won the NFL Title.
I don't know about all that. Willie Davis, Nitchke, Aderly, would give brett a solid challenge.
GB's D-Line in 96 would slaughter all the 265 pound guards and tackles the 64 team had. Rison, Brooks, and Freeman would probably burn the Packer DB's all day. Players are just bigger, faster, and stronger now a days. Better and more intense training. Better weight sets. Better workout programs. It's no diss to the older Packer teams it's just how the game has evolved.
Forrest Gregg, Kramer, Skoronski, Thurston were all hardnosed players, and would have give reggie and company the game of their life. Brooks was hurt the year the Packers won in '96. As far as Rison and Free go, i bet my life Herb Aderly and Willie Wood would have been able to cover Free & Rison. Especially Herb Aderly, whom was an extremly gifted athlete.
Jim Taylor was a power lifter way back in 60's. in '62-'65 Taylor was benching like 500lbs. (without steriods)!!!