Alexander ultimatum


Oct 5, 2014
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I work with a guy who keeps saying that last season, around about the time the Packers went on their late season win streak, Alexander went into MLFs office and demanded he (MLF) do something about Joe Barry's handling of the defense. I would think something like this would have been a big deal and it would have made the news but I don't recall seeing anything like this. Now my coworker is prone to making mountains out of molehills and overstating, or understating, just about everything Packers. He is knowledgeable but he has a tendency to read a lot into just about everything. Every time he brings up a stat I find out that he wrong most of the time or simply misunderstood or misstated the information. Most of the time I simply ignore him but he hates JB so much that he brings this up almost daily. Did I miss something or is this another case of him simply not understanding what really went on.


Dec 20, 2015
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There is a subset of people that hate JB so much that it overrides whatever logic they have.

Alexander made it known he prefers to shadow the other teams best receiver and play man, but JB doesn't like to do that. JA made some comments last year post Minnesota game to that effect. I know of no such ultimatum issued to MLF, but JA was public in what he likes to do.
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Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
I work with a guy who keeps saying that last season, around about the time the Packers went on their late season win streak, Alexander went into MLFs office and demanded he (MLF) do something about Joe Barry's handling of the defense. I would think something like this would have been a big deal and it would have made the news but I don't recall seeing anything like this. Now my coworker is prone to making mountains out of molehills and overstating, or understating, just about everything Packers. He is knowledgeable but he has a tendency to read a lot into just about everything. Every time he brings up a stat I find out that he wrong most of the time or simply misunderstood or misstated the information. Most of the time I simply ignore him but he hates JB so much that he brings this up almost daily. Did I miss something or is this another case of him simply not understanding what really went on.
Two beat reporters (Wilde and Schneidman) have said on their respective radio shows there are other incidents involving Jaire that have gone unreported. MLF alluded to a prior incident during his presser.

But, Firethorn1001 is right. There are some people that will blame JB for anything. Opposition converting on 3rd and long... lack of offensive scoring opportunities... war in the Middle East...

It's probably true Jaire talked to MLF about the defensive scheme and his role in it. I just don't see Jaire (or anyone at 1265) saying anything personally derogatory about Barry.


Jan 14, 2017
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There is a subset of people that hate JB so much that it overrides whatever logic they have.

Alexander made it known he prefers to shadow the other teams best receiver and play man, but JB doesn't like to do that.
I would guess as far as Barry goes, he probably doesn't know how to manage a defense where your best cover guy follows a specific receiver.
Aug 16, 2014
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I know one thing. There’s only a small minority of people NOT on the hot seat in GB if we lose to a 3rd string QB. In a way if it happens to Jaires replacement, he bears some fault.

It’s becoming apparent to me that Alexander is not immune to being replaced, so he might want to be on best behavior. I don’t think it’s that serious yet and much of this gets washed over and forgotten about with a Win, but Ja is also in no position to be acting a fool right now.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
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Oshkosh, WI
I know one thing. There’s only a small minority of people NOT on the hot seat in GB if we lose to a 3rd string QB. In a way if it happens to Jaires replacement, he bears some fault.

It’s becoming apparent to me that Alexander is not immune to being replaced, so he might want to be on best behavior. I don’t think it’s that serious yet and much of this gets washed over and forgotten about with a Win, but Ja is also in no position to be acting a fool right now.
That's the thing ... with me anyway. Many don't see what he did last week as an egregious sin, you know? I get that, to many it's no big deal and the Packers are over-reacting to some "cute" hi-jinx by arguably the best player on the Packer defense.

Being a former player (albeit in a not so impressive setting) and a former coach (again, lower level but nonetheless...) and a former real two year Captain voted on by the entire team. I just view Alexander's behavior as a selfish, "me first" grandstand by a guy who sees himself as the reincarnation of "Neon". Confidence in yourself is a necessity to succeed in any walk of life - selfish child-like behavior as a full grown adult and supposed professional is a different animal altogether. Essentially saying "I'm Jaire ... the only All-Pro you have on this team ... and I'll do as I like. Again, I'm Jaire..."

A good number of Packers fans gurgled about Favre seeing himself as above the team because of WHO he was ( he got his own locker room), and Aaron Rodgers calling out of a good many plays sent in, and being a "stats" guy. How about the receiver for the Steelers recently who wouldn't block downfield because he didn't want to get hurt - I guess in his case, being true to yourself is a good thing for you and a bad thing for your team and teammates.

Anyway, it's too bad that a multi-million dollar talent has to have a two-bit intellect. Regardless what happens tonight, the Packers will run out on to the grass at Lambeau next week, with or without Alexander - same as they did without Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre ... names on the back of jerseys come and go.

Go Pack!

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
I know one thing. There’s only a small minority of people NOT on the hot seat in GB if we lose to a 3rd string QB. In a way if it happens to Jaires replacement, he bears some fault.

