Julius Thomas for Randall Cobb?


Mar 13, 2014
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Broken Arrow, OK (Milwaukee born)
I have never really gotten over the comments GJ made about 12 and I probably never will. I wonder what he and his sister thought about those 2 perfect throws 12 made to him for touchdowns in the Super Bowl? Did Aaron read the coverage well enough on those plays Valyncia? Were those 2 plays "all about him" Greg? That guy is chicken bleep in my mind and his comments sounded to me like someone who wasn't happy he wasn't getting as much pub as the QB. Get over yourself 85. As they say loose lips sink ships and I am glad Greg got out of town. He didn't deserve to catch balls from AR anymore and a hungry, humble youngster named Cobb helped me forget about him quickly. Stay in Minnesota or go wherever you want Greg but this Packer fan wants no part of your act.


Nov 8, 2012
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Honest question. If Cobb is in somewhere like Minnesota, Oakland, or Cleveland, is he anything special/noticeable as far as a standout WR?

Deleted member 6794

Honest question. If Cobb is in somewhere like Minnesota, Oakland, or Cleveland, is he anything special/noticeable as far as a standout WR?

I don´t know but I hope we won´t find it out starting next season.


May 2, 2012
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Here's the question I think we should discuss: what does it cost you re-signing Cobb at say the flat 9M figure floating around? I am all for it, as I am a huge fan of him, however every contract decision has the ripple effect, what is his?


"We're going to relentlessly chase perfection."
Feb 4, 2015
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Cranston, RI
Honest question. If Cobb is in somewhere like Minnesota, Oakland, or Cleveland, is he anything special/noticeable as far as a standout WR?
Minnesota and/or Cleveland? No. Their offenses do not utilize the slot receiver well and neither team have a quarterback that can read that option at all really. Raider's have the potential to develop Derek Carr into that kind of quarterback that is capable of executing the slot effectively, but whether or not he can be developed to that level of QB has yet to be seen. I think Cobb would be dangerous in places like NE, Seattle, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Atlanta (maybe), Pittsburgh, KC...places with a developed QB in a style of offense that utilize the slot receiver in a way that does or could compliment Cobb. Is he worth 9 million to anyone besides the packers? I don't think so. I believe a team would be disappointed spending that much on a guy thats productivity realizes heavily on the quarterback's ability to read the defense (and AR is the best).


Jan 28, 2014
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Here's the question I think we should discuss: what does it cost you re-signing Cobb at say the flat 9M figure floating around? I am all for it, as I am a huge fan of him, however every contract decision has the ripple effect, what is his?

I think we have postitioned ourselves financially that a move like this shouldn't have any sort of ripple effect on the future. This is a pretty standard deal that for a quality player that we must keep around. All it's going to do is hamper what we can do in free agency which we weren't going to be a real player in anyways. For $9M per to get arguably the best FA WR on the market, assuming DT and Dez don't become free agents, to me is a no brainer.


May 2, 2012
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I think we have postitioned ourselves financially that a move like this shouldn't have any sort of ripple effect on the future. This is a pretty standard deal that for a quality player that we must keep around. All it's going to do is hamper what we can do in free agency which we weren't going to be a real player in anyways. For $9M per to get arguably the best FA WR on the market, assuming DT and Dez don't become free agents, to me is a no brainer.

So you don't see it in any way affecting the FA discussion of House, Bulaga, Williams, Guion, Raji and/or possibly re-negotiating with Peppers?

I mean I get it...but if it in any way would keep us from signing House and Bulaga I at minimum would have to give pause. Williams is running low in his tank as far as return on investment goes and House has proven in my mind fully capable of being solid if not special at times....and we all know Bulaga is a must. I guess my only caveat keeping me from saying unabashedly SIGN COBB is the fact if TT said we simply can't afford to sign him, House, Bulaga and either Raji/Guion (I don't think we absorb losing both unless Khyri steps up big) I would try to get a discounted rate from Cobb or have to let him walk. The reason I say that is I think this team can absorb losing him far more than it could absorb losing Bulaga, both Raji or Guion and House (Williams would only be a bandaid on a wound it hides for a year).

I pray Cobb/Bulaga/House & Guion or Raji all get signed and Peppers restructures realizing his chances at an SB ring are best here rather than cutting ties with him if TT threatens that. Who knows though....maybe TT and company see Hyde and Hayward fully capable of holding the fort down in the DB realm and we let House walk and possibly even Tramon...but to me neither of those two are outside DBs. I'll breathe easier once we have news one way or another on Cobb...because soon after that I bet Bulaga and House news is released as well.


