I think at this point in his mind he doesnt think he will come back. I think this is how he was last season at this time too. I dont know if anyone else heard this, but Larry McCarren said that when the Packers went to Seattle this year, he talked to Mike Holmgren and Holmgren told McCarren that Brett said it was going to be the last year. Brett said that after the season ending game against the Seahawks last year. Im sure Brett wasnt lying to Mike H. But I think he changed his mind. I think what it comes down to for him is what is he going to feel like when it starts gettin around training camp and other summer activities. Right now im sure that he does not figure on comeing back. But all of a sudden that competitiveness in him might come out and he may want to get back out on the field. I hope he does not make his decision right now, or even like he said within the next few weeks. I think it would be smarter to get to that point in the summer where he has always said "Wow, I cant wait to get back out there and play". Now if he would get to that point and he would say "I dont really want to go back" Then I think it would most definitly be time for him to retire. Now a couple more things that I think need to be laid to rest is the fact that people think he is going to come back to pass Dan Marino's records. I heard his wife on an interview and himself say that he doesnt care about the records. I honestly believe that he does not want that attention on himself. Another thing I think that needs to be put to rest is that he is most likely to come back if he knows the team is competitive next year. Even in his post-game interview he made it sound that he was considering retirement because of his family. He has two children and honeslty if you are a parent how do you think he feels? How much does he get to see them? His one daughter is going into college, he is going to see her even less now. Also on an interview I heard with Brett's wife she said that Brett hasnt gotten to see his daughter play volleyball and softball as much as he wanted to. I think that if he was right on the edge that weather the team was competitive or not could push him either one way or the other. But I dont see at all that his decision is going to be based on the team. This is just my take on the situation..any feedback?