It’s becoming apparent to me that Alexander is not immune to being replaced, so he might want to be on best behavior. I don’t think it’s that serious yet and much of this gets washed over and forgotten about with a Win, but Ja is also in no position to be acting a fool right now.
Trying to understand why JA would even care. He's got the up front money from the Pack, and if he's on the market, does anyone doubt he'd get major money from another team that figures they can straighten him out?


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
Trying to understand why JA would even care. He's got the up front money from the Pack, and if he's on the market, does anyone doubt he'd get major money from another team that figures they can straighten him out?
Agreed, JA wouldn't be the 1st head-case, diva, CB to be released, only to find similar/more money elsewhere.

He's already banked the $30mil SB for the extension, which hasn't even begun, yet!


Staff member
Jan 19, 2013
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Two beat reporters (Wilde and Schneidman) have said on their respective radio shows there are other incidents involving Jaire that have gone unreported. MLF alluded to a prior incident during his presser.

But, Firethorn1001 is right. There are some people that will blame JB for anything. Opposition converting on 3rd and long... lack of offensive scoring opportunities... war in the Middle East...

It's probably true Jaire talked to MLF about the defensive scheme and his role in it. I just don't see Jaire (or anyone at 1265) saying anything personally derogatory about Barry.
Imo, the problem with the defense isn't an either/or problem. I think BOTH the coaches and the players are the problem. We've got a few players and possibly all the defensive coaches that need to be shoved out the door before next season.


Staff member
Jan 19, 2013
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That's the thing ... with me anyway. Many don't see what he did last week as an egregious sin, you know? I get that, to many it's no big deal and the Packers are over-reacting to some "cute" hi-jinx by arguably the best player on the Packer defense.

Being a former player (albeit in a not so impressive setting) and a former coach (again, lower level but nonetheless...) and a former real two year Captain voted on by the entire team. I just view Alexander's behavior as a selfish, "me first" grandstand by a guy who sees himself as the reincarnation of "Neon". Confidence in yourself is a necessity to succeed in any walk of life - selfish child-like behavior as a full grown adult and supposed professional is a different animal altogether. Essentially saying "I'm Jaire ... the only All-Pro you have on this team ... and I'll do as I like. Again, I'm Jaire..."

A good number of Packers fans gurgled about Favre seeing himself as above the team because of WHO he was ( he got his own locker room), and Aaron Rodgers calling out of a good many plays sent in, and being a "stats" guy. How about the receiver for the Steelers recently who wouldn't block downfield because he didn't want to get hurt - I guess in his case, being true to yourself is a good thing for you and a bad thing for your team and teammates.

Anyway, it's too bad that a multi-million dollar talent has to have a two-bit intellect. Regardless what happens tonight, the Packers will run out on to the grass at Lambeau next week, with or without Alexander - same as they did without Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre ... names on the back of jerseys come and go.

Go Pack!
My sentiments exactly. The players can never be placed ahead of the team and the message needs to be sent to each and every one of them. Even if it means the GM making a visit to the locker room next week to deliver the message.

Edit: I think we have too many 2-bit intellects on the field too often. That's the GM's fault. He needs to ensure he's got employees that can crack double digits on the Wonderlic.


Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
Imo, the problem with the defense isn't an either/or problem. I think BOTH the coaches and the players are the problem. We've got a few players and possibly all the defensive coaches that need to be shoved out the door before next season.
Completely agree. It's just easier to find one coordinator with a scheme that suits multiple players than it is to go get players to match the DC scheme.

By the way, I have been told the Packers "Fangio style" scheme is MLF's preference, and JB was hired to coordinate it. JB hasn't done a good job at implementation and execution, and injuries to the LBs and DBs haven't helped.


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
The Fangio System relies on smart, savvy Safeties who understand the nuances of the entire D AND can communicate that to the other players. Did Gute really give the '23 Packers a chance in Hades to succeed trotting out Savage, Owens &/or Ford as the starters?

I don't see much deception or defensive confusion which SHOULD be the hallmark of a Fangio D.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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MLF has already stated he's not going to be making any in-season changes despite what happens in the games. Tonight a third stringer will have a career day but he'll continue to spout cliches in his press conferences to avoid any semblance of accountability. The decisions to trade Douglas and bench Alexander show that the FO thinks that in 2023, winning isn't a huge priority. They must've been given the green light from MM to punt on the season weeks ago if not already in the pre season. That also helps explain the season long fiasco with lousy strength and conditioning leading to an epidemic of non-contact injuries. No urgency to make changes. It allows a lot of personnel groups. Basically, what we've watched is one long preseason.

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
Staff member
Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
The Fangio System relies on smart, savvy Safeties who understand the nuances of the entire D AND can communicate that to the other players. Did Gute really give the '23 Packers a chance in Hades to succeed trotting out Savage, Owens &/or Ford as the starters?