Jan 28, 2014
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So you don't see it in any way affecting the FA discussion of House, Bulaga, Williams, Guion, Raji and/or possibly re-negotiating with Peppers?

I mean I get it...but if it in any way would keep us from signing House and Bulaga I at minimum would have to give pause. Williams is running low in his tank as far as return on investment goes and House has proven in my mind fully capable of being solid if not special at times....and we all know Bulaga is a must. I guess my only caveat keeping me from saying unabashedly SIGN COBB is the fact if TT said we simply can't afford to sign him, House, Bulaga and either Raji/Guion (I don't think we absorb losing both unless Khyri steps up big) I would try to get a discounted rate from Cobb or have to let him walk. The reason I say that is I think this team can absorb losing him far more than it could absorb losing Bulaga, both Raji or Guion and House (Williams would only be a bandaid on a wound it hides for a year).

I pray Cobb/Bulaga/House & Guion or Raji all get signed and Peppers restructures realizing his chances at an SB ring are best here rather than cutting ties with him if TT threatens that. Who knows though....maybe TT and company see Hyde and Hayward fully capable of holding the fort down in the DB realm and we let House walk and possibly even Tramon...but to me neither of those two are outside DBs. I'll breathe easier once we have news one way or another on Cobb...because soon after that I bet Bulaga and House news is released as well.

No I don't. Cutting Hawk and Jones, which is another must of this offseason, puts us at roughly $30M in cap space. They're going to have to make a decision on House and Tramon, I can't see both being back. There is plenty of money to get the guys we need to sign signed, I wouldn't wory too much about it. Have to remember too that a Peppers restructrure does not necesarially mean we're paying him less. Yes, we can lessen the blow of his cap hit this year to help sign guys we need to but all that means is it's getting more expensive to cut him next year. Not always a good thing to restructure, now if he's willing to take an outright pay cut then absolutely but there are other ramifications to just doing a restructure.


May 2, 2012
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No I don't. Cutting Hawk and Jones, which is another must of this offseason, puts us at roughly $30M in cap space. They're going to have to make a decision on House and Tramon, I can't see both being back. There is plenty of money to get the guys we need to sign signed, I wouldn't wory too much about it. Have to remember too that a Peppers restructrure does not necesarially mean we're paying him less. Yes, we can lessen the blow of his cap hit this year to help sign guys we need to but all that means is it's getting more expensive to cut him next year. Not always a good thing to restructure, now if he's willing to take an outright pay cut then absolutely but there are other ramifications to just doing a restructure.

Yeah Peppers I think either needs to be a downright cut or leave it alone as you described it just shifts more to next season and causes it to be more expensive then.

Deleted member 6794

So you don't see it in any way affecting the FA discussion of House, Bulaga, Williams, Guion, Raji and/or possibly re-negotiating with Peppers?

I mean I get it...but if it in any way would keep us from signing House and Bulaga I at minimum would have to give pause. Williams is running low in his tank as far as return on investment goes and House has proven in my mind fully capable of being solid if not special at times....and we all know Bulaga is a must. I guess my only caveat keeping me from saying unabashedly SIGN COBB is the fact if TT said we simply can't afford to sign him, House, Bulaga and either Raji/Guion (I don't think we absorb losing both unless Khyri steps up big) I would try to get a discounted rate from Cobb or have to let him walk. The reason I say that is I think this team can absorb losing him far more than it could absorb losing Bulaga, both Raji or Guion and House (Williams would only be a bandaid on a wound it hides for a year).

I pray Cobb/Bulaga/House & Guion or Raji all get signed and Peppers restructures realizing his chances at an SB ring are best here rather than cutting ties with him if TT threatens that. Who knows though....maybe TT and company see Hyde and Hayward fully capable of holding the fort down in the DB realm and we let House walk and possibly even Tramon...but to me neither of those two are outside DBs. I'll breathe easier once we have news one way or another on Cobb...because soon after that I bet Bulaga and House news is released as well.

IMO re-signing both Cobb and Bulaga is a must and the Packers should decide afterwards who else they´re going to bring back. I read somewhere that House is looking for a contract averaging at least $5 million per year, if that´s true I would let him test the market.

