The game vs the Patriots


Nov 24, 2014
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Lol I think both fan bases expecting the worst and hoping for the best. No matter what no major injuries is key for both teams! (A loss truly doesn't hurt either that much but key injuries will)


Nov 24, 2014
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I like our DBS against their Wrs but Gronk has to be doubled every single play. The New England tightends make that pass game go as their Wrs are average at best.

Peppers and Clay have to play like mad men as Brady is a stiff but he does slide around to avoid sacks with the best of them. I'd honestly move peppers to DT on some downs and have him rush up the middle and use Clay and Perry off the edges . I don't see us blitzing as much this game so the d line has to get pressure.

They will put browner on Jordy and try to get physical with Jordy with safety help over the top and revis will shadow Cobb I guarantee it. Look for this matchup . Aaron has to attack revis and the tightends have to be a factor in the passing game along with Adams. Could we see Janis this game and go four wide?

I would say that our WR's are a little better than 'average at best' - they surely aren't the most physically outstanding group to ever take a football field are they have formed a pretty strong bond with Brady.

LaFell has come on a long way since the start of the season - he is the bigger framed WR we have been looking for, for years - his hands can be a little inconsistent at times but he has really earned Brady's trust over the last month or so to the point when Brady has the faith hit hit him on back shoulder throws.

Edelman has rounded into, not just a Wes Welker clone, but a guy who can get it done outside the numbers - there have been games earlier in the year when Brady was a little too reliant upon Mini-tron and it made our offense look average - now, with the return of Gronk to fitness, we have a corps that Brady is happy spreading the ball around to.

Brady values 'being where you are supposed to be' over physical attributes - which means some guys just wouldn't work in our system and vice versa.

Brady has been working on the 'sliding around' stuff this year - it is noticeable how he is willing to scramble a few yards to extend the play a lot more - the offensive line have been dominant since the KC game - not just opening up running holes for unheard of RBs but also protecting |Brady - and it hasn't been against scrub teams either.

I'll be interested to see which way the Patriots match up their DB's - perhaps you are correct - Nelson is the bigger WR of the two to maybe he goes with Browner (with help over the top.)

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
I don't care about the names or measurables of the players, it's how they play. Brady and Belichick are masters at making mid-level players play great. They've done it for over a decade now and this season is no different. The Patriots obviously have some stars but the team plays great because they play as a team.

It'll be a fun one to watch.


Aug 23, 2013
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I know we hear this a lot, but this truly is shaping up to be a SB preview. And I think a lot of us see NE as the franchise most similar to GB's... the fans, quality organization, quiet coaches at the mic, decades of solid QB'g... with both of our guys replacing HoFrs, both play in real FB weather and know how to take advantage of it. MN n D have to make it comfy for the fans to show up.

One quibble w the Revis fans... our #12 reads DBs so well, he's kept his TD/INT ratio to a ridiculous level. Our clean cut, soft spoken Kansan knows how to use his body to get open... up, away, back-shoulder... & a true toe-dragger.


Nov 24, 2014
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@lake both QB throw very few INT. I love this pats secondary the best we have had since the Law years when we won SB.
Heck this game so close even Vegas only has GB by 31/2 points which is pretty much a push since HF usually gives a team 3 points lol

As for Revis what makes him special is he runs the routes as well as most receivers and better than some.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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I know we hear this a lot, but this truly is shaping up to be a SB preview. And I think a lot of us see NE as the franchise most similar to GB's... the fans, quality organization, quiet coaches at the mic, decades of solid QB'g... with both of our guys replacing HoFrs, both play in real FB weather and know how to take advantage of it. MN n D have to make it comfy for the fans to show up.

One quibble w the Revis fans... our #12 reads DBs so well, he's kept his TD/INT ratio to a ridiculous level. Our clean cut, soft spoken Kansan knows how to use his body to get open... up, away, back-shoulder... & a true toe-dragger.
I like your post, but there is no Franchise in all of professional sports quite like the Packers.

For years I have had great respect for the Steelers and the Pats.

But there is no Franchise that can be compared exactly to the Packers.


