U.S. Fans thoughts on the Internationl series games


Feb 19, 2015
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I'm a packers fan from England, and I'm interested to see how U.S. fans feel about the games over here in London, and in the coming years Germany and China.

What do you think of the games and what do you think about the possibility of a franchise over here?

(Full disclosure I attend one or two IS games a season, as let's face it's it's football on my doorstep and it's always better live than on TV) ( I hope we NEVER get a franchise. It's an American sport, played in America. NFL Europe failed for a reason!)

Appreciate all responses.


Dec 20, 2014
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I think expansion to Europe is inevitable. It might not be next year, but I could see it in the next 5-10 easily. NFL Europe failed for a lot of reasons and the money making machine that is the NFL, i'm sure learned a lot from that experience. A lot had to do with overall popularity and mostly using developmental type players and having an entire "league" with limited popularity.

I imagine it will be the same there, popularity grows, but slowly. I'd bet there is more popularity there now than 10 years ago. Flights from London to East coast won't be that bad or vice versa. The more it grows the more likely a team ends up there

I don't get to go to that many games anyway, 1 a season usually, but last year I didn't go to any. Will I miss one if it goes to London? Probably not. Financially it will impact the city of GB, but I imagine they'll work around that. BIgger television audience and all that will bring in more money too. I'm sure they know how to make it work, or they'll figure it out quickly if they don't :) It's another reason why I see the season expanding in the future too. Cities won't "lose" games. They'll have the same they've always been used to, it's just cities in Europe will gain some.

I don't see a way the NFL doesn't expand in the next decade.

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