Deleted member 6794

Yeah Peppers I think either needs to be a downright cut or leave it alone as you described it just shifts more to next season and causes it to be more expensive then.

I have no idea why anyone would want the Packers to cut Peppers, he played an excellent season and hasn´t shown any signs of slowing down.


May 2, 2012
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downright price cut I mean, not cut....oh my word I want Peppers back next season more than Cobb to be honest. Until we put a burr in Perry's butt or find a replacement we gotta have him back.


Oct 5, 2014
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Rob gives good money comparisons, but even his mention of Janis doesn't make sense to me.

I sure wouldn't let Cobb go banking on Janis playing a huge role.

Or even Adams for that matter

I wouldn't let Cobb go for $9M per, this is a no-brainer right?

it is to me (a no brainer) if we can get him for close to what we paid for Nelson its a huge plus IMO.


Oct 5, 2014
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We don't know the accuracy of the 9M that Randall wants, though. If he wants 9M by all means we should be getting something done in the 8M-9M area. But there was a rumor last spring that Shields wanted 4 years and 24M. Which of course is a far cry from what he got.

Agreed, but if he really wants 9 million and he is not a Packer next year someone on the Packers staff (TT) will have messed up big time.


Dec 4, 2013
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Crooked Lake, Wisconsin
downright price cut I mean, not cut....oh my word I want Peppers back next season more than Cobb to be honest. Until we put a burr in Perry's butt or find a replacement we gotta have him back.

I'm glad you straightened that out because I nearly soiled my undergarments when I read "cut Peppers".

Yeap, I'd like to keep Cobb and Peppers and Bulaga and all of our other good guys.

Carry on........


Dec 27, 2014
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I was pleased with Adams’ rookie season. On a team where the #1 WR caught 98 balls for more than 1,500 yards and the #2 WR had 91 receptions for almost 1,300 yards, Adams had 38 catches for 446 yards and 3 TDs. And in two playoff games he had 8 catches for 124 yards for one TD and 5 first downs. Being on the same page with Rodgers means reading the coverage on the fly and that takes game experience so of course he had ups and downs typical of a rookie WR, particularly in the Packers system. (Remember on Cobb’s first TD from scrimmage he ran the wrong route.) And Adams justified his reputation for very good hands. But IMO optimism about Adams doesn’t have much to do with retaining Cobb because Cobb excels in the slot and the Packers offense requires two good wide outs and a slot receiver and since they have that in place...
I couldn't have said it better myself.


Jan 28, 2014
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MM comments about Janis make me wonder how hard we are going to go after Cobb. I think we’ll hold firm on a number, probably in that $8-10 per range, and if someone else is willing to pay more than he’s probably gone. That being said I’d still be shocked if Cobb isn’t on the team next year but it’s definitely not for sure. I’m about 95% sure Bulaga is back, I just can’t see them upsetting the continuity of the line that played so well last year, and he’s not going to break the bank, relatively speaking, like he would if he were a LT.
Peppers and Perry are most likely entering into their last years on the team so I just wonder if we don’t sign Cobb if use that money for a guy to replace one of them. Justin Houston perhaps? I'm spitballing with the Houston idea and I'm not usually one of the ones who wants big $ free agents signed but him and Clay would be a great duo.

Just something that came to me and thought I'd share. Feel free to rip apart as you all see fit. ;)


May 2, 2012
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MM comments about Janis make me wonder how hard we are going to go after Cobb. I think we’ll hold firm on a number, probably in that $8-10 per range, and if someone else is willing to pay more than he’s probably gone. That being said I’d still be shocked if Cobb isn’t on the team next year but it’s definitely not for sure. I’m about 95% sure Bulaga is back, I just can’t see them upsetting the continuity of the line that played so well last year, and he’s not going to break the bank, relatively speaking, like he would if he were a LT.
Peppers and Perry are most likely entering into their last years on the team so I just wonder if we don’t sign Cobb if use that money for a guy to replace one of them. Justin Houston perhaps? I'm spitballing with the Houston idea and I'm not usually one of the ones who wants big $ free agents signed but him and Clay would be a great duo.

Just something that came to me and thought I'd share. Feel free to rip apart as you all see fit. ;)

I feel the idea of us having a number we refuse to go over is definitely the TT approach to the Cobb thing. I also caught a hint of the same thing about Janis and MM. Time will tell but anymore it won't be a huge surprise either way this goes with Cobb because I see valid argument for both ways it could go.