I don't see much deception or defensive confusion which SHOULD be the hallmark of a Fangio D.
Should warn us if it's behind a paywall. I don't hand out my email address for spam either.
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
That's the thing ... with me anyway. Many don't see what he did last week as an egregious sin, you know? I get that, to many it's no big deal and the Packers are over-reacting to some "cute" hi-jinx by arguably the best player on the Packer defense.

Being a former player (albeit in a not so impressive setting) and a former coach (again, lower level but nonetheless...) and a former real two year Captain voted on by the entire team. I just view Alexander's behavior as a selfish, "me first" grandstand by a guy who sees himself as the reincarnation of "Neon". Confidence in yourself is a necessity to succeed in any walk of life - selfish child-like behavior as a full grown adult and supposed professional is a different animal altogether. Essentially saying "I'm Jaire ... the only All-Pro you have on this team ... and I'll do as I like. Again, I'm Jaire..."

A good number of Packers fans gurgled about Favre seeing himself as above the team because of WHO he was ( he got his own locker room), and Aaron Rodgers calling out of a good many plays sent in, and being a "stats" guy. How about the receiver for the Steelers recently who wouldn't block downfield because he didn't want to get hurt - I guess in his case, being true to yourself is a good thing for you and a bad thing for your team and teammates.

Anyway, it's too bad that a multi-million dollar talent has to have a two-bit intellect. Regardless what happens tonight, the Packers will run out on to the grass at Lambeau next week, with or without Alexander - same as they did without Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre ... names on the back of jerseys come and go.

Go Pack!
Then you know that a great Coach isn’t just one who can draw up plays on a chalk board.

When Vince Lombardi was failing at coaching.. you heard me correctly (see Nov 15, 1959) He went to his veteran players and humbled himself. He asked them what we were doing wrong? That attitude was a turning point. Once he had his veterans seeing he was human and only had winning in mind? They bought in.

I didn’t coach football but I’ve coached people. Namely salespeople. Once you get support from the Top (owner) and proceed to get buy-in from your most respected salespeople? The others hear it. They just somehow pick up on it. That’s exactly what Vince did.

J’aire Alexander is a rare breed. What makes him great is his confidence and playfulness. He didn’t do that to anger everyone imo. He did it to be a leader. He wants to lead and no one seems to be able to recognize that and until they do? They won’t harness that leadership.

J’aire is a great player that commands others attention. Befriend him (get on his level and talk to him)
There’s no script just let him know you see him as a leader and that’s why you punished him. Find out more about him what he thinks we should do and it does not mean he’s running the show. Let him be heard. You just might be surprised what he’ll do for you.
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Oct 5, 2014
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I subscribe to NO sites for info., & only gave my email to Bambi @ 1-555-hot-tiee. ;) Sorry, disregard link or I can delete it.

Bambi @ 1-555-hot-tiee huh? Ever see the married with children episode where Pegs mom was Butter, the ********* operator?

The look on Al's face when he calls the number and hears the phone ring upstairs...priceless.


May 12, 2014
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Really, I have nothing against Jaire. But I think we should at least start the next game with the same players that played tonight. I know a few have said they think Nixon is a crummy slot corner. But he tackles very well and he covers well as far as I can see. So why put Savage in there? These guys played well together in earlier games also. Putting in Jaire or Savage until it's shown we really need them is subtraction by addition and only because of their draft status imho.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Really, I have nothing against Jaire. But I think we should at least start the next game with the same players that played tonight. I know a few have said they think Nixon is a crummy slot corner. But he tackles very well and he covers well as far as I can see. So why put Savage in there? These guys played well together in earlier games also. Putting in Jaire or Savage until it's shown we really need them is subtraction by addition and only because of their draft status imho.
Could it be Ja tried to alter play calling?


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Oshkosh, WI
Then you know that a great Coach isn’t just one who can draw up plays on a chalk board.

When Vince Lombardi was failing at coaching.. you heard me correctly (see Nov 15, 1959) He went to his veteran players and humbled himself. He asked them what we were doing wrong? That attitude was a turning point. Once he had his veterans seeing he was human and only had winning in mind? They bought in.

I didn’t coach football but I’ve coached people. Namely salespeople. Once you get support from the Top (owner) and proceed to get buy-in from your most respected salespeople? The others hear it. They just somehow pick up on it. That’s exactly what Vince did.

J’aire Alexander is a rare breed. What makes him great is his confidence and playfulness. He didn’t do that to anger everyone imo. He did it to be a leader. He wants to lead and no one seems to be able to recognize that and until they do? They won’t harness that leadership.

J’aire is a great player that commands others attention. Befriend him (get on his level and talk to him)
There’s no script just let him know you see him as a leader and that’s why you punished him. Find out more about him what he thinks we should do and it does not mean he’s running the show. Let him be heard. You just might be surprised what he’ll do for you.

As always ... good, reasonable points.