Aug 23, 2013
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NHPatsFan- Agreed! I think we all see the 3.5pts the same way. Let me pick your brain here... what drives you nuts during a game? Meaning... if we keep this crap up we're going to lose! For me/us, it's McCarthy's conservative play calling... which was sacked after Rodgers said RELAX. Since, they've been aggressive on 1st dn (throwing), we've seen new plays on offense, they are more Jordy-first-option plays, run plays followed by play-action pass, the D seems to blitz more in a variety of ways and the special teams' guys are fired up. For you guys, any plays you hate to see, schemes that are worthless, etc? Oh before I forget... if its close late, I'm going to be watching for McCarthy to waste a TO or call a dumb play. He's gotten better at it over the last two years, but it's still there.


Nov 24, 2014
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It drives me nuts when a RB starts running wild on us (has not happened in awhile) but you know your sitting at home and YOU call the play the other team going to run and it works over and over again. Ugg that makes me think we will lose a game.

I have to admit this year I get excited on every pats punt return Edelman can break one each time. He is amazing at it. (Had one called back yesterday)


Aug 23, 2013
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Gotcha. I think we're all bugged by those types of plays.

All the talk will be about the QBs. But this might come down to somebody nobody's talking about. Like our win against the Bears last year, all we talked about after the game was Kuhn's (our FB) block on Peppers (Chi D-end).


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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Gotcha. I think we're all bugged by those types of plays.

All the talk will be about the QBs. But this might come down to somebody nobody's talking about. Like our win against the Bears last year, all we talked about after the game was Kuhn's (our FB) block on Peppers (Chi D-end).
It sure can come down to such a small thing as one block. It's part of the beauty of sports competition.

Regardless of the outcome, this will be a VERY highly rated game TV wise.

Hell a significant portion of the crappy teams disgruntled fans might tune into this one.


Nov 24, 2014
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Game going be fun to watch, GB my Fav NFC team. And well now the Lions are my Jets of the NFC lol


Nov 24, 2014
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Oh Mkangelo, I just meant I will cheer for whoever is playing them to win like I do w Jets games, I HATE the Jets always have.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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Oh Mkangelo, I just meant I will cheer for whoever is playing them to win like I do w Jets games, I HATE the Jets always have.
Funny thing is, I use to like old "gang green". Then Tebow happened.

Whether you think Tebow deserved a shot in the NFL or not, the way the Jests handled that young man was a travesty. Period.


Nov 24, 2014
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I always felt he was robbed of his chance, he did something right getting Denver into the playoffs that yr and WINNING. A playoff game. Never seen a playoff winning QB leave the league so fast.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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I always felt he was robbed of his chance, he did something right getting Denver into the playoffs that yr and WINNING. A playoff game. Never seen a playoff winning QB leave the league so fast.
Kind of baffled me. Sure the guy needed some big league training but I still think he deserved a decent shot. Oh well.

We all have our heartbreak stories. I think Mr. Tebow will be just fine wherever he lands.


Dec 6, 2009
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New York
The media did Tebow in, unfortunately. If it wasn't for them he would be on a team now. Say what you want about his passing ability, but he won. You can't tell me he isn't a better option than a number of other quarterbacks right now.


Oct 26, 2011
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A Galaxy Far, Far Away
The media did Tebow in, unfortunately. If it wasn't for them he would be on a team now. Say what you want about his passing ability, but he won. You can't tell me he isn't a better option than a number of other quarterbacks right now.

Ooooo, you and Skip Bayless should get together :)

As for the Jets, god they really, really do suck. It must be just golden to be a Pats fan and die laughing watching the pitiful Jets implode every season. I mean, we get to laugh at the Bears, but the Bears are a SB contender compared to the gawd awful Jets.


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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The media did Tebow in, unfortunately. If it wasn't for them he would be on a team now. Say what you want about his passing ability, but he won. You can't tell me he isn't a better option than a number of other quarterbacks right now.
The media, the Jests and the public did TT in.

Deleted member 6794

Hi All,

Patriots fan here! Just looking for some football chat- not here for smack talk or any of that other cr*p.

Having a chess piece like Revis means we can take a teams top weapon and severely limit their impact on the game - this week I think that'll be Jordy Nelson (who is having a fantastic year).

Welcome, good to have great fans from opposing teams on the forum.

I guarantee that the Patriots will put Browner on Nelson and Revis will cover Cobb.

My main concern in this game is Gronk. The Packers have had troubles covering TEs all season long and we don't have anyone capable of covering that guy one on one.

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
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Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
Welcome, good to have great fans from opposing teams on the forum.
Have to point this out as it hasn't happened much this season. Besides the regulars, only the trolls after the losses basically. Good thing we dusted the place and had the dishes put away. Missed some of the trash though.