The Bulaga thing in my mind is a must...just curious what that means in the future when Bahk is due? By then though Peppers' large salary will be off the table and a big LT contract if Bahk keeps going like he is will deserve.

Sad truth is here soon TT and others will have to get a stud OLB...between Perry not lighting it up, Peppers getting to that wall age does to you and Clay getting older each year and he already struggles with injuries....I say this year unless it is a reach Packers draft any LB OLB or ILB with our first pick, whichever is the best. And I wouldn't necessarily be mad if they did that again with our 2nd or 3rd pick.

Deleted member 6794

MM comments about Janis make me wonder how hard we are going to go after Cobb. I think we’ll hold firm on a number, probably in that $8-10 per range, and if someone else is willing to pay more than he’s probably gone. That being said I’d still be shocked if Cobb isn’t on the team next year but it’s definitely not for sure. I’m about 95% sure Bulaga is back, I just can’t see them upsetting the continuity of the line that played so well last year, and he’s not going to break the bank, relatively speaking, like he would if he were a LT.
Peppers and Perry are most likely entering into their last years on the team so I just wonder if we don’t sign Cobb if use that money for a guy to replace one of them. Justin Houston perhaps? I'm spitballing with the Houston idea and I'm not usually one of the ones who wants big $ free agents signed but him and Clay would be a great duo.

Just something that came to me and thought I'd share. Feel free to rip apart as you all see fit. ;)

I don't think McCarthy's comments about Janis have anything to do with his desire to re-sign Cobb. MM and TT told reporters at the Combine they both would love to have Randall back.

I wonder if Bulaga and his agent are thinking about asking for LT money. Last year the Packers wanted to move him to the left side before he got injured and I'm curious if there's any team out there possibly thinking about starting him there. In this case it would be way tougher to re-sign him.


Jul 29, 2013
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So you don't see it in any way affecting the FA discussion of House, Bulaga, Williams, Guion, Raji and/or possibly re-negotiating with Peppers?

and we all know Bulaga is a must.

The concern over re-signing Bulaga is a little overblown. Rodgers is a great QB. Great QBs don't need great olines. What was the last team that won a Super Bowl and also had an elite oline? That's an honest question, I can't recall.

The Packers started Marshall Newhouse at LT for 13 games and went 15-1...that alone should tell you how "necessary" it is to have really good tackles.

I want the Packers to re-sign Bulaga, it's nice to have a great oline. But it's not necessary. If the choice is signing Cobb or Bulaga, it's Cobb by a mile and not even close. Could someone please explain why Bulaga re-signing is so important? I mean, real actual facts. Not "we need to keep Rodgers healthy" because there are a LOT of ways the offense can compensate for having to help a right tackle (e.g., chipping, quick throws, etc) and I haven't yet seen any real evidence that shows right tackle performance is strongly linked to team performance.


Jul 29, 2013
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I don't think McCarthy's comments about Janis have anything to do with his desire to re-sign Cobb. MM and TT told reporters at the Combine they both would love to have Randall back.

I wonder if Bulaga and his agent are thinking about asking for LT money. Last year the Packers wanted to move him to the left side before he got injured and I'm curious if there's any team out there possibly thinking about starting him there. In this case it would be way tougher to re-sign him.

Bulaga is by far the best free-agent OT this year and team's know the Packers planned to start him at LT. Bulaga and his agent would have to be idiots to not ask for LT money. Mind you, I'm not saying they will definitely get LT money, just that it's obvious they should ask for it (which would mean he will hit free agency since the Packers won't give him LT money).

Deleted member 6794

Bulaga is by far the best free-agent OT this year and team's know the Packers planned to start him at LT. Bulaga and his agent would have to be idiots to not ask for LT money. Mind you, I'm not saying they will definitely get LT money, just that it's obvious they should ask for it (which would mean he will hit free agency since the Packers won't give him LT money).

Well, on the other hand a GM signing him to a deal for LT money has to be an idiot as well as he hasn't played a single snap in the league there.

Unfortunately it only takes one desperate GM to offer him a deal like that.


Dec 20, 2014
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I have no problems letting Bulaga walk for left tackle money. I'd rather he come back, but I'll move on and not look back if he is wanting or gets that money somewhere else.

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