Nov 24, 2014
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NHPatsFan- Agreed! I think we all see the 3.5pts the same way. Let me pick your brain here... what drives you nuts during a game? Meaning... if we keep this crap up we're going to lose! For me/us, it's McCarthy's conservative play calling... which was sacked after Rodgers said RELAX. Since, they've been aggressive on 1st dn (throwing), we've seen new plays on offense, they are more Jordy-first-option plays, run plays followed by play-action pass, the D seems to blitz more in a variety of ways and the special teams' guys are fired up. For you guys, any plays you hate to see, schemes that are worthless, etc? Oh before I forget... if its close late, I'm going to be watching for McCarthy to waste a TO or call a dumb play. He's gotten better at it over the last two years, but it's still there.

I'll jump in on this one too, Lakedog!

The thing that is driving me nuts this year is penalties!

Uncharacteristically the Patriots are ranked 2nd worst in that category this year - and its not just 'physical defense' type stuff - it has been false starts, offsides on kickoffs that type of thing.

Browner is going to pick up his share of penalties - all DB's are having to learn how to skate on the edge of PI in order to give themselves half a chance to make a play on the ball.

The hit on Emmanuel Sanders by that Rams safety was the perfect example of where the rules are headed - Manning throws a wounded duck that the receiver has to lay out for - what is the safety going to do? Concede the 40 yard pass or try and break it up?

The coaches have been fantastic this year - Belichick will never win it - but it has been COTY type stuff from him - this waiver wire picks ups and FA's/trades have been outstanding this year - contributors all over the field.

So what else drives me nuts? The Brady deep ball - if I had a dollar for every over thrown deep ball over the last 5 years i'd have...well..okay...perhaps only 30 extra dollars...but so annoying all the same. ;)

It was a badly thrown deep ball to Welker that effectively cost us the last SB - I know Welker should have made that play - but jesus, it was a toally blown coverage the ball didn't have to be in a tight window....anyhow..there ya go. :)


Nov 24, 2014
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Welcome, good to have great fans from opposing teams on the forum.

I guarantee that the Patriots will put Browner on Nelson and Revis will cover Cobb.

My main concern in this game is Gronk. The Packers have had troubles covering TEs all season long and we don't have anyone capable of covering that guy one on one.

Thanks for the kind welcome.

I don't think there is a single player in the NFL that can cover Gronk 1 on 1 - if you go light with a DB they'll kill you with his blocking, if you go LBer they'll run him down the seam and kill you that way.

The only thing to do is bracket him as much as possible - Lions did that twice in the EZ yesterday and left Tim Wright wide open for the TD both times - its not an easy challenge.

I'll take your word on the Browner/Nelson thing - should be a fun match-up - general wisdom round here is that you have to beat the Patriots with your 3rd/4th options - Green Bay have been pretty deep with WR's last few years - is it the same this year?


Feng Shui Debunker
Sep 29, 2014
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Thanks for the kind welcome.

I don't think there is a single player in the NFL that can cover Gronk 1 on 1 - if you go light with a DB they'll kill you with his blocking, if you go LBer they'll run him down the seam and kill you that way.

The only thing to do is bracket him as much as possible - Lions did that twice in the EZ yesterday and left Tim Wright wide open for the TD both times - its not an easy challenge.

I'll take your word on the Browner/Nelson thing - should be a fun match-up - general wisdom round here is that you have to beat the Patriots with your 3rd/4th options - Green Bay have been pretty deep with WR's last few years - is it the same this year?
Adams is coming 0n but has not been relied on much. I do think Rodgers likes him. Not sure he trusts him just yet. But that has potential.
He atm is our #3 as I can tell. Good potential with Adams. He's a rookie.

Deleted member 6794

I'll take your word on the Browner/Nelson thing - should be a fun match-up - general wisdom round here is that you have to beat the Patriots with your 3rd/4th options - Green Bay have been pretty deep with WR's last few years - is it the same this year?

Davante Adams (second round pick this year) has had some nice games but has disappeared since the bye week, Jarrett Boykin has regressed since last season and doesn't see a lot of snaps anymore. While our TEs have improved over the last few games no one would lose sleep over any of them.

My best guess is that Adams will see a lot of targets vs. the Patriots and it's possible rookie Jeff Janis (who has blazing speed) will finally see some action.